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Waypoint Commands


Usage: waypoint_add

Example: waypoint_add

  • Adds a waypoint at the location where you are currently standing. When executing waypoint_add, a new waypoint will be created at the location you are currently standing. Some waypoint flags may be automatically placed on the waypoint.
    • If the waypoint is underwater, the underwater flag should be automatically added.
    • If you are crouching when you place the waypoint, the crouch flag should be automatically added.
    • If you are proning when you place the waypoint, the crouch flag should be automatically added instead of adding prone flag.


Usage: waypoint_addflag flags[string] ...

Example: waypoint_addflag crouch

  • Flags the nearest waypoint with named properties, or clears the flag from the waypoint if it already exists. This command can take any number of waypoint flags. See the list of flags here.


Usage: waypoint_addflagx flags[string] ...

Example: waypoint_addflagx crouch

  • Same as waypoint_addflag, only instead of the nearest waypoint, uses the waypoint you are currently aimed at.


Usage: waypoint_addx

Example: waypoint_addx

  • Same as waypoint_add, only instead of location you are currently standing., it adds a waypoint where you are currently aimed at.
  • Note for 0.7 and above only


Usage: waypoint_autobuild dc[1/0] bbox[1/0] limitheight[#] limitdist[#] maxconnections[#]

Example: waypoint_autobuild 1 0 32 1024 4

  • This command automatically creates connections between waypoints based on the parameters used. It is a time saving function that can generate a pretty good starting point for paths between waypoints. It is not meant to do all the work for you, and will likely need additional cleanup after using where you may need to add additional connections it missed, or removed bad connections in may have added.
    • dc - Disconnect all current connections before auto connecting.
    • bbox - Use a small bounding box when casting the ray between waypoints. Useful for filtering out some connections that clip closely to a wall.
    • limitheight - Only make connections to waypoints that are only within this height difference. Useful to prevent connections between multiple levels in a wide open room, even if there is line of sight between them.
    • limitdist - Only make connections to other waypoints within this distance.
    • maxconnections - Only make a maximum of this many connections. 3-5 tends to be a good range to start with.


Usage: waypoint_autofeature

Example: waypoint_autofeature

  • Attempts to add waypoints at all detected map features. This includes spawn points, mg42, and portals. If used, it should be used first before adding any other waypoints in the map. The detected features are game dependent; meaning not all games will have all listed features detected.


Usage: waypoint_autoflag <flag>

Example: waypoint_autoflag crouch

  • Toggles whether or not waypoints are autoflagged. Currently not used


Usage: waypoint_autoradius all/cur[string] height[#] minradius[#] maxradius[#]

Example: waypoint_autoradius all 32 20 200

  • Automatically detects a waypoint radius on the nearest or all waypoints(depending on 1st parameter).
    • all/cur - all performs autoradius on all waypoints, cur performs it on the nearest.
    • height - A vertical offset from the waypoint position to perform the collision tests with. This is useful due to differences in waypoint position between games. In Doom3 & HL2 engine games, the position is at the ground, while in ET the position is about half-way up a players height.
    • minradius - The minimum radius to use.
    • maxradius - The maximum radius to use.


Usage: waypoint_biconnect

Example: waypoint_biconnect

  • Same as waypoint_connect, but results in a 2 way connection between the waypoints.


Usage: waypoint_biconnectx

Example: waypoint_biconnectx

  • Same as waypoint_connectx, but results in a 2 way connection between the waypoints.


Usage: waypoint_boxselect

Example: waypoint_boxselect

  • Creates a box area to select all waypoints within the boundaries. First usage starts the select area, use the cursor to expand the box, then use the command again to finish the selection.


Usage: waypoint_boxselectroom

Example: waypoint_boxselectroom

  • Not fully implemented


Usage: waypoint_changeradius change[#]

Example: waypoint_changeradius -10

  • Change the radius of the nearest waypoint by the change amount. Useful if you want to bind a increase and decrease radius key, such as a mouse wheel.


Usage: waypoint_clearallflags flags[string] ...

Example: waypoint_clearallflags crouch

  • Clears a list of flags from all waypoints in the map. Like waypoint_addflag, it can take any number of flag names, and clears the flags from all waypoints in the map. Useful if you want to remove all of a particular flag from a map.


