Paththrough Navigation

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Revision as of 14:46, 12 June 2023 by Palota (talk | contribs) (OnExit)
Paththrough Main Page Paththrough Navigation


Navigation is the simplest paththrough type. It requires two things:

(1) Navigation table inside the Map table in the map script that could look like this:

 global Map =
	Navigation =
		strafe_r_point =
			navigate = function(_this)
				_this.AddAimRequest(Priority.High, "facing", Vec3(0.7, 0, 0.8));
				_this.Bot.HoldButton(BTN.STRAFE_R, 2);

In the above example, the navigate function tells the bot that when it reaches a waypoint whose paththrough property is set to Navigation_PT:strafe_r_point, it should hold the strafe right button for two seconds.

If you use HoldButton with buttons FORWARD, BACKWARD, STRAFE_L or STRAFE_R, you must also call AddAimRequest, otherwise bot would aim at enemies and direction would be unpredictable.

(2) The second thing that's necessary to set up paththrough navigation: go to the waypoint where you want the bots to strafe (or whatever) and add the property:

/bot waypoint_setproperty paththrough Navigation_PT:strafe_r_point

Using the Script Goal Object

Although this is the simplest paththrough type, it is also the most powerful in terms of capabilities. The navigate function receives the entire script goal object as _this parameter. This basically exposes the new goal scripting system to map scripters; providing means for the map scripter to define more complex bot behaviors or "mini goals" when a bot gets to a specific waypoint.

If navigate function does not call Goto or GotoAsync, bot follows the path to his current goal. If navigate function calls Goto, bot goes to that position and then stops there and waits. Bot will find new path to current goal after your navigate function exits.

Paththrough navigation in Omni-Bot 0.71, 0.8 and 0.81 could be interrupted if high level goal changed. This caused bots to stuck or fall to death. This changed in 0.82 and paththrough navigation is interrupted only by death. It's recommended that every while loop checks for time out so that navigate function won't suspend bot forever.

As an example, this following setup would instruct a bot that reaches the paththrough waypoint to go throw a grenade at some target:

global Map =
	Grate_Bot_Count = 0,
	Grate_Destroyed = false,

	Navigation =
		grenadegrate =
			EvalFunc = function()  // if EvalFunc returns false, navigation and OnExit will not run
				// do nothing if the grate is already destroyed
				return !Map.Grate_Destroyed;
			navigate = function(_this)
				// you can use command /bot mypos or /bot spp to get coordinates
				if ( _this.Goto(Vec3(1608, 3830, 24)) == EVENT.PATH_SUCCESS
					// only one bot will throw grenade
					&& Map.Grate_Bot_Count == 0 && _this.Bot.HasWeapon( WEAPON.AXIS_GRENADE ))
					_this.Grate_Bot = true; //_this is local, each bot has his own variable
					Map.Grate_Bot_Count += 1; //Map is global and shared by all bots

					// look at the grate, you can use command /bot mypos to get facing vector
					_this.AddAimRequest(Priority.High, "facing", Vec3(-0.758, 0.614, -0.221));
					// switch to grenade (this navigation is only for Axis team !)
					_this.AddWeaponRequest(Priority.High, WEAPON.AXIS_GRENADE );
					_this.BlockForWeaponChange( WEAPON.AXIS_GRENADE );
					// throw grenade
					_this.Bot.HoldButton(BTN.ATTACK1, 0.5);
					// switch to primary weapon
					//wait until the grenade explodes
					// wait and hope that somebody else will destroy the grate
			OnExit = function() // OnExit is called after navigate finished or the bot has been killed
				//if this is the bot who threw a grenade, decrease count
				if (_this.Grate_Bot)
					_this.Grate_Bot = null;
					Map.Grate_Bot_Count -= 1;
	Grate_Trigger = function(trigger)
		Map.Grate_Destroyed = true;

In this case the waypoint property would be set as:

/bot waypoint_setproperty paththrough Navigation_PT:grenadegrate

While this application of the navigation paththrough goal offers complete flexibility, great care should be taken when scripting such things. Any implementation should be thoroughly tested.