silEnT Online Manual

silEnT Server Manual

Updated for silEnT 0.3.3

Server CVAR Reference
Statistics / Rankings Terms
Server Console Commands
User Database
Settings File / Banners
Forcing Client Settings
Announcement Sounds
Change Log

Table of all server cvars

Announcements and Messages
g_privateMessages g_spreeOptions g_multikillTime g_obituary
g_dropMsg g_landmineNotifyType
User Database, XP Save, Shrubbot and Bans
g_dbDirectory g_dbUserMaxAge g_XPSave g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp
g_XPSaveMaxAge g_maxXP g_maxXPResetWarn g_damageXP
g_damageXPLevel g_XPDecay g_XPDecayRate g_XPDecayFloor
g_minCommandWaitTime g_tyranny g_warningOptions g_maxWarnings
g_warningDecay g_autoTempBan g_autoTempBanTime g_minConnectLevel
g_greetingPos g_punkBuster g_identOptions
Flood Protection
g_floodprotect g_floodthreshold g_floodWait g_voiceChatsAllowed
Player Statistics, Rating and Team Balance
g_playerRating_mapPad g_playerRating_minplayers g_stats g_shuffle_rating
g_killRating g_playerRating g_unevenTeamDiff g_unevenTeamFreq
Team and Match Restrictions
team_maxPanzers team_maxMortars team_maxFlamers team_maxMG42s
team_maxGrenLaunchers team_maxMedics team_maxEngineers team_maxFieldOps
team_maxCovertOps g_teamDamageRestriction g_minHits g_minAirstrikeTime
g_minArtyTime g_maxTeamLandmines g_maxTeamTripmines g_minGameClients
Team Death Match (TDM)
g_TDMType g_TDMOptions g_TDMScore g_TDMObjBonus
Custom Configs
g_mapConfigs g_mapScriptDirectory g_campaignFile g_settings
g_censor g_censorNames g_censorPenalty g_censorNeil
g_censorNeilNames g_censorMuteTime g_censorXP
g_voting vote_limit vote_percent vote_allow_comp
vote_allow_gametype vote_allow_kick vote_allow_map vote_allow_matchreset
vote_allow_mutespecs vote_allow_nextmap vote_allow_pub vote_allow_referee
vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp vote_allow_swapteams vote_allow_friendlyfire vote_allow_timelimit
vote_allow_warmupdamage vote_allow_antilag vote_allow_balancedteams vote_allow_muting
vote_allow_surrender vote_allow_restartcampaign vote_allow_nextcampaign vote_allow_poll
vote_allow_maprestart vote_allow_shufflenorestart vote_allow_cointoss vote_allow_putspec
vote_block_maprestart vote_block_matchreset vote_block_shuffleteamsxp vote_block_shufflenorestart
vote_block_nextmap vote_block_swapteams vote_block_surrender vote_block_map
vote_block_timelimit vote_block_poll vote_block_nextcampaign vote_block_restartcampaign
g_mapVoteFlags g_maxMapsVotedFor g_minMapAge g_resetXPMapCount
g_excludedMaps g_noVoteTime g_voteResultsMinLevel g_votedMuteLength
Weapons, Classes and Skills
g_poison g_poisonFlags g_medics g_medicHealthRegen
g_throwableKnives g_maxKnives g_knifeChargeTime g_constructibleXPSharing
g_asblock g_panzersSpeed g_panzersGravity g_dyno
g_canisterKick g_canisterKickOwner g_reflectFriendlyFire g_reflectFFWeapons
g_friendlyFireOpts g_staminaRecharge g_mineid g_medicSelfhealTime
g_maxPanzerSuicides g_panzerPackDistance g_weapons g_classWeapons
g_mg42 g_coverts g_enableTMines skill_soldier
skill_medic skill_engineer skill_fieldops skill_covertops
skill_battlesense skill_lightweapons g_panzersVulnerable
Weapon Damage and Radius Settings
g_dmgKnife g_dmgSten g_dmgFG42 g_dmgPisto
g_dmgSMG g_dmgMG42 g_dmgMG g_dmgFG42Scope
g_dmgInfRifle g_dmgSniper g_dmgFlamer g_dmgGrenade
g_dmgGrenadeRadius g_dmgGLauncher g_dmgGLauncherRadius g_dmgTMine
g_dmgLandmine g_dmgLandmineRadius g_dmgSatchel g_dmgSatchelRadius
g_dmgPanzer g_dmgPanzerRadius g_dmgMortar g_dmgMortarRadius
g_dmgDynamite g_dmgDynamiteRadius g_dmgAir g_dmgAirRadius
g_dmgArty g_dmgArtyRadius g_dmg g_dmgHeadShotMin
g_dmgHeadShotRatio g_knifeThrowDamage g_dmgPPSh
g_packDistance g_dropHealth g_dropAmmo g_tossDistance
g_intermissionTime g_intermissionReadyPercent g_skills g_misc
g_skipCorrection g_maxWarp g_moverScale g_slashKill
g_maxSelfkills g_ammoCabinetTime g_healthCabinetTime g_spectator
g_truePing g_dropObj g_doubleJumpHeight g_serverInfo
g_fear g_realHead g_inactivity g_spectatorInactivity
g_gametype g_spoofOptions g_antilagDelay g_fixedphysics
g_fixedphysicsfps g_maxNameChanges g_disableComplaints g_watermark
g_watermarkFadeAfter g_watermarkFadeTime g_antiwarp g_panzerwar
g_sniperwar g_riflewar g_countryFlags g_noSkillUpgrades
g_flushItems g_maxConnsPerIP shoutcastPassword g_headshot
g_instagibDamage g_inactivityOptions g_ettvFlags g_mode
g_hitsounds g_playDead g_shove g_shoveNoZ
g_dragCorpse g_classChange g_forceLimboHealth g_goomba
g_goombaFlags g_spawnInvul g_spawnInvulFair g_spinCorpse
g_logOptions g_logAdmin
omnibot_enable omnibot_path g_bot_maxXP g_bot_minPlayers
lua_modules lua_allowedModules

Server CVAR Reference

Announcements and Messages


If set to 1, players can send private messages to one another with the m command.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0
Clients can reject private message from other individual clients with the /ignore client command. Also, private messages can be disabled from individuals/levels using shrubbot flag '/'.


Options to control the display of killingsprees.
Type: bitmask
1Enable killingsprees
2Enable killingspree ends
4Enable multikills
8When set, a top 3 current killing sprees message will be printed every minute, similar to binoc masters, and a map's longest killing spree will be printed every two minutes
16At the beginning of the intermission the highest spree and the 3 highest sprees which are still active will be shown
32/kill will end a spree
64Teamswitching will end a spree
128Multikill messages will be delayed g_multikillTime milliseconds, to prevent the doublekill -> multikill -> megakill -> etc. flooding
256Killing bots doesn't count for multikills or killingsprees (Note: they DO count for ending kill/deathsprees)
512Display the map and overall spree record when entering intmission
1024Summary: don't enable this flag if you don't have enabled g_spreeOptions flag 512 OR g_XPSave flag 16 or Shrubbot flag t
Spree records are automatically saved into XPSave file when a map ends. By enabling this flag, you also store the spreerecord at the points where g_XPSave flag 16 would store XP. When you don't have set XPSave flag 16 and g_spreeOptions flag 512 and not allow users to use !spreerecord you should NOT set this flag as it takes some extra resources. When XPSave flag 16 is set this doesn't matter (it actually takes much less resources then). When only g_spreeOptions flag 512 or shrubbot flag t is set it won't do much harm anyway (your server won't explode)
2048Enable revivesprees ([revive] blocks)
Default: 0


The time (in milliseconds) in which two kills should be made in order to count them as multikills.
Type: integer
Default: 1000


This cvar controls will the server send obituary events to the clients. If this is set to 0, no obituary events will be sent. If set to any nonzero value, obituary events will be sent.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1


Message to add to the drop screen when a client is kicked or banned.
Type: string
Default: ""


Decide which landmine reveal notifications server should send.

Server can send two types of landmines reveal notification. Standard one, generated (sent) for each landmine revealed and summary one,
which is sent after player spotting landmines stops using binoculars.
It's generated after each binculars zoom.

Type: [0|1|2|3]
0Only standard notfications (for each landmine revealed).
1Only single summary notifications for one binocs zoom. New type of notification.
For example: during one binocs zoom, 3 mines were revealed, but only 1 summary notification is sent. It contains information: 3 mines spotted by "player name" and last one was in location "some location".
2Don't send any landmine notifications.
3Send all notifications.
For example: for 3 spotted landmines send 4 notifications (3 for each landmine + 1 summary notification).
Default: 3

User Database, XP Save, Shrubbot and Bans


If set the server stores various information about server statistics, map information, sprees, users, bans and XP save. To use any of the functionalities, this must be set. The cvar defines a directory and only a directory that is relative to fs_game. All the used filenames are predefined and cannot be changed. For security reasons, this cvar must be set during server initialisation. (i.e. It may not be changed when the server is running.) In this directory there can be 5 files, depending of other server settings.
  • userdb.db is a binary format file that contain all the required information about shrubbot users and also all saved XP if the server is set to save XP
  • userxdb.db is a binary format file that contain related to players playing on the server
  • serverstat.cfg is a human readable file that contain server statistics and map sprees if the server is set to store them
  • shrubbot.cfg is a human readable file that contain level configurations, custom commands and bans
  • mapvoteinfo.cfg This file contains information relating g_gametype 6, which is map voting.

All the required files will be created automatically to the folder when needed if there aren't any suitable files already present.

You can freely edit the human readable files by hand as long as their correct format remains and the server is notified of the changes using appropriate shrubbot commands. With the exceptions of serverstat.cfg and mapvoteinfo.cfg that will be overwritten by the server. If you want to hand edit the values of these files, the server be shutdown.
Type: string
Default: "database"
The server reads the value of this cvar only from the config file or from the command line. It cannot be edited using RCON. If you want to store all the files in the same root directory where all the pk3 files and binaries are, you can set this cvar to value ".". It will then use the fs_game directory.


The number of seconds that user is saved to the database since any data of this user was last saved to database.

The database cleaning is done during intermission so this should not cause any performance problems when actions are taken. However, by setting this value to 0 or not setting the value at all, will disable the feature.
For servers with high database sizes, this can improve performance since users that are not needed will be removed automatically.

You can use a modifiers with this value. Here are some examples:

set g_dbUserMaxAge "1o" - 1 month
set g_dbUserMaxAge "2w" - 2 weeks
set g_dbUserMaxAge "5d" - 5 days
set g_dbUserMaxAge "36h" - 36 hours
set g_dbUserMaxAge "120m" - 120 minutes

Type: integer
Default: 0


Controls XP save behaviours.
Type: bitmask
1Store xp when a client disconnects. This is always required for the XP save to work.
2Don't reset xp to the pre-map start values on a map restart, shuffle, etc.
4Never reset xp (ever).
8Force the disconnection of clients with the same GUID as the connecting client. This is useful in saving the stored XP of players with unreliable network connections since they should still get their stored XP even if reconnecting immediately with a new IP address.
This feature is enabled by default unless you have sv_wwwDlDisconnected enabled. sv_wwwDlDisconnected seems to interfere with this feature, so do not enable this flag if you change pk3's on your server often because stored XP will be lost over disconencted downloads.
16Store the XP at restarts, nextmaps, mapvotes, campaignvotes and similar cases.
Default: 0
Storing XP requires PunkBuster GUID. However, XP save is safe to use even if all players wouldn't have GUIDs


The number of seconds that must pass without a connection from this player before XPSave forgets his/her xp skills.

You can use a modifier with this value. Here are some examples:

set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "1o" - 1 month
set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "2w" - 2 weeks
set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "5d" - 5 days
set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "36h" - 36 hours
set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "120m" - 120 minutes

Type: integer
Default: 1d
If g_XPSaveMaxAge is less than g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp, g_XPSaveMaxAge will be used.


The number of seconds that must pass without a connection from this player before XPSave forgets his/her skills/killrating/playerrating/mute status.

You can use a modifier for this value. Here are some examples:

set g_XPSaveMaxAge "1o" - 1 month
set g_XPSaveMaxAge "2w" - 2 weeks
set g_XPSaveMaxAge "5d" - 5 days
set g_XPSaveMaxAge "36h" - 36 hours
set g_XPSaveMaxAge "120m" - 120 minutes

See also g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp

Type: integer
Default: 1w



This is a vicious cvar that will reset a players XP once their overall XP score reaches it.

Set this to -1 to disable it.