Usage: waypoint_clearcon

Example: waypoint_clearcon

  • Clears all the connections from the nearest waypoint or all selected waypoints(if any).


Usage: waypoint_clearproperty name[string]

Example: waypoint_clearproperty bias

  • Clears a property from a waypoint by its name.


Usage: waypoint_color

Example: waypoint_color type[string] red[#] green[#] blue[#]

  • Allows colors to be configured for certain types of waypoints.
    • waypoint_color - Default color of waypoints.
    • waypoint_selected - Selected waypoints.
    • link_closedcolor - If the waypoint has a closed flag.
    • link_teleport - If the waypoint has a teleport flag.
    • link_1way - One-way connection links.
    • link_2way - Two-way connection link.
    • blockable_blocked - Blockable line indicators when it is blocked.
    • blockable_open - Blockable line indicators when it is open(unblocked).
    • aimentity - Color of the box drawn around entities when you aim at them with waypoint_view enabled.
    • radius - Color of the radius indicator.
    • team1 - Team 1 flagged waypoints
    • team2 - Team 2 flagged waypoints
    • team3 - Team 3 flagged waypoints (not for ET)
    • team4 - Team 4 flagged waypoints (not for ET)


Usage: waypoint_connect

Example: waypoint_connect

  • Flags the nearest waypoint for a connection. If a waypoint is already flagged for connection that waypoint will be connected to this waypoint with a 1-way connection.


Usage: waypoint_connectx

Example: waypoint_connectx

  • Same as waypoint_connect, only uses the waypoint you are aiming at.


Usage: waypoint_dcall

Example: waypoint_dcall

  • Disconnect all waypoints in the map. This removes all connections, while leaving only the waypoints.


Usage: waypoint_del

Example: waypoint_del

  • Deletes a nearest waypoint that you are standing within 100 units of. All connections from and to the waypoint will get automatically removed as well.


Usage: waypoint_delx

Example: waypoint_delx

  • Same as waypoint_del, but removes the waypoint you are aiming at.


Usage: waypoint_deleteaxis axis[string]

Example: waypoint_deleteaxis

  • Deletes all waypoints on a specified side of a specified axis.
    • axis - x, y, z, -x, -y, -z, which side of which axis to delete all waypoints from. Mainly useful for symmetrical maps when you wish to delete a side, make adjustments, and re-mirror the waypoints.


Usage: waypoint_goto <waypoint GUID>

Example: waypoint_goto 127

  • Teleports the player to the given waypoint by GUID
  • Requires game specific implementation, not all games support it.


Usage: waypoint_ground

Example: waypoint_ground

  • Grounds all waypoints based on the navigation rendering offsets.


Usage: waypoint_info

Example: waypoint_info

  • Prints some basic information about the nearest waypoint.


Usage: waypoint_load name[string, optional]

Example: waypoint_load

  • name is optional and if used, loads the waypoints for the currently loaded map with the suffix name. For example, if the map d3ctf1 is loaded, waypoint_load half would load from the nav directory the file d3ctf1half.way
  • Loads the waypoints for the currently loaded map. Waypoints are loaded from the nav directory under the mod currently running. Warning: Any changes you may have made to the waypoints since the last load will be lost. This command is typically used for undoing changes made after the last save.


Usage: waypoint_lockselected

Example: waypoint_lockselected

  • Locks all currently selected waypoints. Locked waypoints aren't effected by waypoint_translate.


Usage: waypoint_maxradius <radius>

Example: waypoint_maxradius 70

  • Clamps all waypoints maximum radius to this value


Usage: waypoint_minradius <radius>

Example: waypoint_minradius 70

  • Clamps all waypoints minimum radius to this value


Usage: waypoint_mirror axis[string] p[optional]

  • If axis parameter is x, y, or z, waypoints are rotated around provided axis.
  • If axis parameter is m, waypoints are mirrored, north to south.
  • If axis parameter is mz, waypoints are mirrored, west to east.
  • p is optional, and if defined will use your current position to define origin (map center)

Example: waypoint_mirror z

  • This command duplicates all or selected waypoints and rotates or mirrors the duplicated waypoints across the origin of a provided axis. This function is useful for mirroring the waypoints in a symmetrical map, where each team has an identical base. The optional p parameter is useful for when the map isn't centered around the 0 axis. Stand as closely to the center of the map as possible and execute the command including the optional p parameter and the waypoints will be mirrored and offset based on the player position.


