Silent Mod Installation

From MyGamingTalk

Installation Guide

This instruction describes the installation of the Silent Mod on a server.

Game Server Hosting

1. Download the latest copy of silEnT mod from here

2. Unzip the file on your local PC.

3. Upload all the contens of silent folder to your server FTP next to etmain folder. 

4. Go to the game server control panel and change the fs_game setting to silent. Change the executed config to silent.cfg.

VPS and Dedicated Server with Shell Access

1. Backup old etmain and silent folders if you have them but do not delete the etmain folder.

2. Upload the to the root of the ET installation. Next to etded.

3. Unzip the

4a. Start your Windows server with command line "etded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +exec silent.cfg".

4b. Start your Linux server with command line "etded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +set fs_homepath /path/to/your/et/ +exec silent.cfg".


  • In linux, the fs_homepath is by default a hidden folder at the user home directory. If this path is not set to the server installation, the silEnT will not be able to function fully. This value is usually set to have the same value as the fs_basepath.
  • Often the default com_hunkMegs setting (56) is not enough for a customized server. Increase this value to avoid problems.