Goal Commands: Difference between revisions

From MyGamingTalk
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Latest revision as of 09:02, 13 February 2023


Draws information for mapgoals. It will draw goal names, properties, radius, facing and bounding boxes around objectives.

Syntax: draw_goals <on/off/1/0> <optional goalname expression>

Example: draw_goals on

Notes: It works only in the omnibot mod. Cvar dedicated must be 0. Cvar cg_omnibotdrawing must be 1.

The goalname parameter supports expressions. i.e. /bot draw_goals on attack.* will highlight all attack goals in the map.


Creates a new goal at the player's position and lists in console which properties are required and which are optional.

Syntax: goal_create <goalType> <optional name>

Example: goal_create attack test1


Deletes the currently selected goal.

Syntax: goal_delete


Displays the closest enabled and rendered goal within goal_edit range to the screen.

Syntax: goal_echo


Selects the goal nearest the player for editing.

Syntax: goal_edit


Selects the goal the player is aiming at for editing.

Syntax: goal_editx


Completes edits on the selected goal.

Syntax: goal_finish


Lists help text for the selected goal.

Syntax: goal_help


Loads the maps goal file.

Syntax: goal_load


Toggle. Starts moving the currently selected goal. Optionally moves the goal to the players position.

Syntax: goal_move <optional toplayer> <optional ground>

Example: goal_move // starts to move the selected goal based on players aim point. issue it again to stop movement

Example: goal_move toplayer // moves the selected goal directly to the players position and grounds it

Example: goal_move toplayer false // moves the selected goal directly to the players position and does not ground it


Deletes all goals except goals which were created automatically for map entities.

Syntax: goal_removeall


Saves all goals to <mapname>_goals.gm in the nav folder.

Syntax: goal_save


Sets a given property for the currently selected goal.

Syntax: goal_setproperty <property> <value>

Example: goal_setproperty stance crouch

Example: goal_setproperty tagname testname

Example: goal_setproperty facing 0 // sets facing index 0 for goals that support facing (like camp)


Prints out goal names, availabilities, priorities, roles and groups to the console.

Syntax: show_goals <optional expression> <optional p>

Example: show_goals defend.* will list all defend goals in console

Example: show_goals .* p will list all goals and their priorities for all classes

notes: this command supports expressions for the optional parameter