Silent Mod Server Cvar

From MyGamingTalk
Revision as of 17:01, 26 September 2011 by Gaoesa (talk | contribs) (→‎g_dmgSatchel)

Announcements and Messages



If set to 1, players can send private messages to one another with the /m playername/slot command.

Type: [0|1]
0 Disable Private Messages
1 Enable Private messages
Default: 0

Note: Clients can reject private message from other individual clients with the /ignore client command. Also, private messages can be disabled from individuals/levels using shrubbot flag '/'.



Options to control the display of killingsprees.

Type: bitmask


1 Enable killingsprees

2 Enable killingspree ends

4 Enable multikills

8 When set, a top 3 current killing sprees message will be printed every minute, similar to binoc masters, and a map's longest killing spree will be printed every two minutes

16 At the beginning of the intermission the highest spree and the 3 highest sprees which are still active will be shown

32 /kill will end a spree

64 Teamswitching will end a spree

128 Multikill messages will be delayed g_multikillTime milliseconds, to prevent the doublekill -> multikill -> megakill -> etc. flooding

256 Killing bots doesn't count for multikills or killingsprees (Note: they DO count for ending kill/deathsprees)

512 Display the map and overall spree record when entering intmission

1024 Summary: don't enable this flag if you don't have enabled g_spreeOptions flag 512 OR g_XPSave flag 16 or Shrubbot flag t

Spree records are automatically saved into XPSave file when a map ends. By enabling this flag, you also store the spreerecord at the points where g_XPSave flag 16 would store XP. When you don't have set XPSave flag 16 and g_spreeOptions flag 512 and not allow users to use !spreerecord you should NOT set this flag as it takes some extra resources. When XPSave flag 16 is set this doesn't matter (it actually takes much less resources then). When only g_spreeOptions flag 512 or shrubbot flag t is set it won't do much harm anyway (your server won't explode)

2048 Enable revivesprees ( [revive] blocks )

Default: 0



The time (in milliseconds) in which two kills should be made in order to count them as multikills.

Type: integer
Default: 1000



This cvar controls will the server send obituary events to the clients. If this is set to 0, no obituary events will be sent. If set to any nonzero value, obituary events will be sent.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Message to add to the drop screen when a client is kicked or banned. 

Type: String

Default: " "

Example: g_dropMsg "Please protest ban on forums"



Decide which landmine reveal notifications server should send. 

Server can send two types of landmines reveal notification. Standard one, generated (sent) for each landmine revealed and summary one, which is sent after player spotting landmines stops using binoculars. It's generated after each binculars zoom.

Type: [0|1|2|3]


0 Only standard notfications (for each landmine revealed).
1 Only single summary notifications for one binocs zoom. New type of notification.
   For example: during one binocs zoom, 3 mines were revealed, but only 1 summary notification is sent. It contains information: 3 mines spotted by "player  name" and last one was in location "some location".
2 Don't send any landmine notifications.
3 Send all notifications.
   For example: for 3 spotted landmines send 4 notifications (3 for each landmine + 1 summary notification).

Default: 3

Recommended: 1



This should be set to the name of your settings.cfg file if you want to enable banners. See settings documentation for more information about this file.

Type: string

Default: ""

set g_settings "settings.cfg"

Flood Protection



Enable/disable silEnT flood protect. Flooding means that a client is sending too many messages to the server (vsays, callvotes, etc...). Enabling g_floodprotect disables the engine's sv_floodprotect functionality. If you enable g_floodprotect, make sure you set a value for g_floodthreshold.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



The number of messages per second before ignoring the client's messages. Only in effect when g_floodprotect is turned on.

Type: Integer

Default: 6



The minimum number of milliseconds between two messages when g_floodprotect is enabled. This is a hard limit so admins aren't allowed to override it. 1000 milliseconds copies sv_floodprotect behaviour. This CVAR should not have a value below 500 in order to keep a public server playable.

Type: integer

Default: 1000



The number of voicechats allowed in minute.

Type: integer

Default: 4

Player Statistics, Rating and Team Balance



This is a bitflag cvar used to control the way statistics are handled.

