Utility Functions: Difference between revisions

From MyGamingTalk
(deprecated functions)
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==== Util.UpdateSwitchData ====
==== Util.UpdateSwitchData ====

<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
This function is deprecated. Use [[Switch_Goal]]
  syntax: Util.UpdateSwitchData();</syntaxhighlight>
this function must be called from OnMapLoad if Map.Switches is defined.
see also: [[Paththrough UseSwitch]]

==== Util.WpNameInfo ====
==== Util.WpNameInfo ====

Latest revision as of 08:43, 17 December 2024

Omni-Bot_Map_Scripting Utility Functions



  syntax: Util.AddUsePoint(goalname, <Vector3 or table>);
  example: Util.AddUsePoint("PLANT_wall",{Vec3(12,34,5),Vec3(23,5,67)});

used to add use points for a goal at given positions. Goals can have multiple use points. You must set RandomUsePoint property to 1, otherwise bots will always choose the nearest use point.


  syntax: Util.AddUseWp(goalname, <waypointname or table>);
  example: Util.AddUseWp( "somegoalname", "somewaypointname" );

used to add use points for a goal at given waypoints positions. Goals can have multiple use points. You must set RandomUsePoint property to 1, otherwise bots will always choose the nearest use point.


  syntax: Util.AliveCount( team, class );
  example: Util.AliveCount( TEAM.AXIS, CLASS.MEDIC );

returns the number of bots alive on a team with a given class


  syntax: Util.BotChat(Team, msgType, Msg, NumBots);
  example: Util.BotChat(TEAM.ALLIES, "vsay", VOICE.G_CHEER, 2);

See Talking_bots page


This function is deprecated. Use HasRole


  syntax: Util.CanBotSnipe(bot);
  example: if ( Util.CanBotSnipe(bot) ) {

returns true if bot has a sniper weapon.


  syntax: Util.CappointForFlag( flag_goalname, cappoint_goalname );
  example: Util.CappointForFlag( "FLAG_axis_gold", "CAPPOINT_Truck" );

used if there are multiple active cappoint goals. It should be called from _Taken triggers.


This function is deprecated. See Changing spawns.


  syntax: Util.ChangeCrucialClassForRole ( team, role, class );
  example: Util.ChangeCrucialClassForRole(TEAM.AXIS, ROLE.DEFENDER1, CLASS.COVERTOPS);

Sets new crucialClass in the Map.Roles table.


This function is deprecated. See Changing spawns.


  syntax: Util.ChangeSpawnForRole( <team>, <role>, <spawnpoint> );
  example: Util.ChangeSpawnForRole(TEAM.ALLIES, ROLE.ATTACKER, 1);

Set the spawn point for all bots on the given team with the given role

see also: Roles Page


  syntax: Util.ChangeToSniperWeapons( bot, <optional viewDistance> );
  example: Util.ChangeToSniperWeapons(bot);

called from OnBotJoin on sniper maps.

see also: Sniper_and_Panzer_maps


This function is deprecated. Use ClearGoalRole


  syntax: Util.ClearRoleForGroup( group, <role or table> );
  example: Util.ClearRoleForGroup( "someGroup", ROLE.DEFENDER );

used to remove roles from a given group of goals

see also: Roles Page


This function is deprecated. Use ClearGoalRole


  syntax: Util.DisableGoal(goalname, <optional true>);
  example: Util.DisableGoal("FLAG_someflag");

disables the goal for both teams. the optional true parameter is used to disable all goals except for ROUTE goals.


  syntax: Util.DisableGroup(groupname, team);
  example: Util.DisableGroup( "somegroupname", TEAM.ALLIES );

used to disable a set of goals in the given group for a given team


  syntax: Util.EnableGoal(goalname);
  example: Util.EnableGoal("FLAG_someflag");

enables the goal for both teams.


  syntax: Util.EnableGroup(groupname, team);
  example: Util.EnableGroup( "somegroupname", TEAM.SOMETEAM );

used to enable a set of goals in the given group for a given team


  syntax: Util.ExcludeClass( goalname, team, class1, class2, class3, class4 );
  example: Util.ExcludeClass( "DEFEND_somegoal.*", TEAM.AXIS, CLASS.MEDIC );
  example: Util.ExcludeClass( "MOUNTMG42_.*", TEAM.ALLIES, CLASS.FIELDOPS, CLASS.ENGINEER );

limit given goal usage to specific classes by team. class2, class3, and class4 are optional.