Type: integer
Default: -1



Displays a message warning players whose XP is close to being reset due to the g_maxXP setting. The warning is displayed every thirty seconds once the warning threshold is passed.

This setting can have an integer value (eg, 950), in which case it means that the player will be warned every thirty seconds once he has more than 950 XP.

This setting can also have percentage value (eg, "90%"), and that will cause the warnings to start when the player reaches 90% of g_maxXP XP.

If you specify a negative value, players will be warned when that offset is hit. For example:

For a value of -75, warnings will to display then players have g_maxXP - 75 XP

For a value of -2%, warnings will display when players have 98% of g_maxXP

Set this to 0 to disable it.

Type: integer
Default: 0


Optionally enables the awarding of XP based upon the amount of damage a player has done to the opposing team.
Type: integer
0Disabled: use normal ET XP awarding methods
11 point of XP is awarded per g_damageXPLevel points of damage done. The XP is placed in the skill category of the weapon used. When this mode is enabled, kills (regardless of method) are awarded a fixed value of 1 point of XP.
21 point of XP is awarded per g_damageXPLevel points of damage done. The XP is placed in the Battle Sense category. Normal XP amounts are awarded for kills (typically 3-5 XP).
Default: 0


This setting determines the amount of damage that a player must do to earn 1 point of XP. See g_damageXP for additional information.

Type: integer
Default: 50


This is a bitmask that controls the XP decay feature.

See also g_XPDecayRate.

Type: bitmask
1Enable XP Decay
2Do not decay a player's XP when they are disconnected from the server
4Do not decay a player's XP for the class they are currently playing as (e.g. Medic).
8Do not decay a player's XP while they are spectating
16Do not decay a player's XP during warmup/intermission
32Do not decay a player's XP when he/she is playing. This means that they are on a Allies or Axis and the game is active.
64Do not decay a player's Battle Sense XP when he/she is playing.
128Do not decay a player's Light Weapons XP when he/she is playing.
Default: 0



This is the rate (in skillpoints per second) that XP skill points for each skill will decay when g_XPDecay is enabled.

Setting this to 0.1 would result in a player losing 6 points per minute IN ALL SKILLS, so up to 42XP per minute if the player has skill points for each skill.

You can use a modifier with this value. Here are some examples:

set g_xpDecayRate "5000/o" - Decay 5000xp per skill per month
set g_xpDecayRate "1000/w" - Decay 1000xp per skill per week
set g_xpDecayRate "500/d" - Decay 500xp per skill per day
set g_xpDecayRate "40/h" - Decay 40xp per skill per hour
set g_xpDecayRate "2/m" - Decay 2xp per skill per minute

Type: float
Default: 0.0



This is the minimum that any particular skill can be reduced to by g_XPDecay.

For example, setting this to 140.0 will ensure that no player will ever lose rank or skill levels due to g_XPDecay.

Type: float
Default: 0.0


Time you have to wait between using 2 shrubbot commands in milliseconds.
Type: integer
Default: 0



This cvar controls the use of administrator commands that could be used by admins to cheat or abuse players. If it is set to 0 you will not be able to use commands on your server such as !gib, !slap, !burn, etc.

Also, you will not be able to use g_logOptions flag 256 (log private messages) unless g_tyranny is enabled.

g_tyranny must also be enabled in order to specify a client in using the 'playsound' server command.

'g_tyranny' and its value appear in the serverInfo string to serve as a warning for perspective players.

Type: [0|1]
Default: 0
If you enable this, you MUST do so immediately when the server starts (before the first map is loaded). This means putting "set g_tyranny 1" in the .cfg file that is exec'ed on server start. If you try to change this on a running server, you will get the message "g_tyranny is read only."


This cvar changes the behaviour of the shrubbot !warn command. By setting flag 1 or 2 you activate the advanced warning (storage) system
Type: bitmask
1Link stored warnings to the guid of a player
2Link stored warnings to the ip of the player
4Remove the oldest warning when the total maximum ammount of warnings is reached
8Auto-kick a player for 2 minutes when he has more than g_maxWarnings warnings
16Allow clients to see their own warnings with the /warnings command
Default: 0


The ammount of warnings that can be stored for 1 player.
Type: integer
Default: 3


The time in hours that a warning will be stored.
Type: integer
Default: 24


When set, anyone kicked for the reasons you specify, will be temporarily banned for g_autoTempBanTime seconds.
Type: bitmask
1Tempban when reaching g_teamDamageRestriction
2Tempban when someone is kicked by a shrubbot admin (using the !kick command). A normal shrubbot !kick kicks for 120 seconds
4Tempban when someone is kicked by the advanced warning system. A normal kick by the warning system lasts 120 seconds
Default: 0


The number of seconds kicked for when g_autoTempBan is set.
Type: integer
Default: 1800


The minimum shrubbot adminlevel required for players to be able to connect.
Type: integer
Default: 0
This only works for positive levels, any value <= 0 will allow everyone to connect. Bots won't be able to connect either.


Location where the shrubbot greetings are displayed.
Type: [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 ]
0Chat area
1Center of screen
2Left notification area
3Top of the screen
4Console only
Default: 0


Starting from the version 0.3.0, the silEnT mod admins can use g_punkBuster server cvar. With this cvar, admins can either force clients to enable PunkBuster or deny players without GUIDs to enter the server. The values cannot be used in combination and they have no effect if the server is running PunkBuster.

The possibility to deny players without GUID to enter is important because the silEnT mod no longer enforces bans without GUIDs to all players without GUIDs. IP and client identification is still used with guidless bans. Also, an informative message is displayed to the player as what was the real reason he couldn't connect.

The possibility to enable the client PunkBuster is important for the servers without running the PunkBuster themselves. This allows the players to be stored in the database and save XP if they have PunkBuster GUID from playing some server with PunkBuster enabled. If the client doesn't have punkbuster installed, this flag has no effect and it doesn't deny the player from connecting to the server. Also, silEnT mod doesn't do anything else but enables the client PunkBuster. The GUID must be acquired in the normal way.

The values do not work well in combination because the player will get denied access to the server before his PunkBuster starts if the value 2 is set.

Type: bitmask
1Enable client PunkBuster
2Do not allow players without GUIDs to enter the server
Default: 0


Starting from version 0.3.0, the silEnT mod can be configured to enforce bans using hardware based identification. This is not any fool proof system but it is made to be an addition to the already existing ban methods. The hardware identification cannot be seen in human readable form by admins while on the server. The data that is sent to the server can be seen in the client by making /cg_ident in the console. That is a hexadecimal string which changes its value between maps. The format and data used to create the client Identification may change between the versions of the silEnT mod. The server can be configured with the g_identOptions server cvar.
Type: bitmask
1Kick clients that are spoofing the client identification to enter the server
2Kick clients that are not sending the identification to the server
4Enforce bans using the identification
8Report all actions taken based on client identification to the adminchat
Default: 0

Flood Protection


Enable/disable silEnT flood protect. Flooding means that a client is sending too many messages to the server (vsays, callvotes, etc...). Enabling g_floodprotect disables the engine's sv_floodprotect functionality. If you enable g_floodprotect, make sure you set a value for g_floodthreshold.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1


The number of messages per second before ignoring the client's messages. Only in effect when g_floodprotect is turned on.
Type: integer
Default: 6


The minimum number of milliseconds between two messages when g_floodprotect is enabled. This is a hard limit so admins aren't allowed to override it. 1000 milliseconds copies sv_floodprotect behaviour. This CVAR should not have a value below 500 in order to keep a public server playable.
Type: integer
Default: 1000


The number of voicechats allowed in minute?? (Undocumented ETPub cvar).
Type: integer
Default: 4

Player Statistics, Rating and Team Balance



On an silEnT installation with little statistics history, !howfair will not print out very accurate data. g_playerRating_mapPad is a cvar that attempts to stabilize early !howfair results by adding a number of fake wins to each team. If you set it to 50, it starts with Axis = 50, Allies = 50 wins. This yields a map rating of 50% for both teams on that map. For every 2 real games played, 1 map pad value is ignored. So after 100 games, map pad is ignored (replaced with real games).

The higher map pad, the longer the values will stay near 50-50.

Type: integer
Default: 50


The minimum number of players that must participate in a map in order for it to count towards each player's player rating.
Type: integer
Default: 8


This is a bitflag cvar used to control the way statistics are handled.
Type: bitmask
1When shooting a corpse to gib, do not count it as a hit.
2When shooting a corpse to gib, do not count it as a shot.
Default: 0
Set this to 3 to use the behaviour of etmain and shrubet.


Sets the rating system used by shuffle.
Type: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]
1Use player XP
2Use the rate at which players have gained XP since connecting.
3Use the killRating (g_killRating must be nonzero)
4Use the playerRating (g_playerRating must be nonzero)
5Use the playerRating (g_playerRating must be nonzero), but take the map into account and give the teams closest to 50/50
Default: 3



When not set to 0 silEnT will track a player's killing ability using an ELO type statistic similar to chess. Each kill will increase a player's kill rating based on how hard the kill was. Killing unskilled players will result in very few points whereas an unskilled player killing a skilled player will result in more points. Kill rating also takes into account the weapon used (less for arty, more for knife).

See also g_shuffle_rating.

Type: bitmask
1Use kill rating. A dummy flag since any non-zero value for g_killRating will enable it.
2Make kill rating visible. Players can use /killrating and at the end of each map a message will display the top killers for the map and overall.
4Log files will include the GUIDs of the players involved in kills. This makes kill tracking a lot easier.
Default: 3



When not set to non zero positive value, silEnT will track a player's ability to win against good teams using an ELO type statistic similar to chess. Each win will increase a player's rating based on how hard the opposing team was. Skilled teams defeating less skilled teams will result in very few points whereas an relatively low- rated team defeating a good team will result in more points. Player rating also takes into account the number of players on each team (less points when a very large defeats a small one) and which side tends to win more often on the current map (e.g. Allies tend to win tc_base).

See also g_shuffle_rating.

Type: bitmask
1Use player rating. A dummy flag since any non-zero value for g_playerRating will enable it.
2Make player rating visible. Players can use /playerrating and at the end of each map a message will display the top player.
4Put player rating on the scoreboard instead of the XP.
8Print out extra info at the end of a round that can be used to further refine the playerrating model.
16The same as flag 8 except a lot more info is output.
Default: 3


If g_teamForceBalance is set, setting g_unevenTeamDiff will notify all players when team numbers are off by g_unevenTeamDiff or more. See also g_unevenTeamFreq

Set to 0 to disable this feature

Type: integer
Default: 0


>How often the team disparity notification occurs. Only valid when g_unevenTeamDiff is set to a positive value. Value is in seconds.

See also g_unevenTeamDiff

Type: integer
Default: 30

Team and Match Restrictions







Server cvars team_maxPanzers, team_maxMortars, team_maxFlamers, team_maxMG42s, team_maxGrenLaunchers have identical behaviour.

Limits the number of the given weapon per team.

You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up

You can also use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Only use integer values like 1 or 2 and NOT 1.0 or 2.5. If you refuse to do this and use a . in your cvar, the client will not display the restriction in the right way and people might not be able to use heavy weapons while they actually are available!

Example:set team_maxFlamers "2" This will limit each team to 2 flamethrowers, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example:set team_maxFlamers "10%"This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team with few players (for example, 5) will be able to have 1 flamethrower. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when they have 11 players on the team.

Example:set team_maxFlamers "10%-"This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team will not be able to have any flamethrowers until there are 10 players in the team. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when there are 20 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits

Type: integer
Default: -1





Restricts the number of players that can play a specific class / team. You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up

You can use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Example:set team_maxMedics "5" This will limit each team to 5 medics, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example:set team_maxMedics "15%"This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team with few players (for example, 3) will be able to have 1 medic. They will be able to have their second medic when they have 7 players on the team.