Usage: waypoint_move

Example: waypoint_move

  • Grabs the nearest waypoint for moving. If a waypoint has already been grabbed by a previous call to waypoint_move, it is dropped at your current position. Connections are maintained throughout waypoint moving.


Usage: waypoint_save

Example: waypoint_save

  • name is optional and if used, saves the waypoints for the currently loaded map with the suffix name. For example, if the map d3ctf1 is loaded, waypoint_save half would save the waypoints to the nav directory as the file d3ctf1half.way
  • Saves the waypoints for the currently loaded map. Waypoints are saved to a file called mapname.way in the nav directory under the mod currently running. Warning: This will overwrite an existing waypoint file of the same name without asking. Rename or backup your original waypoint files when you want to experiment.


Usage: waypoint_select radius[#]

Example: waypoint_select 500

  • Selects all waypoints in the provided radius. If no radius is provided, the selection is cleared. Some of the above functions work on selected waypoints.


Usage: waypoint_setdefaultradius radius[#]

Example: waypoint_setdefaultradius 100

  • Sets the default radius that is used with all waypoints placed. Useful if you plan to waypoint_add a bunch of waypoints that will share a radius different from the current default to save time going back and changing radius manually.


Usage: waypoint_setfacing

Example: waypoint_setfacing

  • Sets the facing for the nearest waypoint to your current facing. A waypoint's facing is basically a vector associated with a waypoint. It was used in Omni-bot 0.71 to tell the bot in which direction to look when the bot was camping on that waypoint (due to a sniper or defend flag in most cases). Goals do not use waypoint facing since Omni-bot 0.8, but it can be used for various purposes in map scripts.


Usage: waypoint_setname name[string]

Example: waypoint_setname spawnarea

  • Sets the name of the nearest waypoint. Waypoint names are used as part of the map goal name if goal entity does not have name. It usually happens only for goals MOUNTMG42, REPAIRMG42, AMMOCAB, HEALTHCAB. It's much easier and less error-prone to manipulate goals in a map script based on meaningful names rather than UIDs.
  • Note: Omni-bot 0.71 and older used waypoint name for any goals that were created as a result of the flags on a waypoint. For example, if you set a waypoint's name to "barrier_axis1" and the waypoint had a sniper flag set, it appeared as SNIPE_barrier_axis1 in the bots' goal list.


Usage: waypoint_setproperty name[string] value[string]

Example: waypoint_setproperty paththrough Navigation_PT:ladder1

  • Sets an arbitrary propery value by name. It is usually used to set Paththrough.


Usage: waypoint_setradius radius[#]

Example: waypoint_setradius 100

  • Sets the radius of the nearest waypoint.


Usage: waypoint_shownames expression[string, optional]

Example: waypoint_shownames ATTACK.*

  • Prints all waypoint id's and names that optionally match an expression.


Usage: waypoint_showproperty

Example: waypoint_showproperty

  • Shows all properties on the current waypoint.


Usage: waypoint_slice

Example: waypoint_slice maxsegmentlength[#]

  • Slices a 2 way connection so that it doesn't exceed a specified length.


Usage: waypoint_split

  • Splits a 2 way connection to 2 parts. A new waypoint is created near the location where you are currently standing.


Usage: waypoint_stats

Example: waypoint_stats

  • Prints out some basic information for the waypoint pathing system. Primarily a debug tool, but useful if you want to see the total number of waypoints currently placed.


Usage: waypoint_translate x[#] y[#] z[#]

Example: waypoint_translate 10 0 0

  • Translates(moves) all waypoints, or the currently selected waypoints by Vector3(x,y,z)


Usage: waypoint_unlockall

Example: waypoint_unlockall

  • Unlocks all waypoints.


Usage: waypoint_unsplit

  • Deletes a nearest waypoint which has 2 connections and makes 1 connection.


Usage: waypoint_view enable[1,0,true,false,on,off]

Example: waypoint_view 1

  • Enables or disables waypoint rendering.


Usage: waypoint_viewfacing enable[1,0,true,false,on,off]

Example: waypoint_viewfacing 1

  • Enables or disables rendering of the facing vector for waypoints if they have a facing vector.