  syntax: Util.ForceRouting(goalName, true/false);
  example: Util.ForceRouting( "BUILD_Tank", true );

disables BUILD goal offsets and enables routes to the goal. You should set ForceRouting to true only when a vehicle is at known position (in OnMapLoad or at tank barriers). You must set it to false when a vehicle is repaired.


  syntax: Util.GetEntHealth(entity);
  example: health = Util.GetEntHealth(this.TargetEntity);

returns entity health.


  syntax: Util.GetGroup(groupname);
  example: Util.GetGroup("somegroupname");

this function will return a table of goals belonging to the given group name


  syntax: Util.GetRandomFromTable( tbl );
  example: index = Util.GetRandomFromTable( someTable );

used to get a randomly selected index from a given table. Returns -1 if invalid. Table keys must be integers from 0 to (count - 1).


  syntax: Util.GetRandomTableValue( tbl );
  example: value = Util.GetRandomTableValue( someTable );

used to get a randomly selected value from a given table. Returns null if the table is empty or invalid. Table keys must be integers from 0 to (count - 1).


  syntax: Util.GoalTable( <optional expression>, <optional teamId> );
  example: goals = Util.GoalTable("PLANT_Back_Door");
  example: goals = Util.GoalTable("FLAG.*", TEAM.AXIS);

returns table of map goals that match a regular expression.


This function is deprecated. Use IgnoreTarget


This function is deprecated. Use IgnoreTarget


  syntax: Util.IsBot(entity);
  example: bot = Util.IsBot(ent);

returns Bot object from entity or null if entity is not a bot. Usually used in region triggers if the TriggerOnClass is CLASS.ANYPLAYER.


  syntax: Util.LimitToClass(goalname, team, class1, class2, class3, class4);
  example: Util.LimitToClass("CHECKPOINT.*", TEAM.ALLIES, CLASS.SOLDIER); //only soldiers on the allied team
  example: Util.LimitToClass("CHECKPOINT.*", TEAM.ALLIES, CLASS.SOLDIER, CLASS.MEDIC); //only soldiers and medics

used to limit specific goals to a specific class or classes


  syntax: Util.LimitToTeam(team, goal);
  example: Util.LimitToTeam(TEAM.AXIS, "SWITCH_gate_depot");

limits goals to a certain team without the need to disable for 1 team


  syntax: Util.MapDebugPrint( "Text", <optional message only> );
  example: Util.MapDebugPrint( "East_Barrier_Destroyed" );
  example: Util.MapDebugPrint( "East_Barrier_Destroyed", true ); // only print the message

used to print text & list of available goals in the console when in debug mode

see also: Debugging_tips


  syntax: Util.OnTriggerPosition( goalname, wpname or position, tolerance, wpfunction );
  example: Util.OnTriggerPosition( "MOVER_train1", "depotyard", 200.0, Map.tug_depotyard );

note: used for setting up positional triggers for movers.


This function is deprecated. See Changing spawns.


This function is deprecated. See Changing spawns.


  syntax: Util.RemoveGoal( goalnames );
  example: Util.RemoveGoal( "MOVER_truck" );

removes the goals from the map goal table. It should only be used for invalid goals which are badly detected by the game.


  syntax: Util.Routes( <table> );
  example: Util.Routes(MapRoutes);

initializes routes

see also: Routing


  syntax: Util.SetGoalOffset( x, y, z, GoalName );
  info x = North, -x = South y = East, -y = West, z = Up, -z =Down
  example: Util.SetGoalOffset( 0, -20, -10, "MOUNTMG42_boat" );

the x y and z parameters are added to the origin of the goal to move the location of where bots will look for the goal. It is sometimes needed for MOUNTMG42 and REPAIRMG42 goals because some mg42 cannot be mounted or repaired if it's position is not corrected.


  syntax: Util.SetGoalPosition( x, y, z, GoalName );
  example: Util.SetGoalPosition( 4534, 2168, -199, "BUILD_construct" )

used to give the goal a new origin.

note: it's usually much better to use function Util.AddUsePoint to set position of BUILD or PLANT goals.

note: console command "/bot mypos" prints your body position, command "/viewpos" prints your eye position rounded to integer.


  syntax: Util.SetGoalRange( goalNames, distance );
  example: Util.SetGoalRange("GRENADE_tower.*", 800);

sets the range for map goals. The goals will not be available for bots that are out of range. Default range for all goals is 0 which means unlimited.