Example:set team_maxMedics "15%-"This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team will not be able to have medics until there are 7 players in the team. They will be able to have their second medic when there are 14 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits

Type: string
Default: -1


When greater than 0, anybody that has this percentage of hits inflicted on a teammate will automatically be kicked. A minimum of g_minhits hits total required before this is calculated. Client can see current stats for themselves by doing a /damage in console. Implemented to mimic shrub behavior as much as is possible, there are other ways to implement this feature, which may be implemented in addition to current manner.
Type: integer
Default: 0


Minimum number of damaging hits required before calculating if player has reached g_teamDamageRestriction threshold. Flamethrower and landmine hits are adjusted similar to shrub. Medics get -2 hits for every revive.
Type: integer
Default: 6


The time (in seconds) that must elapse between airstrikes PER TEAM.
Type: integer
Default: 10


The time (in seconds) that must elapse between airtillery strikes PER TEAM. Attempts to do airstrike before the timeout will get "Insuffient fire support" message.
Type: integer
Default: 10


Sets the maximum number of landmines a team can have planted at any given time. This value should be 0 or greater.
Type: integer
Default: 10


Sets the maximum number of tripmines a team can have planted at any given time. This value should be 0 or greater.
Type: integer
Default: 3


The number of clients needed to start a match.
Type: integer
Default: 0


The maximum allowed amount of active clients.
Type: integer
Default: 0

Team Death Match (TDM)


The type of the played Team Death Match.
Type: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
1Map ends only when timelimit hits
2Map ends when either the target score is reached or the timelimit hits
3Map ends only when the target score is reached
Default: 0


Possible options for the played Team Death Match.
Type: bitmask
1Map voting is enabled during the intermission (i.e. The players vote for the next map to play during the intermission.)
2Completing the map objective will give the team score bonus that is controlled by the g_TDMObjBonus server cvar
4Teams get negative points when they do selfkills or teamkills
8Players cannot selfkill during the TDM. Regardless of other selfkill settings the server has configured
Default: 5


This is the target score the teams attempt to make to win the game in TDM game types 2 and 3.
Type: integer
Default: 100


This is the value that is added to the team score if the team completes the map objective. Adding the bonus does not depend of the TDM type.
Type: integer
Default: 20

Custom Configs



On each map load, the silEnT server will execute 2 configs if possible. The default.cfg and after that a map specifig config file [mapname].cfg. For example if you set g_mapConfigs to 'mapcfg', when the map fueldump starts, the server will try to exec 'mapcfg/fueldump.cfg'.

Set this to "" to disable it.

Set this to "." to look for the cfg file in the current directory (fs_home_path).

When in g_gametype 6 mode (Map Voting) and g_resetXPMapCount is set, an additional file named vote_X.cfg is also exec'ed. X indicates the position of the next map in the campaign. For example, vote_2.cfg will exec'ed such that when map 1 ends, any cvars in vote_2.cfg will affect map voting for map 2.

Type: string
Default: ""



Similar to ETPro's b_mapscriptsdirectory. Set it to the name of a directory in your fs_path that contains custom map scripts.

For example you can copy the 'etpromapscripts' directory from the ETPro distribution to your 'silent' directory and add:

set g_mapScriptDirectory "etpromapscripts"
to your cfg.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you use the map scripts distributed with silEnT or ETPub since these updated scripts fix very important bugs in some of the original map scripts.

Setting g_mapScriptDirectory to "" disables any use of map .script files.

Type: string
Default: ""



Similar to ETPro's b_campaignFile. If you set this to the name of a file in your fs_path it will be interpreted as a .campaign script and all other .campaign scripts in your pk3 files will be ignored.

This is useful for making custom campaigns since you don't need to offer a pk3 file containing a custom .campaign script for all clients to download. However, if the client has not downloaded this .campaign file in a pk3, they will not see information about the campaign. Such information includes:

  • will not display in the VOTE -> MAP list
  • map locations will not draw on the map of Europe.
  • campaign description will not draw in the right panel
  • total number of maps and current maps order in the campaign will not be shown in the intermission screens.

Also, even though the built-in campaigns cmpgn_centraleurope and cmpgn_northafrica will not be valid, they will still appear in the client's VOTE -> MAP menu. If a vote for one of them passes, nothing will happen.

Setting this to "" disables it.

Type: string
Default: ""


This should be set to the name of your settings.cfg file if you want to enable banners. See settings documentation for more information about this file.


set g_settings "settings.cfg"

Type: string
Default: ""



A comma delimited string of words that will be censored from chat.
Type: string
Default: ""


A comma delimited string of words that will be censored from player names.
Type: string
Default: ""


This controls the censoring behaviour.
Type: bitmask
1Kill the player
2Kick players with names containing words in g_censorNames
4Kill, but don't gib
8Auto-mute for g_censorMuteTime [60] seconds
16Lose the amount of xp specified in g_censorXP
Default: 0
If you use both 1 and 4, it will gib (like shrub did).


Use Neil Toronto's censor filter. It'll catch some symbol and number replacements, and spaces now. It also adds some common words and common words with "swears" in them that should really be OK. For example, it will not censor "assassin" but it will censor "ass".
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Use Neil Toronto's censor filter for player names. See g_censorNeil description for details.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


The number of seconds to auto-mute as a censor penalty. Only works if bitflag 8 is added to g_censorPenalty.
Type: integer
Default: 60


The amount of XP to lose as a censor penalty. Only works if bitflag 16 is added to g_censorPenalty.
Type: integer
Default: 5



Control voting behaviour.
Type: bitmask
1Votes will pass on the number of votes cast rather than total eligible voters.
2Votes that pass do not count against the vote_limit for the caller.
4" (called by NAME)" is appended to the vote description where NAME is the name of the player that called the vote.
8Show the number of YES and NO votes after a votes has passed or failed. This also shows if a vote is canceled or passed by an admin.
Default: 0


This value defines how many votes one player can invoke during one map.
Type: integer
Default: 5


The required percentage of yes votes for the vote to pass.
Type: integer
Default: 50


























All vote_allow_* cvars behave identical. Cvars that restrict the rights of players to use the respective /callvote command.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1













All vote_allow_* cvars behave identical. Cvars that define the time in seconds, how long each respective vote is allowed from the start of map. Each integer value is independent. When set to 0, the votes are not blocked at all.
Type: integer
Default: 300


Ways to change how map voting works
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)
Type: bitmask
1Changes the tie breaker so that the map not played in the longest wins
2Intermission doesn't end until g_intermissionReadyPercent people have voted. If there are no players connected to the server, intermission will end at the timeout. (WARNING: This means that if there are spectators connected and not voting, the next map will not load until those spectators either vote, disconnect, or get kicked by the system)
4Multi vote: Allows everybody to vote for 3 maps instead of one, first choice map gets 3 votes, second choice gets 2, third choice gets one
8Don't randomize the maps, so they will always appear in the same order
16A passed nextmap vote (when g_gametype is 6) will start the intermission and lets players vote which map should be played next. NOTE: this makes one of the two teams be displayed as winner
Default: 0


How many maps are presented to users for voting upon during intermission
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)
Type: integer
Default: 6


How long a map is ineligible for voting, after it is played
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)
Type: integer
Default: 3


How many maps occur before XP is reset. If g_XPSave flag 4 is set, g_resetXPMapCount is ignored. Similarly, if g_resetXPMapCount is set to 0, it is the same as setting g_XPSave flag 4
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)
Type: integer
Default: 0


Used to exclude map that would otherwise be listed in the map voting list. The format is ":map1:map2:map3:", where mapX is the .bsp name. Note that each mapname must be fully surrounded by ":" otherwise the map will not be excluded.
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)
Type: string
Default: ""


The minimum time (in seconds) that players must wait between two votes.
Type: integer
Default: 0


Show results of votes per team to everyone with at least this shrubbot level. Set to -1 to disable. Referees can always see the results when this CVAR is set greater than 0.
Type: integer
Default: -1


Defines the length of the mute when players have voted on it so that unmuting won't be forgotten. Set value to 0 or negative for permanent mutes. Modifiers can be used with this value.
Type: integer
Default: 3h

Weapons, Classes and Skills


Gives medics the ability to poison enemies by sticking with their medic syringe. Enemies will be damaged at g_poison/second when g_poison is set to a value more than 0. Setting to 0 will disable poison needles.
Type: integer
Default: 0


Controls the effects of g_poison.
Type: bitmask
1Poisoned player's screen shakes.
2Other players see the poisoned player's head shaking.
4Poisoned player appears to bend over (hurl) every 2 seconds. (poisoned player does not see this happen.)
8Poisoned player cannot use +attack. NOTE: because of client side prediction, the client may see the gun firing occasionally if they hold down +attack, but no shots are fired.
16Poisoned player is disoriented (view turned upside down).
Default: 7


Controls various aspects of the medic, to nerf or otherwise change their behavior.
Type: bitmask
1Medics can't pick up their own health packs to cure themselves of poison needle effects
2Medics can't pick up their own health packs at all
4A level 4 medic will always be revived to full health (no matter what the level of the reviving medic is)
8Value is not in use
16Medics do not spawn with akimbo pistols, regardless of their light weapons skill
32Medics spawn with pistol only, and can't pick up SMG of either team However, any class can steal a medics uni, if g_classChange is set to 1, and receive the medic benefits while retaining their current weapons, including akimbos and SMG
64Medics can use syringes to heal living teammates as an alternative to the tk/revive cycle.
128Level 4 medics can inject other players with their adrenaline. This can be done when holding the revive needle by pressing the alt-fire button, or with the /adrenother client command.
256Level 4 medics cannot adrenaline self. If this flag is on, Medics will not receive adrenaline upon reaching level 4. (This won't affect flag 128)
Default: 0


The rate at which medics regenerate health (in HP per second). This rate is divided into two parts: The first is from 1 to 110-125 HP (depending on the number of medics per team), and then above that. The system default is 3/2 (3 HP per second, then 2 HP per second).
Type: [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ]
Default: 0


Enable knife throwing. The amount of throwable knives is g_maxKnives - 1. Any non zero value will enable knife throwing.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Maximum number of knives a player can posses. Take note that if g_throvableKnives is enabled, the last knife cannot be thrown.
Type: integer
Default: 5


How long it takes in milliseconds for the "knife" to charge to the maximum throw speed/force.
Type: integer
Default: 800


When multiple engineers help build a constructible, each gets his share of XP once the constructible is build. The share of gained XP is proportional to how much the engineer built.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Airstrike blocking.
Type: bitmask
1Make an announcement whenever an airstrike is blocked.
2A player may easily block an airstrike by crouching, standing, or proning over the enemy's canister to block the airstrike.
8Lvl 3 FieldOPs and higher cannot have the airstrikes blocked by players.
16Disables teammates blocking airstrikes.
32Give 2 Battle Sense XP to player that blocks the air strike. No XP given for blocking teammates or your own air strike.
Default: 0


Speed of the panzers. Normal panzer speed is 2500.
Type: integer
Default: 2500


If set to 1, panzer trajectory will be affected by gravity.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Dynamite Behaviour.
Type: bitmask
1Sudden Death Dynamites enabled. If there is 30 seconds or less on the clock and dynamite is planted on an objective, the clock will continue to run past zero. The match will not end until the dynamite either explodes, or is disarmed. You are not allowed to plant additional dynamite during sudden death.
2Dynamite chaining enabled. Dynamite will cause other similar dynamites to explode when exploding (only if within blast radius). Dynamites not planted on an objective will blow any other dynamite not on an objective. Dynamite planted on an objective will only blow dynamite on the same objective.
4Adds a dynamite symbol with the location and the time remaining to all the players on the team of the player who plants the dynamite. This will only happen when dynamite is placed on an objective. The players in the other team will see the dynamite symbol too, but they won't see the time remaining.
8Dynamite cannot be disarmed by your team (inlcuding yourself), so only the other team can defuse it.
16Enable dynamite ID. You can see the owner of a dynamite when you point at it.
Default: 0


Canister and grenade kicking.

Allows players to kick smoke, and air strike canisters, along with grendaes. The integer adjust the amount of force put behind the kick. 75 is a good value, anything below 60 is about useless, and above about 125 is probably too much.

Type: integer
Default: 0


Kicked Canister Ownership
Type: [0|1]
0Kicker does not take ownership of the canister.
1Kicker takes ownership of the canister.
Default: 0


Similar to Shrub's g_friendlyfire 2 cvar.

A multiplier value that determines how much friendly-fire damage, if any, is reflected back to the player that caused the damage. This setting is independent of g_friendlyfire, so damage can be set to reflect on both FF and non-FF servers.

A value of 1.0 would reflect full damage.
A value of 0.5 would reflect half damage.
Set to 0 to disable reflected friendly fire.

Type: float
Default: 0.0


Selects which category of weapon will reflect when g_reflectFriendlyFire is non-zero.
Type: bitmask
1Enable reflected damage for Firearms (all types of guns)
2Enable reflected damage for Grenades and grenade launchers
4Enable reflected damage for Knives (includes thrown knives)
8Enable reflected damage for Panzers
16Enable reflected damage for Flamethrowers
32Enable reflected damage for Mortars
64Enable reflected damage for Satchel Charges
128Enable reflected damage for Artillery and Air Strikes
256Enable reflected damage for Dynamite and Construction Damage
512Enable reflected damage for Landmines
Default: 31
Setting this value to zero will override any multiplier set via g_reflectFriendlyFire, effectively disabling reflecting damage.


