Silent Shrubbot: Difference between revisions

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'''Syntax:''' !admintest [NAME|SLOT]
'''Syntax:''' !admintest [NAME|SLOT]

'''Flag:''' a
'''Permission Flag:''' a

Revision as of 11:29, 27 September 2011


What Is Shrubbot

Shrubbot is an invention of Ryan Mannion. ETPub tries to clone shrubbot as accurately as possible, both in user interface and in the shrubbot configuration file called "shrubbot.cfg". This is silEnT shrubbot based on the work of ETPub team. silEnT extends the functionality of the shrubbot where ever it is needed. Including user database that holds all the players that have visited the server. To access this database, new commands have been added to the original shrubbot command set. Some commands have been renamed to ease their use and so that they resemble commands from other ET mods that have advanced admin systems.

If you want to use shrubbot, the cvar g_dbDirectory must be set. If it is not set, the shrubbot will not be in use. If you want to edit the default levels, you must create or copy existing shrubbot.cfg file to the folder defined by g_dbDirectory setting. In case shrubbot command like !ban is used against a player and shrubbot.cfg file does not already exist, a new shrubbot.cfg file is created to store the needed data.

The created file will also have the default level settings written to it. This file can be freely edited by hand and then after !readconfig command has been issued, the changes take effect on the server.

Shrubbot Commands



Prints out player's current shrubbot admin level in global chat. When the NAME or SLOT are added and the user has the right shrubbot permission, the level of another player will be shown. However, if the target has incognito shrubbot flag, then 0 level is displayed regardless who does !admintest on him/her.

Syntax: !admintest [NAME|SLOT]

Permission Flag: a