This function is deprecated. Use SetGoalGroup


This function is deprecated. Use SetGoalGroup


  syntax: Util.SetMaxUsers( botnum, goal );
  example: Util.SetMaxUsers( 1, "ATTACK_.*" );

used to limit number of bots using a particular goal(s). this function sets both In_Use and In_Progress


  syntax: Util.SetMaxUsersInProgress( Users, GoalNames );
  example: Util.SetMaxUsersInProgress( 15, "CHECKPOINT.*" );

used to set the maximum number of bots going for a particular goal(s).


  syntax: Util.SetMaxUsersInUse( Users, GoalNames );
  example: Util.SetMaxUsersInUse( 1, "MOUNT_.*" );

used to set the maximum number of bots using a particular goal(s).


  syntax: Util.SetPercentInProgress(%, goal);
  example: Util.SetPercentInProgress(70, "FLAG_docs");

sets a percentage of bots to use a particular goal(s).

note: number of bots is calculated only once when this function is called. It does not work well after bots are added or kicked.


  syntax: Util.SetPositionGoal( goalname1, goalname2 );
  example: Util.SetPositionGoal( "BUILD_Tank", "MOVER_tank" );

sets the origin of one goal to match the origin of another. This function was used in Omni-bot 0.66. Current Omni-bot version automatically sets positions of BUILD goals.


This function is deprecated. Use SetGoalRole


  syntax: Util.SetRoleForGroup( <goal group>, <role or table> );
  example: Util.SetRoleForGroup( "myGroup", ROLE.DEFENDER );

sets the given roles for the given group of goals.


This function is deprecated. Use SetGoalRole

see also: Roles Page


  syntax: Util.ShowGroup(groupname);
  example: Util.ShowGroup("somegroupname");

this function will list all goals in the given group in the console.


This function is deprecated. Use Switch_Goal


  syntax: Util.WpNameInfo(waypointName);
  example: wpInfo = Util.WpNameInfo("rNadeHall");

finds waypoint by name and returns table which contains position, facing, radius, flags, property. It is often used in paththrough navigation.


These functions are available only in the Enemy Territory game.


  syntax: ETUtil.ChangeToPanzer( bot );

called from OnBotJoin on panzer maps.

see also: Sniper_and_Panzer_maps


  syntax: ETUtil.CountClass( team, class );
  example: ETUtil.CountClass( TEAM.ALLIES, CLASS.ENGINEER );

can be used to determine if a team has enough of a critical class for the map


  syntax: ETUtil.GetTimeElapsed();

returns time since map start.


  syntax: ETUtil.IsTeamClassDead( team, class );
  example: ETUtil.IsTeamClassDead( TEAM.AXIS, CLASS.MEDIC );

returns true if all the players of the given class on the given team are dead.


  syntax: ETUtil.IsTeamDead( team );
  example: ETUtil.IsTeamDead( TEAM.AXIS );

returns true if all players on the given team are dead.


  syntax: ETUtil.LosingChat(team);
  example: ETUtil.LosingChat( TEAM.AXIS );

See Talking_bots page


  syntax: ETUtil.SelectWeapon(bot, weapon);
  example: ETUtil.SelectWeapon(bot, WEAPON.PANZERFAUST);

This function is deprecated since version 0.82 because it only kills bot and does not change his weapon.


  syntax: ETUtil.SetAimModeForMount(goalName, aimType);
  example: ETUtil.SetAimModeForMount("MOUNT_ship", Vec3(-340, 1530, 90));

Sets AimMode property of MOUNT goal. Valid values are "velocity", "opposite", "random" or Vector3.


  syntax: ETUtil.SetCabinets();

disables health & ammo cabinets for Medic & FieldOp Classes


  syntax: ETUtil.SetExcludeIndexes( goal, { offset } );
  example: ETUtil.SetExcludeIndexes( "BUILD_Truck", { 4, 5, 6 } ); // Disable offset 4, 5 & 6
  example: ETUtil.SetExcludeIndexes( "BUILD_Truck", {} ); // Removes Disabled offsets

disables vehicle offsets, used when an offset cannot be reached. Used only by goals BUILD, ESCORT, MOUNT, RIDE.