Allows greater control over friendly fire events.
Type: bitmask
1Landmines ALWAYS damage teammates regardless of g_friendlyfire setting
2Allow 'grenade boosting' when friendly fire is off
4Non-engineer players do not trigger landmines on their own team
8Players do not trigger trip mines on their own team
Default: 0


Multiplies the rate at which stamina is rebuilt. Setting this value to zero will cause players to not regain any stamina once it is used except through the use of adrenalin.
Type: float
Default: 1.0


Turns on identification of your teammates landmines.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


The time in milliseconds that a medic cannot heal himself after being hit
Type: integer
Default: 0


When set, a player can kill himself g_maxPanzerSuicides times with a panzerfaust. The next panzerselfkill will result in a panzer shooting medpacks.

The amount of suicides is reset every map.

Set to -1 to disable, -2 to always enable (no normal panzers anymore)

Type: integer
Default: -1


Set the g_packDistance for the medpacks fired by the panzerfaust when g_maxPanzerSuicides is enabled.

Set to 0 to use default (etmain)

Type: integer
Default: 0


This is meant to match the shrubmod g_weapons cvar, but so far the only implemented flags are:
Type: bitmask
1Level 0 field ops doesn't get binoculars (unless he has >= level 1 Battle Sense)
2Syringes work underwater
4Pliers work underwater
8Fully restore Field ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted
16Half restore FIeld ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted
32Ammo packs restore helmets
64Drop binoculars if player has them
128Soldiers with level 4 heavy weapons don't lose their pistols
256Garands can reload when clip is not empty
512Balance the clip size between the allies and axis rifles. allied rifles get same clip sizes and max ammo as the k43.
1024Creates a hitbox for mortar shells. This reduces (or eliminates in some cases) the ability to fire mortars through smaller windows and bunker slits.
2048Knives will always gib a body (not a player, use g_dmgKnife instead if you want that)
4096Extra ammo is included with dropped weapons.
Default: 0


This cvar enables certain weapons per class. So far, only PPSH enablement is implemented:
Type: bitmask
1Enable PPSH for soldiers
2Enable PPSH for engineers
4Enable PPSH for fieldops
Default: 7


This cvar controls optional machine gun behaviour.
Type: bitmask
1Machine Guns can make headshots
2Machine Guns can reload when clip is not empty
Default: 0


Controls various aspects of the Covert Op class.
Type: bitmask
1Level 4 Coverts have more accurate scoped weapons.
2Disguised coverts can only be identified with the "crosshair name" by level 4 Field Ops.
4After detonating a satchel charge, the primary weapon will be selected instead of satchel again.
8Coverts in disguise take half the normal combat damage.
16Coverts in disguise take no splash damage.
32Coverts do not automatically lose their uniform if an enemy sees them firing a weapon.
64Coverts do not automatically lose their uniform if they fire a non-silent weapon.
128Coverts do not automatically lose their uniforms if they attach to an emplaced MG weapon. Note that this flag has nothing to do with firing.
256Coverts are awarded xp for constructive use of smoke.
512Coverts will lose their uniform if an enemy sees him using ANY weapon (otherwise knife/satchel/smoke/binoc will never lose uni).
1024A disguised covert can still steal enemy uniforms.
Default: 0


Disables/enables tripmines. Tripmines are available only for engineers.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1









All skill_* variables are identical.

These variables allow customization of the experience points necessary to go up in ranks. These settings consist of four space-separated integers indicating the number of XP required to go up a rank. A string such as "3 10 10 10" indicates that 3 points are required to go up the first rank, and the next three ranks are granted when the players has 10 points. If, for example, you want to grant akimbo pistols upon the first kill, you would set skill_lightweapons to "3 3 3 3". The default for each of these variables is "20 50 90 140". You can also grant levels upon connection byt using a value like "0 0 20 100". This would mean that the first two ranks would be granted upon connection, and the third and fourth ranks would be granted at 20 and 100 points, respectively.

Type: string
Default: "20 50 90 140"


If set to 1, panzers that are shot in mid-air will explode.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0

Weapon Damage and Radius Settings


Amount of damage done by the knife.
Type: integer
Default: 10


Amount of damage done by the sten.
Type: integer
Default: 14


Amount of damage done by the FG-42.
Type: integer
Default: 15


Amount of damage done by pistol weapons.
Type: integer
Default: 18


Amount of damage done by the SMG weapoins (MP40 and Thompson).
Type: integer
Default: 18


Amount of damage done by the MG42.
Type: integer
Default: 18


Amount of damage done by an emplaced MG.
Type: integer
Default: 20


Amount of damage done by the FG-42 when scoped.
Type: integer
Default: 30


Amount of damage done by unscoped rifles (K43 and Garand).
Type: integer
Default: 34


Amount of damage done by a scoped Garand or K43.
Type: integer
Default: 50


Amount of damage done, per tick, by a flamethrower.

Also controls the per-tick damage done to a player who has been set on fire by a flamethrower and is still burning.

Type: integer
Default: 5


Amount of damage done by a grenade.
Type: integer
Default: 250


Blast radius of a grenade.
Type: integer
Default: 250


Amount of damage done by an engineer's grenade-launcher grenades.
Type: integer
Default: 250


Blast radius of an engineer's grenade-launcher grenades.
Type: integer
Default: 250


Amount of damage done by the tripmine.
Type: integer
Default: 260


Amount of damage done by a landmine.
Type: integer
Default: 250


Blast radius of a landmine.
Type: integer
Default: 250


Amount of damage done by a satchel.
Type: integer
Default: 250


Blast radius of a satchel.
Type: integer
Default: 250


Amount of damage done by a panzerfaust rocket.
Type: integer
Default: 400


Blast radius of a panzerfaust rocket.
Type: integer
Default: 300


Amount of damage done by a mortar round.
Type: integer
Default: 400


Blast radius of a mortar round.
Type: integer
Default: 400


Amount of damage done by a dynamite.
Type: integer
Default: 400


Blast radius of a dynamite.
Type: integer
Default: 400


Amount of damage done PER BOMB by an airstrike.
Type: integer
Default: 400


Blast Radius PER BOMB of an airstrike.
Type: integer
Default: 400


Amount of damage done PER BOMB by Artillery fire.

If this value is non-zero, the spotting round will follow normal ET behavior (can do damage, but to a VERY small radius, making damage unlikely)

Type: integer
Default: 400


Blast Radius PER BOMB of Artillery fire.

If this value is non-zero, the spotting round will follow normal ET behavior (can do damage, but to a VERY small radius, making damage unlikely)

Type: integer
Default: 400


Enables experimental advanced combat options.
Type: bitmask
0Use traditional ET settings for combat.
1Use Advanced Hit Locations: Differentiates between Head, Body, Arm, and Leg shot when computing damage.
2Applies a more realistic damage vs. range equation for short-ranged weapons. This will reduce the effectiveness of these weapons at longer ranges.
4Gives a damage bonus to short-range weapons when used in close combat situations. This will increase the effectiveness of these weapons at closer ranges.
8Use bullet fall-off approximations when computing shot trajectory.
16Improve accuracy of non-scoped single-shot rifles.
32Use alternate bullet-spread characteristics for automatic or rapid-fire weapons.
64Damage from players who are spectators or have disconnected is ignored, and XP is not awarded.
Default: 0


This represents the minimum damage done by a headshot regardless of the weapon used to make the shot.

Headshots that would do damage below this value will be adjusted upward to equal g_dmgHeadshotMin.

Headshots from a weapon with damage at or above this value will do a multiple of their damage, as specified by g_dmgHeadShotRatio.

(The actual damage may undergo additional modification due to range and other conditions)

Type: integer
Default: 50


This specifies the multiplier used for headshots that do damage ABOVE g_dmgHeadShotMin.
Type: float
Default: 2.0


The amount of damage a thrown knife will cause to enemy.
Type: integer
Default: 50


The amount of damage done by PPSh.
Type: integer
Default: 19



Set the distance at which health packs and ammo packs are thrown. Set this to 0 to make it just like etmain. The settings should be similar to shrubet so set this to 2 for a subtle improvement.
Type: integer
Default: 0


If set to a positive integer, medics will drop [integer] number of health packs when they are gibbed. If set to -1, medics will drop the number of health packs that they could have dropped at the moment of their death.

Set this to 0 to turn it off.

Type: integer
Default: 0


If set to a positive integer, fieldops will drop [integer] number of ammo packs when they are gibbed. If set to -1, fieldops will drop the number of ammo packs that they could have dropped at the moment of their death.

Set this to 0 to turn it off.

Type: integer
Default: 0


Set the velocity at which health or ammo packs are tossed from the dead body when g_dropHealth or g_dropAmmo are activated. This changes the distance that these packs travel from the corpse.
Type: integer
Default: 0


Set the length of time the end of game screens displays before loading the next map.
Type: integer
Default: 60


The percent of connected players who need to hit the "READY" button to move on to the next map without waiting g_intermissionTime to run out.
Type: integer
Default: 100


Optional skill related flags.
Type: bitmask
1Players with level 4 battle sense can spot landmines for teammates
2Players with level 4 engineering can keep the flak jacket for other classes
4Players with level 4 first aid can keep adrenaline for other classes
Default: 0


Miscallenous options.
Type: bitmask
1Enable double jump
2Enable binoc master competition. Requires g_weapons 64 to be set.
4When a player is killed he can see the HP the killer has left
8Disable self damage
16Players can not jump if stamina is too low
32Value is not in use
64Disable Falling Damage
128Announce revives
Default: 0



Set this to 1 to enable Neil Toronto's unlagged2 skip correction. This will smooth out the movement of players with high packet loss (to a degree). This is similar to etpro's antiwarp, but has some differences. Neil likes this version better, bani likes his better.

This replaces g_smoothClients from etmain.

You can find a demo that shows g_skipCorrection in action at:

Type: [0|1]
Default: 1



This allows you to control the amount of "warping" that players with high packet loss can do. The [integer] is the number of server frames that you allow a player to miss before their next movement is put in check.

A server frame is 50ms on a typical server (sv_fps set to 20). This means that if you set g_maxWarp to 5 you won't allow players to warp from point A to point B if that distance takes an normal player 1/4 of a second to travel. Setting this to 1 is a good way to drive off just about everyone from your server.

As far as I can tell, 1000ms is allowed by default in the game, so setting this to any value higher than 39 should have no effect if sv_fps is set to 10.

You can find a demo that shows g_maxWarp in action at:

Type: integer
Default: 4


Multiply the speed of movers (e.g. tanks) by float.
Type: float
Default: 1.0



Controls the behavior of the /kill command.

See also g_fear and g_maxSelfkills

Type: bitmask
1Player spawns with half charge bar after /kill
2Player spawns with 0 charge bar after /kill
4Restores the charge bar to the same state it was in at the moment the player issued /kill (regardless of how long they were in limbo)
8Disable /kill when player is frozen
16Disable /kill when player is poisoned
Default: 0



Amount of times a player can use /kill per map.

Setting this to -1 will result in normal behaviour (infinite selfkills).

Setting this to 0 will disable /kill.

Type: integer
Default: -1


The time between ammo cabinet regenerations in milliseconds.
Type: integer
Default: 60000


The time between health cabinet regenerations in milliseconds.
Type: integer
Default: 10000


Controls spectator behaviour.
Type: bitmask
1When in freelook mode, you can 'fire' at a player to follow. If you miss a player, nothing happens.
2When in freelook mode with the 1 flag set, if you shoot and miss you start following the next available player.
4When the player you're following goes into limbo, don't move to the next available player.
8When the player you're following goes into limbo, go to freelook instead of following the next available player. (4 has precedence)
Default: 0


Allows players to see the true amount of time it takes until their actions are processed on the server. Pings will show around 50 ms higher than normal, but it's more accurate. Shows in the scoreboard.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0



Sets the number of times a player can drop/toss the objective (e.g. parts on radar) per life.

The parts are dropped by pressing the +activate key (usually bound to F) when there's nothing else around to be activated.

Before enabling this recall how spammy the voiceovers can be. Then picture a player tossing the parts to himself over and over again. For this reason you probably don't want to set this very high.

Players must switch to knife in order to drop the objective. If they are not holding knife and hit +activate they will see a message that notifies them that they must switch to knife. This change was made to prevent accidental dropping of the objective when trying to push, drag, pick up, or activate something else.

Type: integer
Default: 0


Adjusts the height of the second jump in a double jump. This value is a multiplier to the default jump velocity. The greater g_doubleJumpHeight is, the greater the height of the second jump. This setting has no effect if double jump is disabled in g_misc.
Type: float
Default: 1.4


Use this cvar to change the behaviour of the 'serverinfo' string. This string is printed in response to the 'getstatus' primative command used by game browsers.
Type: bitmask
1Display player team information using the 'P' cvar in the server info string. (etpro and etmain 2.60 behaviour)
2Display player team information using the 'Players_Axis' and 'Players_Allies' cvars in the server info string. (etmain < 2.60 behaviour)
4Display the 'campaign_maps' cvar in the server info string. This contains a comma delimited list off all the maps in the current campaign. Only works if you have g_gametype set to 4.
8Displays the 'C' CVAR in the server info string. This is a string containing the current map number in the campaign, and total maps in current campaign, in the form of "xx,yy". Only works if you have g_gametype set to 4.
16The class charge times will not be present in the server info string unless this flag is set. They are removed by default in order to make room in the serverInfo string for more useful information. These cvars are g_medicChargeTime, g_engineerChargeTime, g_LTChargeTime, g_covertopChargeTime, g_soldierChargeTime.
32Send KR (KillRating) instead of XP in SERVERINFO string. This is overriden by flag 64.
64Send PR (PlayerRating) instead of XP/KR in SERVERINFO string. Overrides flag 32.
Default: 1

This cvar MUST be set prior to loading the first map. You will not be able to change this cvar once the game code is loaded.

The serverInfo string has a fixed length of 1024 characters. This space is shared with any cvar you create on your server with the 'sets' command. If you use up too much space with 'sets', your server will fail to start. It will print the message "Info string length exceeded" if you don't have enough space left in your serverinfo string to handle the g_serverInfo flags you've selected. To fix this, either remove some sets cvars from your config, or use different g_serverInfo flags.



If a player uses the /kill command within g_fear milliseconds after taking damage from an enemy, the attacker that last damaged that player will recieve full credit for the kill and the mode of death will be recorded as MOD_FEAR. Other restrictions are that the attacker must be on the opposite team and the attacker must still be alive.

g_fear applies also to players that try to switch teams within g_fear milliseconds. The player will remain in the same team and the usual g_fear behavior applies.

In-game statistics will reflect that the death was caused by the weapon that did the last recorded damage to the player.

Set this to 0 to disable this behaviour.

Type: integer
Default: 2000


Head Box Positions.
Type: [0|1]
0Regular headbox positions.
1Server tracks the animations so the headbox will match the playermodels exactly. This is the recommended value.
Default: 1
This code was originally from ETPro (b_realhead). It was contributed by zinx and added to ETPub by forty. silEnT is based on the ETPub source and this code has not been altered from the ETPub.


The number of seconds of player inactivity before the player is made a spectator.
Type: integer
Default: 0


g_spectatorInactivity kicks only when the server is full.
Type: integer
Default: 0


Please see Map Voting
Type: integer
Default: 4


Options for PunkBuster GUID and IP spoof detections and behaviour.
Type: bitmask
1Kick for GUIDspoofing.
2Kick for IPspoofing.
4Display a global warning when someone is GUIDspoofing. (When flag 1 is set, this will not work)
8Display a global warning when someone is IPspoofing. (When flag 2 is set, this will not work)
16Don't use the stored GUID. (This option is a higher security risk.)
32Don't use the stored IP. (This option is a higher security risk.)
Default: 3
Do NOT change this CVAR unless you encounter problems!


Manually delay the antilag of every player on the server. Might give very weird behaviour, so use at own risk.
Type: integer
Default: 0


Creates a smoother movement when enabled.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Makes the fixedphysics act like all the clients have the same framerate, so that players with "magic" quake engine framerates don't have an unfair advantage. This CVAR must be between 60 and 333.
Type: integer
Default: 125
This doesn't actually change the framerates in clients, so the clients can keep their own framerates.


Limit the number of namechanges per player per map by setting this cvar. This is especially needed if you have cheaters that autochange their name every second.

Set to -1 to disable.

Type: integer
Default: 3


Disable teamkill complaints for some weapons.
Type: bitmask
2Artillery and airstrikes
Default: 0


Set a watermark that will be displayed to all clients. The watermark must be put in a folder named "watermark" and then this whole folder needs to be zipped into a .pk3 file
Type: string
Default: ""


When g_watermark is set, the watermark will fade out after [integer] number of seconds.
Type: integer
Default: 0


When g_watermarkFadeAfter is set, the watermark will fade out in [integer] seconds. (So the fading process from 1.0 alpha to 0.0 alpha takes [integer] seconds.
Type: integer
Default: 0


Enable ETPro-style antiwarp. This gives non-lagging players a much better game but for laggers it will be a bit more uncomfortable. This CVAR overrides both g_maxWarp AND g_skipCorrection in order to keep things consistent.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1


Enables/Disables Panzerwar. 1 is enabled, 0 is disabled.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Enables/Disables Sniperwar. 1 is enabled, 0 is disabled.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Enables/Disables Riflewar. 1 is enabled, 0 is disabled.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Sets whether the players will see the GeoIP country flags in the crosshair when aiming at someone and in the scoreboard.

Players can enable/disable it with cg_countryFlags (default 1).

You will need the GeoIP.dat file in your server's silent folder. You should read and accept the license of the GeoIP.dat database!

Read the database license at
Download the latest database at

Type: [0|1]
Default: 1


When set to 1, disables player skill upgrades.
Type: integer
Default: 0


Evens the dropped items out with the surface.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1


Maximum number of connections allowed from one particular IP. This prevents the fake clients Denial of Service attack.
Type: integer
Default: 4


Enables shoutcaster status on the server.
Type: string
Default: "none"


This is a bitflag cvar that supports the following values:
Type: bitmask
1Headshots only
2Instagib damage (controlled by g_instagibDamage)
Default: 0


Damage used for instagib mode (e.g. set this to 160 so that a player can still be revived after being shot.).
Type: integer
Default: 400


This is a bitflag cvar that supports the following values:
Type: bitmask
1Don't drop shoutcasters
2Don't drop spectators when in following mode
4ETmain inactivity behavior (don't wait for a full server)
8Shrubbot flag '0' admins will be moved to spectators due to team inactivity
Default: 3


This is a bitflag cvar that supports the following values:
Type: bitmask
1Prevent ettv slaves from being callvote kicked
2Grant shoutcaster status to ettv slaves
Default: 3


This is a bitflag cvar that supports the following values:
Type: bitmask
1Players will spawn instantly
2Each class receives adrenaline
4No damage on players
8Players can pick up any weapon on the ground (Removing this bitflag will force all players to respawn!)
Default: 0


Server side hitsound options.
Type: bitmask
1Enable hitsounds
2Disable hitsounds when shooting wounded players
4Disable the headshot sound when shooting wounded player in the head. (default hitsound will be used in it's place)
8Unused option
16Disable hitsounds from poison damage
32Disable hitsounds from explosive weapons
Default: 1
A client can disable hitsounds with cg_hitSounds client cvar. Also an option to play only headshots is available.


Allows players to use the 'playdead' command and their character will act like it is dead until the playdead command is used again (or they really die).
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Allows players to push other players with the "use" key. The integer adjusts the amount of force players shove with. 80 seems fair.
Type: integer
Default: 0


Set this to 1 if you want to disable shove in the up/down direction (a.k.a "boosting").
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Allows players do drag wounded players with the use key when moving backward slowly. Works best when crouching or prone.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


Allows players to take the class of a gibbed teammate temporarily similarly to how a covert steals an uniform. Class changing does not latch, so the original class the player had will be restored on respawn.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


If set to 0 it takes about 3 shots to gib a wounded player, if set to 1 it takes about 5.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1



If set to a positive integer, players can damage each other by landing on each other. The integer is multiplier that determines how much damage should be done to the player that was fallen on. Also the impact for the falling player will be broken so that they only recieve 20% of the damage they would have normally. It is also possible to do small amounts of damage (5HP) to other players by hopping up and down on them.

Falling damage can be either 500, 50, 25, 15, or 10 depending on the length of the fall. So if you set g_goomba to 5 and land on a player from a fall that would have damaged you 10HP, you will inflict 50HP of damage on the player you land on, and you will only recieve 2HP of damage.

See also g_goombaFlags

Set this to 0 to disable it

Type: integer
Default: 0


This is a bitflag cvar that controls the way g_goomba is handled.
Type: bitmask
1Cannot do goomba damage to teammates.
2Short falls (hopping) on another player does no damage.
4Short falls (hopping) does no damage to teammates. (not necessary if 1 or 2 flag is set)
8Falling player recieves no damage when landing on any other player. (default is to recieve 20% of the damage the fall would have given if not landing on a player).
16Insta-gib goomba. All goomba damage will be 500HP regardless of fall distance. The exception is hopping on anther player which still does 5HP of damage.
32Falling corpses won't cause damage.
Default: 0
Set this to 31 to have g_goomba work like shrubet.


The number of seconds players will be invincible after they spawn.
Type: integer
Default: 3


Removes the spawn protection when the player fires his first shot (note : the spawn protection will still be removed after the g_spawnInvul time)
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1


Allow players to use +left and +right binds to spin their corpse when dead or playing dead.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 0


If set to 0, players are allowed one non-killing team change per respawn cycle. If a player changes teams, he will be instantly spawned in the other teams default spawn point. Players will die (but not lose a life) if they change teams a second time in one spawn cycle.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1



This is meant to match the shrubmod g_logOptions cvar, but so far the only implemented flags are:
Type: bitmask
1Server outputs obituaries to chat
2Adrenaline countdown displayed
4Disable display of tap-out confirmation box
8Display connection attempts by banned players
16Display gib reports ("<victim> was gibbed by <attacker>")
32Omit "item" lines from log file
64Value not in use
128GUID's are logged in the game log
256Log all private messages (/m commands). This setting won't have any effect unless g_tyranny is enabled.
512Logs the real time into logs, instead of the normal uptime of the server.
1024Value not in use
2048Print TK death message like a normal kill message, giving killing weapon, except it is preceeded by a red TEAMKILL: identifier. Only works if g_obituary is set to 3.
Default: 0


The name of the file that all shrubbot commands will be logged to. For example,
g_logAdmin "admin.log"
Type: string
Default: ""



When set to 1, OmniBot functionality is enabled. You still need to have OmniBots installed correctly in order for OmniBots to work.
Type: [0|1]
Default: 1


The path where the OmniBot dll/so file is installed. If you installed omni-bot correctly, then you do not need to modify this cvar. Leaving this cvar blank will search for the OmniBot file in the default locations.
Type: string
Default: ""


Any bots present will have their XP reset after this much XP is reached. If g_maxXP is also set to a value greater than -1, then the bot XP will be reset whenever the lower limit of the two is hit.

Set this to -1 to disable this feature

Type: integer
Default: -1


>Ensures that there are at least g_bot_minPlayers playing (non-spec) in your server at any one time. If there are not enough human players playing, bots are added as needed. Once there are g_bot_minPlayers human players playing on the server there will be no bots.


  • Bots will only be added/removed during normal gameplay, never during the intermission
  • You must have bots enabled and working on your server for this setting to work
  • Do not set g_bot_minPlayers to the maximum number of players your server can have. If you do so, no one will be able to connect to your server since it will always be full.
  • g_bot_minPlayers works by modifying the minbots and maxbots omni-bot values. If you activate g_bot_minPlayers, your current minbots/maxbots values will be overwritten.

Set this to -1 to disable this feature

Type: integer
Default: -1


Customizes bot management/behavior.
Type: bitmask
1Disables XPSave for bots
2Bots cannot mount tanks
4Bots cannot mount emplaced guns
8Don't track bot count in omnibot_playing cvar
16Bots will target ungibbed enemies
32Bots will trigger team and spotted mines
64Bots can use g_shove
65536Bots are granted shrubbot command immunity (the same as shrubbot flag !)
131072Bots cannot be !kicked or !banned
262144Disable shrubbot greeting for bots
Default: 0



List of files to be loaded by the Lua API engine. Can be separated by space, comma or semicolon. The paths are relative to the mod's directory, and can optionally be placed inside pk3 archieves.