  syntax: ETUtil.SetStartIndex(goal, offset);
  example: ETUtil.SetStartIndex("ESCORT_tank", 2); // Use Offset 2
  example: ETUtil.SetStartIndex("ESCORT_tank", -1); // Random

used to make a bot start from a certain vehicle offset in mover goals that have offsets defined. Normally set in OnMapLoad then reset inside a trigger. Used only by goals BUILD, ESCORT, MOUNT, RIDE.


  syntax: ETUtil.SuicideSpawn( team, spawn, numbots, class);
  example: ETUtil.SuicideSpawn( TEAM.AXIS, 2, 1, CLASS.ENGINEER ); // 2 bots spawn at spawnpoint 2
  example: ETUtil.SuicideSpawn( TEAM.AXIS, 2, -1, CLASS.ENGINEER ); // all axis engineer bots spawn at spawnpoint 2

used to make bots self kill and change to a new spawn, often used in maps to defend areas when players have sneaked past.


  syntax: ETUtil.SwitchWeapon(weapon);
  example: ETUtil.SwitchWeapon(WEAPON.PANZERFAUST); //all soldiers will switch to panzer

This function is deprecated since version 0.82 because it only kills bot and does not change his weapon.


  syntax: ETUtil.WinningChat(Team);
  example: ETUtil.WinningChat( TEAM.ALLIES );

See Talking_bots page


These functions are available only in the Return to Castle Wolfenstein game.


  syntax: RTCWUtil.BotDisableCombatCrouch( bot, bool enable );
  example: RTCWUtil.BotDisableCombatCrouch( bot, true );

used to disable crouching in combat for the given bot


This function is deprecated. Use Server.MinClassCount.


This function is deprecated. See Changing spawns.


  syntax: RTCWUtil.ClearMainGoals();

This function will deactivate all main goals for both teams.



  syntax: RTCWUtil.ClearSecondaryGoals();
 This function will deactivate all secondary goals for both teams.
 goals deactivated: ARTILLERY REPAIR


  syntax: RTCWUtil.CountClass( team, class );
  example: RTCWUtil.CountClass( TEAM.ALLIES, CLASS.ENGINEER );

can be used to determine if a team has enough of a critical class for the map


  syntax: RTCWUtil.DisableGoal(goalname, <optional true>);
  example: RTCWUtil.DisableGoal("FLAG_someflag");

disables the goal for both teams. the optional true parameter is used to disable all goals except for ROUTE goals.


  syntax: RTCWUtil.IsPlantGoalAvailable();
  example: RTCWUtil.IsPlantGoalAvailable();

returns true if there is a plant goal available


  syntax: RTCWUtil.IsTeamClassDead( team, class );
  example: RTCWUtil.IsTeamClassDead( TEAM.AXIS, CLASS.ENGINEER )

returns true if there are no living players or bots of a given class on the given team


  syntax: RTCWUtil.IsTeamDead( team, minbots );
  example: RTCWUtil.IsTeamDead( TEAM.AXIS, 2 );

returns true if the number of living players on the given team is less than minbots.

note: minbots is optional as it defaults to 1


  syntax: RTCWUtil.KillEntities( table or int );
  example: RTCWUtil.KillEntities( 123 );
  example: RTCWUtil.KillEntities( {123, 124} );

used to remove entities from the map. typically called from OnMapLoad


  syntax: syntax: RTCWUtil.NoSnipe(bot);

soldier bots will not choose a mauser when selecting a weapon

note: this is typically called in OnBotJoin


  syntax: RTCWUtil.SelectSoldierWeapons(team, bot, weap1, weap2, weap3);
  soldiers will only select weapons passed in as parameters
  note: typically used in OnBotJoin to have soldiers choose between given weapons
  example: RTCWUtil.SelectSoldierWeapons(TEAM.AXIS, bot, WEAPON.MAUSER, WEAPON.PANZERFAUST); //axis soldiers randomly select panzer or mauser
  example: RTCWUtil.SelectSoldierWeapons(0, bot, WEAPON.MAUSER, WEAPON.PANZERFAUST); //all soldiers randomly select panzer or mauser


  syntax: RTCWUtil.SelectWeapon(bot, weapon, isFog);
  example: RTCWUtil.SelectWeapon(bot, WEAPON.MAUSER);

the given bot will switch to the given weapon if it is the correct class for the weapon

note: typically used in OnBotJoin to have soldiers choose a specific weapon

        the isFog parameter is optional and disables extra view distance given to snipers


  syntax: RTCWUtil.SetPrimaryGoals(priority);

used for setting priorities of common goals.