We are aiming for compatibility with ETPro's Lua Mod API

Type: string
Default: ""


List of sha1 signatures for the lua modules to be loaded by the Lua API engine. Can be separated by space, comma or semicolon. Only lua modules with the matching sha1 signature listed in this cvar will be allowed to load by the Lua API engine (ACL).
Type: string
Default: ""

Map Voting

This gametype allows for the players to decide on the map that is played next. When g_gametype is set to 6 a new screen is introduced during intermission. This screen list, depending on server configuration, a list of up to 32 maps that are loaded on the server, and that all players can vote on. Once intermission ends, the server totals the votes, and plays the next map based upon the vote results

The following cvars control how map voting operates

Miscellaneous notes about mapvoting:
  • Total maps allowed is 32. If server admin has more than 32 .bsp files, only the first 32 are used
  • Tie breaker. The default tie-breaker is such that if 2 or more maps are tied with the same number of votes, the map that was played most recently is selected.
  • Bots and connecting players do NOT count for mapvoting, everyone else (including spectators) does.
  • If no maps are voted for, the default "nextmap" cvar is used, so server admins have to specify a default map cycle of sort, usually in the following format.
    set d1 "set g_gametype 6 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d2"
    set d2 "set g_gametype 6 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d3"
    set d3 "set g_gametype 6 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d1"
    vstr d1
    This means that the default map, upon server start, will be oasis. From there, map voting will be used. If at any point, no map is voted for, battery will be played, etc

Statistics / Rankings Terms

There are several settings in silEnT that attempt to determine how "good" a player is in terms (hopefully) more meaningful than just XP or XP per unit of time. Here are the terms used and their definitions:

Kill Rating

How good of a killer the player is, based on how many other players the player kills, and their kill rating. In other words, killing players with a high kill rating increases the shooter's kill rating more than killing players with a low kill rating.

Player Rating

This is a measure of how much the player contributes to winning a map. This measure is calculated by seeing how many times this player is on the winning team after every map, and how good the opposing team was. Like kill rating, winning against teams with a high average player rating results in player rating increasing faster.

Win Probability

The probability that a team will win a map (based on the players' player rating, team size, and the map).

These statistics are gathered by silEnT and the data is saved to local files on disk.

This feature is originally from ETPub and no alterations have been made to it by silEnT team.

The etpub development team member responsible for implementing these player rankings and ratings is Josh Menke. He has been kind enough to begin working on an academic write-up to explain the mathematics and statistics methods behind these rankings. Due to time constraints the document is being gradually updated and expanded. The latest version can be seen at:

If you cannot find the document at the above location, please visit

Server Console Commands

The following server console commands (for use in the server console or through rcon) commands have been added in etpub:

bot [arguments]

Omni-bot command. See the omni-bot 0.52 documentation for full details.

chat [message]

Display a message to all users in the chat area

chatclient [slot#|name] [message]

Display a message to a specific user in the chat area. A partial name match can be used, and in this case the message will be sent to all users that match the partial name


Clears the XP of all users

bp [message]

Display a message to all users in the top of the screen (Requires etpub client >= 20051230)

cp [message]

Display a message to all users in the center of the screen

cpmsay [message]

Display a message to all users in the popup message area of the screen

forcecvar [cvar] [value]

Forces a client cvar to have a certain value for all clients


List KillRating info by team, sorted.

m [slot#|name] [message]

Send a private message to a player. A partial name match can be used, and in this case the private message will be sent to all users that match the partial name

playsound [slot#|name] [filename]

Plays the specified sound file. The slot number/player name parameter is optional. If the slot number or playername is specified, only that player hears the sound, otherwise all players hear the sound. g_tyranny must be enabled in order to play a sound to a specific player.

playsound_env [slot#|name] [filename]

Plays the specified sound file, but the sound can be heard by everyone near the specified player. In contrast to playsound, both parameters are required for playsound_env. If playsound_env is used with one parameter (only the the filename is specified), then it is treated exactly as playsound [filename]. The further away nearby players are, the less they hear the sound. g_tyranny must be enabled in order to use this command.


List PlayerRating info by team, sorted.


Completely reset the PlayerRating system


Reset only the player ratings part of the PlayerRating system


Resets the total kills and deaths made by SMG weapons from all the players in the database.


Reloads the g_settings file. This is done by the server automatically, but if you decide to change the banners or sprees/multikills ingame, you can load the new settings with this command.


(Requires that g_tyranny be enabled) Loads the XPSave file from disk. There is no reason to call this function, etpub loads the XPSave file automatically as needed.


Prints information about the win probability model


Commits the in-memory XPSave info to disk. Normally, silEnT does this automatically every time a map ends or the server is shut down.


Clears all the spreerecords stored in XPSave file (doesn't work during warmup or intermission)


Shows information about the scripts currently loaded by the Lua API engine.

makeshoutcaster [slot#|name]
makeshoutcast [slot#|name]
makesc [slot#|name]

Promotes the player to be a shoutcaster. Shoutcasters can see floating player names, dynamite counter, truck and tank health and all mines.

removeshoutcaster [slot#|name]
removeshoutcast [slot#|name]
removesc [slot#|name]

Removes players shoutcaster status.


Shows information about the running silEnT server version.

Additionally, all of the shrubbot commands can be used on the server console as well, the leading "!" is optional.


Shrubbot is an invention of Ryan Mannion. ETPub tries to clone shrubbot as accurately as possible, both in user interface and in the shrubbot configuration file called "shrubbot.cfg". This is silEnT shrubbot based on the work of ETPub team. silEnT extends the functionality of the shrubbot where ever it is needed. Including user database that holds all the players that have visited the server. To access this database, new commands have been added to the original shrubbot command set. Some commands have been renamed to ease their use and so that they resemble commands from other ET mods that have advanced admin systems.

If you want to use shrubbot, the cvar g_dbDirectory must be set. If it is not set, the shrubbot will not be in use. If you want to edit the default levels, you must create or copy existing shrubbot.cfg file to the folder defined by g_dbDirectory setting. In case shrubbot command like !ban is used against a player and shrubbot.cfg file does not already exist, a new shrubbot.cfg file is created to store the needed data.

The created file will also have the default level settings written to it. This file can be freely edited by hand and then after !readconfig command has been issued, the changes take effect on the server.

Below are the shrubbot commands that silEnT currently supports and the corresponding flag to be used in the shrubbot config file to give permission to the command:

!admintesta-!admintest [NAME|SLOT] prints out player's current shrubbot admin level in global chat. When the NAME or SLOT are added and the user has the right shrubbot permission, the level of another player will be shown
!banb-!ban (NAME|SLOT)
Kicks the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME off the server and will not let them connect again for SECONDS seconds, or, if a modifier (m, h, d, or w) is used, a given amount of time. For example:

90 = 90 seconds
15m = 15 minutes
3h = 3 hours
5d = 5 days
1w = 1 week
!baninfoe-!baninfo (BAN NUMBER) Shows detailed information of a ban in the ban list. Find the ban number with !showbans command.
!burnUYES!burn (NAME|SLOT) [REASON] Sets the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME on fire. REASON will be center-printed to the victim.
!cancelvotec-!cancelvote makes a vote in progress fail
!dewarnR-!dewarn (NAME|SLOT) [WARNING#] Shows all the warnings of a user. When warning# is added, the warning with that number will be removed
!disorientdYES!disorient (NAME|SLOT) [REASON] turns the view upside down for the client in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. If REASON is specified it is printed to the client.
!fingere-!finger (NAME|SLOT) Display the slot, partial guid, ip and clientversion of a player.
NOTE: this command should only be available to the highest server admins!
!freezeFYES!freeze [NAME|SLOT] [REASON] Freezes the client in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. If no parameter is provided it freezes all players. Frozen player(s) cannot receive damage during this time. If REASON is specified it is printed to the client.
!gibgYES!gib (NAME|SLOT|-1|all) kills and gibs the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME
if name is -1 or all or if no name is entered, everybody will be gibbed
!gibaQYES!giba kills and gibs all players
!help-!help Lists all the available shrubbot commands. The command doesn't have a flag but it is available to all clients always.
!howfairI-!howfair Prints a simple summary to everyone on the chat of team fairness based on player kill rating.
!kickk-!kick (NAME|SLOT) REASON kicks the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME off off the server. REASON is given to the client as the drop message. The client will be banned for 2 minutes.
!listi-!list Prints out a list of information about the connected players. The columns are:
  • slot number
  • team R=axis B=allies S=spectator C=connecting
  • first letter of fireteam name
  • admin level (and level name)
  • last 8 digits of guid
  • M if muted
  • W if warned
  • name
!listteamsI-!listteams prints out a list of statistical information about each team. This lists ends with ratings information based on how likely each team is to win the current map. The team with more points is LESS likely to win, therefore a good way to balance the teams is to join the team with more points, or move people to that team, until the points are about even.
!lockK-!lock (r|b|s|all) locks the team specified. recognized values are r=AXIS b=ALLIES s=SPECTATORS all=ALL
!lolxYES!lol [NAME|SLOT] [GRENADES] makes all players drop grenades. If NAME or SLOT is provided only that player will drop grenades. GRENADES is the number of grenades to be dropped (default is 1, maximum is 16).
!mutem-!mute (NAME|SLOT) [SECONDS|TIME_WITH_MODIFIER] REASON Mutes a player in a slot number SLOT or with a name containing NAME. TIME and REASON are optional. See !ban 6 lines above for more information on modifiers
!newsW-!news plays the map specific news audio to all players if it is available.
!nextmapn-!nextmap moves to the next map in campaign or in the objective cycle end game intermission is skipped
!orientdYES!orient (NAME|SLOT) reverses the action of !disorient for the client in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME.
!panzerwarq-!panzerwar [on|off] Enables panzerwar
!passvoteV-!passvote makes a vote in progress pass
!pauseZ-!pause pauses the match
!pipzYES!pip [NAME|SLOT] draws sparks (pixie dust) around the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. does it to all players if no NAME/SLOT is not providied.
!popzYES!pop [NAME|SLOT] pops the helmet off of player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. If no paramter is provided it pops the helmets off of all players.
!putteamp-!putteam (NAME|SLOT) (r|b|s) puts the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME on the indicated team.
r - AXIS
!readconfigG-!readconfig read g_shrubbot file
!renameNYES!rename (NAME|SLOT) NEWNAME sets the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME to NEWNAME.
!resetr-!reset resets the match
!resetmyxpM-!resetmyxp clears all XP and skillpoints for the player who runs this command.
!resetxpXYES!resetxp (NAME|SLOT) [REASON] clears all XP and skillpoints for player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. If reason is provided it is printed to the client.
!restartr-!restart restarts the match
!riflewarq-!riflewar [on|off] Enables riflewar
!setlevels-!setlevel (NAME|SLOT) LEVEL sets the connected player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME to the level indicated by LEVEL. A player cannot !setlevel another player to a lever higher than him/herself.
!showbansB-!showbans [SKIP] Lists up to 30 shrubbot bans currently in effect. The columns are:
  • ban number
  • banned player's name
  • date of the ban
  • name of the banning admin
  • when the ban will expire
  • reason for the ban
If SKIP is provided, that number of bans are skipped before printing starts. SKIP can also be negative (e.g. '!showbans -10' would display the last 10 bans.
!shuffleS-!shuffle Shuffles teams (based on XP), but does NOT restart (see !restart)
!slapAYES!slap (NAME|SLOT) [DAMAGE] [REASON] does DAMAGE (default 20) damage to player in slot SLOT or with name containing NAME. If REASON is specified it's center-printed to the victim.
!sniperwarq-!sniperwar [on|off] Enables sniperwar
!spec999P-!spec999 moves all players with ping of 999 to the spectators team.
!spreeE-!spree Show the players current killing spree count
!spreerecordE-!spreerecord Displays the map and overall spreerecord
!statst-!stats Displays the Thompson, MP40 and PPSh total kills and deaths, kills and deaths during the map and accuracy, headshotratio and headshot distance during the map. Lists all connected players.
!swapw-!swap swaps the players to the opposite team
!time-!time Prints out localtime of the client in the chat. No other client can see this time message. The command doesn't have a flag but it is available to all clients always.
!tspreeE-!tspree [amount] Show the top n current killing spree (default top 5)
!unbanb-!unban BAN_NUMBER removes the ban that !showbans lists as BAN_NUMBER
!unfreezeFYES!unfreeze [NAME|SLOT] Unfreezes the client in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME. If no parameter is provided it unfreezes all players.
!unpauseZ-!unpause unpauses the match
!unmutem-!unmute (NAME|SLOT) Unmutes the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME.
!unlockK-!unlock (r|b|s|all) unlocks the team specified. recognized values are r=AXIS b=ALLIES s=SPECTATORS all=ALL
!uptimeu-!uptime Show how long the server has been up and running
lYES!fling (NAME|SLOT) send the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME flying.
LYES!flinga sends all players flying
!warnR-!warn (NAME|SLOT) [WARNING] plays the whistle sound and center-prints WARNING to the player in slot number SLOT or with name containing NAME.
User Database Commands
!userlist]-!userlist [PAGE] Lists all users in the database. If PAGE is given, the list starts from that page.
See !userlist for details.
!userinfo]-!userinfo [PBGUID] Displays all information that is stored about the user in the database.
See !userinfo for details.
!useredit[-!useredit [PBGUID] [add|remove|level|greeting|sound] [new value] Command is used to edit explicit userdata in the database.
See !useredit for details.
!givexp[-!givexp [PBGUID] [sold|med|eng|fops|cov|light|battle] [amount to add] Command gives XP to a player identified by PBGUID.
See !givexp for details.
!userban]-!userban [PBGUID] [time] [reason] Command bans user indentified by the 8 character PB GUID from the server.
See !userban for details.
!userdelete[-!userdelete [PBGUID] Command removes the user identified by the 8 character PB GUID from the database.
See !userdelete for details.
!usersearch]-!usersearch [name (name)]|&[level (level)]|&[IP (IP)] [page] Command is used to search user database to find players. It will not work with players that are not stored in the database.
See !usersearch for details.
!readadmins)-!readadmins Command can be used to read admin definitions from edmins.cfg file.
See !readadmins for details.
!resetpls(-!resetpls [PBGUID] Command can be used to reset statistics for specified player. The total kills/deaths and also K/D and PRW is resetted.
See !resetpls for details.

The following flags are also supported:
1Cannot be vote kicked, vote muted, or complained against.
2Cannot be censored.
3Can run commands silently with /!COMMAND in the console.
4Can see Axis/Allies team chats as a spectator.
5Can switch teams any time, regardless of balance.
6Does not need to specify a reason for !kick or !ban.
7Can call a vote at any time (regardless of disabled voting or voting limitations).
8Does not need to specify a duration for a ban (defaults to PERMANENT).
9Can do shrubbot commands via team and fireteam chats.
0Is immune to g_inactivity and g_spectatorInactivity settings.
!Is immune to all shrubbot commands (useful for server admins). Note, this flag must be specified explicitly the * flag does not grant it.
@"incognito" flag shows the admin as level 0 with no a.k.a info in the output of !listplayers. Note, this flag must be specified explicitly the * flag does not grant it.
$Can do !admintest on other players.
~Can read and write the adminchat with the /ma command. All referees and all other players with the ~ flag will be able to read this chat.
&Can rename himself regardless of g_maxNameChanges limit.
?Can see all private messages while being in spectators. g_tyranny must be set for this flag to take effect.
/Cannot send private messages. Otherwise normal privileges.

The * operator is supported in the flags field:
This means all all available flags are granted (except ! and @). Any flags that come after the * are negated. So for example:
level    = 5
name     =
flags    = *xU
greeting =
greeting_sound =
would give level 5 admins all commands except !lol and !burn.

Shrubbot is divided into to parts. Users are stored in the user database and other configuration infos and bans are stored in a separate human readable config file.
The configuration file itself is layed out in blocks serpated by blank lines. The types of blocks supported are [level], [command] and [ban]. If you ever need to edit the shrubbot.cfg file by hand, you need to run the !readconfig command (or restart etded) to load it.

When setting up a new shrubbot.cfg file, simply set the g_shrubbot cvar to the name you want to use for the configuration file, then connect to the server with your et, and run the following command in the server console:

!setlevel ETPlayer 5
(where ETPlayer is your name). This will create the shrubbot.cfg file with default levels and your guid set to level 5 admin (the highest default level). You can then edit the level definitions in this file to match your preferences and run the !readconfig command to load them up.

The new element [command] in the shrubbot file format. This allows server admins to create their own shrubbot commands for executing server commands. however, you can only give privileges to commands through levels. It is not possible to explicitly give some user a privilege to a custom command. Here are some examples:

command  = hello
exec     = cp "hello world"
desc     = Center Print the text "hello world" to all connected clients
levels   = 0 1 2 3 4 5

command  = panzeroff
exec     = set team_maxPanzers 0
desc     = Turn off panzers
levels   = 5

command  = havefun
exec     = exec fun.cfg
desc     = Load up some crazy settings/commands
levels   = 5

command  = unlimitedpanzers
exec     = cp "^1Unlimited panzers!"; set team_maxPanzers -1
desc     = Everyone can have a panzerfaust!
levels   = 5

This would create 4 new commands, !hello, !panzeroff, !havefun, and !unlimitedpanzers. !hello can be run by any user with an admin level 0 through 5. !panzeroff, !havefun, and !unlimitedpanzers would be executable by only level 5 users. You must name each level in the space seperated level string (a higher level does not grant authority). As shown in !unlimitedpanzers, you can separate commands with a semicolon (;).

[command] elements can use shortcut characters as described in Shortcuts. You can use a new shortcut [i] to replace it with the player ID of the calling player.

Here are some samples:

command  = spec
exec     = !putteam [n] s
desc     = Become a spectator
levels   = 0 1 2 3 4 5

command  = pizza
exec     = cp "[n] ^7orders a big pizza for everyone except [d]^7!"
desc     = Some message
levels   = 3 4 5

command  = ms
exec     = makeshoutcaster [i]
desc     = Makes you a shoutcaster
levels   = 5

[command] elements can use up to 9 parameter placeholders (from [1] to [9]) in the commands. For example, given the following definition:

command  = mynameis
exec     = cp "[n]'s ^7real-life name is [1]^7!"
desc     = Print real name
levels   = 0 1 2 3 4 5

When a user types the command like this:

!mynameis bartholomew

Will print out something like:

[JJJJ]zuxx0r's real-life name is bartholomew

Since silEnT 0.2.1 it is possible to add '?' to the parameter placeholders. This will try to match the pattern to a player name on the server. For example, given the following definition:

command  = crybaby
exec     = chat "[1?]^7 is crying like little baby!"
desc     = Make someone cry
levels   = 0 1 2 3 4 5

When user types the command like this:

!crybaby gao

Will print out something like:

gaoesa is crying like a little baby!

If the player name match fails a response is returned to the user stating either that there were too many matches or that no player matched.

Parameters that the user does not type in are left blank in your command. You can use the parameters in any order (so the user types the parameters in a different order than they are used).

These commands will show up like any other shrubbot command in the output of !help and the !help command will also provide detailed info for the command using the 'desc' paramter (e.g. '!help hello')

You can also add a greeting to users specifically and/or [level] blocks. This greeting will be displayed when a shrubbot admin connects to the server. Adding a greeting to a [level] block will show that greeting for every admin with that level, while adding a greeting to any user specifically will only show the greeting when that particular admin connects. When both [level] block and user data contain a greeting, the user specific greeting is used. When you type [n] in a greeting, it will be replaced by the name of the connecting admin. Example:

level    = 5
name     = Admin
flags    = *
greeting = Level 5 admin [n] is on the floor
greeting_sound =

If TJW is the connecting admin, all players will see: "Level 5 admin TJW is on the floor".

These are the limits on the shrubbot file:

Maximum number of levels: 31
Maximum length of shrubbot level name: 35 (includes color codes)
Maximum number of users with a set level: Unlimited
Maximum number of player bans: 1023
Maximum length of ban reason: 1023
Maximum number of admin-defined commands: 63
Maximum admin-defined command name length: 63 characters
Maximum admin-defined command length (executable part): 1023 characters
Maximum admin-defined command length (help string): 1023 characters
Maximum number of warnings: 1023

User Database

User database is intended to store information of all the players that connect to the server. To enable user database g_dbDirectory must be set. The database stores information to identify different players and also XP data, rating data, overall stats data and shrubbot admin data. PunkBuster GUIDs are used to identify single players. If a player joining the server doesn't have PB GUID data about that player can not be saved. However, the user database can still be used to store data of those players who have enabled punkbuster on the client side.

Shrubbot includes functionality to server admins to handle database userdata. These commands are !userlist, !userinfo, !useredit, !givexp, !userban, !userdelete, !usersearch, !readadmins and !resetpls. All commands that handle users in the database will take the last 8 characters of the player PunkBuster GUID to identify the player to edit. This is not unique identification but because EvenBalance has seen this to have enough uniqueness, it is good for the user database commands. Internally, the complete GUID is used to identify the players.


Lists all users in the database. If PAGE is given, the list starts from that page. If PAGE is not given the first page of the database is printed. The command prints all users, including clients that have connected during the level time and are not yet in the database. The connected clients are always printed first and then the rest of the userbase.

The printed rows have the following columns:
#This is the serial number of the user in the printout. The number doesn't correspond to anything in the database.
PBGUIDThis is the 8 character PB GUID of the user. This is used to identify different users in the database.
Last SeenThis tells how long time ago the user was last seen on the server. For connected clients, this will print "connected".
IPThis tells the last IP address user has had on the server.
NameThis tells the last name with user has been saved on the server.

With userlist command an admin can list all the users saved in the database and those that are connected page by page. Optional page number can be given to the command to tell which page is to be displayed about the users. One page can have up to 20 players printed.


Displays all information that is stored about the user in the database.

This information includes:

  • identity information (name, IP, PunkBuster GUID, Client Identification)
  • admin level
  • personal greeting
  • personal greeting sound
  • personal shrubbot flags
  • saved XP per skill
  • rating values
  • total kills and deaths with SMG weapons

Command requires the last 8 characters of the player PB GUID. This GUID can be found with !userlist or !usersearch commands. This command works for both online and offline players.


Command is used to edit explicit userdata in the database. The command format is:

!useredit [PBGUID] [add|remove|level|greeting|sound] [new value]

The command parameters in detail:
PBGUIDThis is the 8 character PunkBuster GUID of the player. This is needed to identify the player to edit.
addIf the command is given this parameter, the value(s) in the [new value] field will be added to the player's personal flags.
removeIf the command is given this parameter, the value(s) in the [new value] field will be removed from the player's personal flags.
levelIf the command is given this parameter, the value in the [new value] field will be set as the players new level. The level may not be higher then the level of the player executing the command.
greetingIf the command is given this parameter, the value in the [new value] field will be the players new personal greeting. If the [new value] field is empty, the personal greeting is cleared.
soundIf the command is given this parameter, the value in the [new value] field will be the file path to the players new personal greeting sound. If the [new value] field is empty, the personal greeting sound is cleared.
new valueThis field is used to give values to the command.

If the optional new value field is not set with greeting or sound parameter, the value will be set to empty and level values will be used again with these players.

This command works with online and offline players.


Command gives the online or offline player identified by PBGUID a defined amount of XP points to the selected skill.

The possible skills are:
soldSoldier or Heavy Weapons
medMedics or First Aid
eng Engineering or Explosives and Construction
fopsField Ops or Signals
covCovert Ops or Military Intelligence and Scoped Weapons
lightLight Weapons
battleBattle Sense


Command bans user indentified by the 8 character PB GUID from the server. The data required for ban is taken from the database and the banned user does not need to be online when the command is given. Bot's cannot be banned with this command. Note that the bans are written in the human readable config file and you can still write the bans by hand if desired. Also, removing of the bans can be done by hand if desired.

The command syntax is

!userban [PBGUID] [time] [reason]
where [time] is the ban time in seconds and [reason] is the stored reason for the ban. Time modifiers can be used with this command.


Command removes the user identified by the 8 character PB GUID from the database. The actual actions are taken at the level end if needed. However, once the !userdelete command has been issued to the user, the information of the user is no longer available and after the shutdown game, it is permanently lost.

If the removed player is connected to the server while removing, a new entry is written to that player.


With this command an admin can search the database for players with specific parameters. Arguments to the command can be pattern in the name, user admin system level and the beginning of the IP address. Additional page number can be given when the amount of found results exceed what can be shown in one page. All the arguments can be given in one command in any order. Any one of the arguments can be omitted, but each time when command is given at least one argument on top of the optional page number must be given. This command searches stored information only from the database. Connected players are not included unless they already have been stored into the database.

This command is performance intensive and it is not recommended to use it on high utilisation server unless it is needed for maintenance operations. The command will internally always try to optimise itself. If the command is given repeatedly with same arguments but only changin the page number, new searches are not performed but only different pages of the already found results are displayed. The optimisations include that silEnT will try to use the already found results as a basis for the new search (e.g. "!usersearch name gao" followed by "!usersearch name gaoe" will first search the whole db to find all users with the pattern gao in their names and the follow up search will refine the already found results for gaoe). The maximum amount of results one search can return is 256 users. Users are displayed in the console in pages with 20 users on each page.