note: this is typically called in OnMapLoad and effects the following goals (in order of priority):



  syntax: RTCWUtil.SetSuicide(team, class, suicide, persistant);
  sets all classes on the given team so they commit suicide two seconds before the next spawn
         the persistant parameter if set will have them do it every spawn until it is turned off ( or round ends)
  example: RTCWUtil.SetSuicide(TEAM.ALLIES, CLASS.LIEUTENANT, 1, 1); //commit suicide 2 seconds before every spawn
  example: RTCWUtil.SetSuicide(TEAM.ALLIES, CLASS.LIEUTENANT, 0, 0); //disable the suicide flag for them


  syntax: RTCWUtil.SetSuicide(team, suicide, persistant);
  sets all bots on the given team so they commit suicide two seconds before the next spawn
         the persistant parameter if set will have them do it every spawn until it is turned off ( or round ends)
  example: RTCWUtil.SetTeamSuicide(TEAM.ALLIES, 1, 1); //commit suicide 2 seconds before every spawn
  example: RTCWUtil.SetTeamSuicide(TEAM.ALLIES, 0, 0); //disable the suicide flag for them


  syntax: RTCWUtil.StopSniping();

all bots currently using a sniper weapon will switch to a different weapon

note: this is typically called inside trigger functions


  syntax: RTCWUtil.SwitchSoldierWeapons(team, bot, weap1, weap2, weap3);
  soldiers will only select weapons passed in as parameters
  note: typically used in triggers to have soldiers choose between given weapons
  example: RTCWUtil.SwitchSoldierWeapons(TEAM.AXIS, bot, WEAPON.MAUSER, WEAPON.PANZERFAUST); //axis soldiers randomly select panzer or mauser
  example: RTCWUtil.SwitchSoldierWeapons(0, bot, WEAPON.MAUSER, WEAPON.PANZERFAUST); //all soldiers randomly select panzer or mauser


  syntax: RTCWUtil.SwitchWeapon(weapon);
  all qualifying bots will switch to the given weapon
  example: RTCWUtil.SwitchWeapon(WEAPON.PANZERFAUST); //all soldiers will switch to panzer
  note: typically used in trigger functions


  syntax: RTCWUtil.TeamDisableCombatCrouch( team );
  example: RTCWUtil.TeamDisableCombatCrouch( TEAM.AXIS );

disables combat crouching for the given team


  syntax: RTCWUtil.ToggleFlag( goal, time in seconds );
  example: thread(RTCWUtil.ToggleFlag, "CHECKPOINT.someFlag", 300);

used in dual objective maps like mp_depot to set availability of the checkpoint goal for the opposite team in the given interval note: this should be called as a gm thread.



  syntax: WeaponTable.ListWeaponAvailability();

prints current availability of all weapons


  syntax: WeaponTable.SetWeaponAvailability( class, weapon, <true/false>);
  example: WeaponTable.SetWeaponAvailability( CLASS.SOLDIER, WEAPON.FLAMETHROWER, false );

enables or disables specified weapon for class. The weapon parameter can be table. The class parameter can be null to set availability for all classes.

note: allied PANZERFAUST is automatically converted to BAZOOKA or LAW in Noquarter or ETnam

note: bots select random available weapon every spawn (in limbo)


  syntax: WeaponTable.SetWeaponTeamAvailability( team, class, weapon, <true/false>);
  example: WeaponTable.SetWeaponTeamAvailability( TEAM.AXIS, CLASS.ENGINEER, WEAPON.KAR98, false );

enables or disables weapon for team and class.


The Shotgun property has value WEAPON.SHOTGUN, WEAPON.ITHACA, WEAPON.M97 or null.