With this command an admin can read admin definitions from a specific admins.cfg file. The file must be placed in the directory pointed by g_dbDirectory server cvar. The file may have only admin definition blocks.
Admin definitions use always the following syntax. The syntax is exactly the same used by the ETPub.

name     = name of the admin (can be left empty)
guid     = full 32 character PB GUID (this field is used to identify players in the database)
level    = level number
flags    = personal admin flags (can be left empty)
greeting = personal greeting (can be left empty)
greeting_sound = path to personal greeting sound (can be left empty)
If the database doesn't yet have the player, it will be added there. Those players will have the last seen field reading NEVER with !userlist and !usersearch command outputs. If the player already exists in the database, the admin values will be overwritten with the ones in read from the admins.cfg file.


With this command an admin can reset all stored statistics from an online or an offline player. The stored statistics include total SMG kills and deaths, the player K/D rating and PRW rating.

Settings File / Banners

The settings file is a file that contains all the information about banners. See g_settings to see how you can enable this file.

The settings file consists of [banner] blocks (similar to shrubbot). A [banner] block adds a banner to the server banner queue.

A [banner] block has the following fields:

message    = ^1Check out our banner!
wait       = 30
position   = bp
The "message" is the actual message that is displayed to all the players on the server. The "wait" field determines when the next banner will be displayed. Setting this to 30 means the next banner will show up 30 seconds after this banner. Setting the wait to 0 means the next banner will be displayed at the same moment as this one. This in combination with the "position" field that determines the position of the banner, allows the same text to be displayed at one time at multiple positions. "position" can have the values chat, cpm (popup), cp (center), bp (banner) or print (console).

The maximum amount of banners is 31 and the maximum length of individual banner is 255 characters.


Server supports the replacement of the following keys in say messages
[a]last player who gave you ammo
[d]last player who killed you
[g]the last 8 characters of your GUID
[h]last player who gave you health
[k]last player you killed
[l]your location (letter,number)
[n]your name
[r]last player who revived you
[p]last player you looked at
[s]health remaining
[w]name of current weapon
[t]ammo for current weapon

Forcing Client Settings

silEnT server is able to force client cvars to certain values or ranges by using forcecvar and sv_cvar commands. sv_cvarempty will clear all the sv_cvar commands the server has loaded.

To use the possibility, the g_mapConfigs must be set. All forcecvar and sv_cvar commands that are placed in the default.cfg, will be executed on every map start. Those settings can be overloaded by using a map specific cfg name [mapname].cfg. More help is available at silEnT forums.

Announcement Sounds

When announcements are enbaled on the server, the server admins may choose to install their own announcement sounds to replace the mod default ones or add missing sounds. Any of the following sounds can be installed by the admins:

Killing Spree
Wicked Sick
Double Kill
Triple Kill
Multi Kill
Ultra Kill
Monster Kill
First Blood

To replace any of the sounds, create a pk3 file with the mentioned path and sound file name. The replaced sound will be automatically played. The pk3 files are regular zips with only the zip ending changed with pk3.

Change Log

    Version 0.3.3

  • Fixed alternative fire bug introduced in 0.3.2.

  • Version 0.3.2

  • Readded class awards. They should now work correctly with XP save.
  • Added possibility for server admins to enable teamhit sounds.
  • Added flag 8 to g_identOptions. Actions taken based on client identifications are reported in the adminchat.
  • Added default silEnT watermark.
  • Fixed bug with missing hitsounds (
  • Fixed bug with class stealing (
  • Fixed bug with soldier secondary weapon changing to akimbos.
  • Fixed throw last knife bug (
  • Fixed fireteam overlay bug.
  • Fixed server list server name filter bug/crash.
  • Fixed bug with say_teamnl command that allowed muted players to write in team chat. (
  • Fixed bug with g_classWeapons cvar (
  • Fixed bug in the TDM timebar.
  • Fixed some bugs with the win probabilities. Not in algorithms, but with the calls to calculate them.
  • Removed Active Team Balance.
  • Removed g_teamForceBalance_playerrating.
  • Removed !balance admin command.
  • The g_XPSave flag 8 will no longer kick guidless players for duplicates.
  • The !howfair command now uses K/D determining fairness.
  • Possibilities for invalid kicks for spoofed client identification reduced.

  • Version 0.3.1

  • Bug fixes.
  • Added: g_votedMuteLength which controls the lengths of the voted mutes. Default is 3 hours.
  • Reworked: The tripmine shaders. Visually still defaults to the old look.
  • Some code cleanup and minor optimizations.
  • Binaries compiled with optimization settings.

  • Version 0.3.0

  • Added: Weapon banks shown during weapon change - incorporated into HUD editor (introduced new client cvars for this: cg_wbShowDuration, cg_wbOrientation, cg_wbWideSlots).
  • Added: New game type: Team Death Match (easy to be configured server side and client side).
  • Added: When alternate HUD is chosen with compass in the lower part of the screen the compass slides out to bottom.
  • Added: New command !baninfo.
  • Added: New server cvar g_punkBuster. Servers that don't have PunkBuster enabled can still force clients enabling punkbuster for them to have GUIDs. This does not guarantee that every player will have a GUID but if the player has it, it will be sent to the server.
  • Added: Warmup countdown (last 3 seconds). Can be turned off by setting cg_showCountDown client cvar to "0".
  • Added: g_classWeapons server cvar. Enables weapons per class (so far only PPSh is handled)
  • Added: Muted players can't call votes.
  • Added: New command !readadmins.
  • Added: Separate meaning of death for shoving to death (enemy killing and team killing supported).
  • Added: New type of revealed landmines notifications (cg_landmineNotifyType client cvar and g_landmineNotifyType server cvar provided for this).
  • Added: New command !resetpls that reset individual player stats leaving XP save untouched. There has been some cases when the stats have bugged and this is an easy command for admins to correct such stats.
  • Added: Players can customise or even disable the announcements if they like.
  • Added: silEnT mod icon displayed on loading screen.
  • Added: New PPSH weapon model and enhanced the weapon overall (sounds).
  • Added: Possibility for First Blood sound for server admins.
  • Added: New shrubbot flag '/' that will disables private messages from levels or individual players.
  • Added: Kills/Deaths/Spree counters HUD display managed by cg_killsDisplay cvar.
  • Added: Predefined HUDs can be now chosen from the HUD configuration menu.
  • Added: New predefined HUDs: etpro, etpro2 (thanks to Dragon).
  • Added: New server cvar g_punkBuster that helps server without PunkBuster enabled with GUIDless players.
  • Added: Hardware based client identification. This is used to help banning players. Controlled by g_identOptions cvar.
  • Fixed: defect with following FT (killed player was picked when he/she was the FT leader - but next FT member should be picked)
  • Improved the database performance.
  • Reworked: cg_hitSounds client cvar. Now a new option play only headshots is available.
  • Fixed: Headshots from proned players.
  • Fixed: Follow Fire Team bug with spec not switching outside of FT for "FT first" option.
  • Fixed: Spectator follow bug: SPACE + RMB caused wrong behavior.
  • Fixed: pmove_fixed is now recognised by the server if the players sets it.
  • Fixed: !useredit add command. Before the command checked only valid command flags were added. Now it accepts any flags.
  • Fixed: Intermission pings. (http://mygamingtalk....c/437-big-ping/)
  • Fixed: Bans that did not have GUID information are still enforced but not based on the GUID.
  • Removed: cg_damageKick client cvar.
  • Changed: Allied tripmine beam color changed to blue.

  • Version 0.2.1

  • Added: !usersearch shrubbot command. This command can search user database for name, level and IP address.
  • Added: Breath bar when underwater.
  • Added: Backward following in spec mode.
  • Added: Following Fire Team members in spec in regard to followFT client cvar.
  • Added: Muted player indicator in scoreboard.
  • Added: New placeholder '?' to custom commands. When this is inluded with a numerical placeholder, the parameter is then seen as partial name and will be replaced with the real player name if only one name matches the pattern.
  • Added: The vote menu during intermission displays the top 3 vote winning maps with colors.
  • Added: Muted players can't send private messages or chat in adminchat.
  • Reworked: Shortcuts. Fixes a bug in them and gives better performance.
  • Reworked: Knife throw headshot. Thrown knife triggers now a headshot sound when hitting to the opponent's head.
  • Reworked: Grenades can't be thrown underwater from now on.
  • Reworked: Forcecvar. Players can't lag out forcecvar commands anymore.
  • Reworked: Icons shown over player's head - now possible multiple icons.
  • Fixed: Center print priorities. The previous kill no longer blocks the health info.
  • Fixed: Tripmines energy cost bug (charge time). Now it behaves the same way as for landmines.
  • Fixed: Tripmine arming bug which allowed to exceed team tripmines limit.
  • Fixed: Knives can be thrown underwater (bug #20).
  • Fixed: Defect #16: knives bounce off enemies.
  • Fixed: The client side shrubbot commands now work also in console.
  • Fixed: Intermission chat can now handle extended ASCII and also commands in the same way as other chats.
  • Removed: G_tactics.

  • Version 0.2.0

  • Added: New sound for thrown knife.
  • Added: g_dbUserMaxAge server cvar. If this cvar is set, users that are older then then this value are automatically removed from the user database. Default value is 0 which also disables the automated functionality.
  • Added: !givexp command. With this command admin can add to an online or an offline player a specific amount of XP to a specific skill.
  • Added: !userdelete command. With this command any users except bots can be removed from the database.
  • Added: !userban command. A handy online command for banning offline players.
  • Added: !userlist command. With this command admin can view all the players that are stored in the database.
  • Added: !useredit command. This command can be used to edit any player that has visited the server.
  • Added: User database. This holds information of all the users that have visited the server (during the lifetime of the database).
  • Added: Quick chat box can be used to give commands.
  • Added: New shrubbot flag '?' that will allow speccing admins to see private messages when they are in spec.
  • Changed: g_knifeDamage is now g_knifeThrowDamage. Also, the actual damage is no longer randmon.
  • Changed: !listplayers is now plain !list.
  • Changed: ETPub !userinfo renamed to !finger. In future a new !userinfo command will give different information.
  • Reworked: !stats command now shows total and session specific kills and deaths made by Thompson, MP40 and PPSh weapons.
  • Reworked: Private message sound is now built in and not configurable. sound file can be overridden though.
  • Reworked: If poison sound is enabled, the poison sound is played only to the player who has been poisoned.
  • Reworked: !time command shows the clients local time.
  • Reworked: To throw knife +attack2 must be used as the command.
  • Reworked: Knives throwing. Now knives are held while they charge power.
  • Reworked: Knifes rotate when thrown.
  • Reworked: Knife icon enlarges when +attack2 button is pressed and held (e.g. nade icon pulsates)
  • Removed: Without the need to support several client versions, the server will now send all obituaries as events.
    This change removes all excess flags from g_obituary. From now on, the server will send obituary events to clients with any nonzero value in g_obituary cvar and will not send events if it is set to 0.
  • Removed: Party panzers removed.
  • Removed: g_XPSaveFile. This is now controlled with new cvar g_dbDirectory.
  • Removed: g_shrubbot. This is now controlled with new cvar g_dbDirectory.
  • Fixed: Memory leaking in the ETPub settings.cfg handling.
  • Fixed: During the intermission, the full width of the chatbox is now used.
  • Fixed: During the gameplay, the chat no longer overlaps with the gun icon.
  • Fixed: Player can't throw his/hers last knife.
  • Added: vote blocking
  • Enhancement: lot of rewriting to the data sent from server to the client.
  • Reworked:!freeze command now needs parameter to avoid freezing all player.
  • Added: Knife Model
  • Fixed: Team change spam to stop server crash

  • Version 0.1.4

  • Reworked: Scoreboard worked
  • Added: New awards
  • Configurable option to pickup extra ammo with dropped weapons.
  • Enhancement: Tripmines need to be armed
  • Enhancement: No Tripmines for coverts from this version on
  • Enhancement: Different tripmines beam colours for each team
  • Fixed: tripmines ammo defect
  • Fixed: Scoreboard fixes
  • Fixed: The reward printing bug on map starts
  • Fixed: limbomenu bug
  • Added: sv_cvar and sv_cvarempty commands

  • Version 0.1.2

  • Added: New weapon PPSh
  • Added: New Weapon Tripmine
  • Reworked: Hitsounds handled differently (No more netspam)
  • Reworked: The bounding box code worked (This is different then ETPub and at least old NQ)
  • Removed: Many Etpub related server cvars removed.


We are greatly thankful to Etpub Dev Team since silEnT mod is based on Etpub 9.1. With time, we have done many core code changes, added new features and reworked all code to make it more optimized. We are also thankful to Foxdie, SunLight for the detailed explanation of the cg_zoomDefaultSniper exploit, ailmanki for the help with tripmine wires and unHoL for miscellaneous help.

Dev Team gaoesa TheSilencerPL hellreturn jamesplock jowish