Type: bitmask

1 When shooting a corpse to gib, do not count it as a hit.
2 When shooting a corpse to gib, do not count it as a shot.

Default: 0
Note: Set this to 3 to use the behaviour of etmain and shrubet.



On an silEnT installation with little statistics history, !howfair will not print out very accurate data. g_playerRating_mapPad is a cvar that attempts to stabilize early !howfair results by adding a number of fake wins to each team. If you set it to 50, it starts with Axis = 50, Allies = 50 wins. This yields a map rating of 50% for both teams on that map. For every 2 real games played, 1 map pad value is ignored. So after 100 games, map pad is ignored (replaced with real games).

The higher map pad, the longer the values will stay near 50-50.

Type: integer

Default: 50



The minimum number of players that must participate in a map in order for it to count towards each player's player rating.

Type: integer

Default: 8



Sets the rating system used by shuffle.

Type: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]

1 Use player XP
2 Use the rate at which players have gained XP since connecting.
3 Use the killRating (g_killRating must be nonzero)
4 Use the playerRating (g_playerRating must be nonzero)
5 Use the playerRating (g_playerRating must be nonzero), but take the map into account and give the teams closest to 50/50

Default: 3



When not set to 0, silEnT will track a player's killing ability using an ELO type statistic similar to chess. Each kill will increase a player's kill rating based on how hard the kill was. Killing unskilled players will result in very few points whereas an unskilled player killing a skilled player will result in more points. Kill rating also takes into account the weapon used (less for arty, more for knife).

See also g_shuffle_rating.

Type: bitmask


1 Use kill rating. A dummy flag since any non-zero value for g_killRating will enable it.
2 Make kill rating visible. Players can use /killrating and at the end of each map a message will display the top killers for the map and overall.
4 Log files will include the GUIDs of the players involved in kills. This makes kill tracking a lot easier.

Default: 3



When not set to non zero positive value, silEnT will track a player's ability to win against good teams using an ELO type statistic similar to chess. Each win will increase a player's rating based on how hard the opposing team was. Skilled teams defeating less skilled teams will result in very few points whereas an relatively low- rated team defeating a good team will result in more points. Player rating also takes into account the number of players on each team (less points when a very large defeats a small one) and which side tends to win more often on the current map (e.g. Allies tend to win tc_base).

See also g_shuffle_rating.

Type: bitmask


1 Use player rating. A dummy flag since any non-zero value for g_playerRating will enable it.
2 Make player rating visible. Players can use /playerrating and at the end of each map a message will display the top player.
4 Put player rating on the scoreboard instead of the XP.
8 Print out extra info at the end of a round that can be used to further refine the playerrating model.
16 The same as flag 8 except a lot more info is output.

Default: 3



If g_teamForceBalance is set, setting g_unevenTeamDiff will notify all players when team numbers are off by g_unevenTeamDiff or more.

See also g_unevenTeamFreq

Type: integer

Default: 0

Example: Set to 0 to disable this feature



How often the team disparity notification occurs. Only valid when g_unevenTeamDiff is set to a positive value. Value is in seconds.

See also g_unevenTeamDiff

Type: integer

Default: 30

Class and Player Restrictions



Server cvars team_maxPanzers, team_maxMortars, team_maxFlamers, team_maxMG42s, team_maxGrenLaunchers have identical behaviour. Limits the number of the given weapon per team. 

You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up. 

You can also use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Only use integer values like 1 or 2 and NOT 1.0 or 2.5. If you refuse to do this and use a . in your cvar, the client will not display the restriction in the right way and people might not be able to use heavy weapons while they actually are available!

Example: set team_maxFlamers "2"

                This will limit each team to 2 flamethrowers, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example: set team_maxFlamers "10%"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team with few players (for example, 5) will be able to have 1 flamethrower. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when they have 11 players on the team.

Example: set team_maxFlamers "10%-"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team will not be able to have any flamethrowers until there are 10 players in the team. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when there are 20 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits

Type: integer
Default: -1



Server cvars team_maxMortars, team_maxFlamers, team_maxMG42s, team_maxGrenLaunchers have identical behaviour. Limits the number of the given weapon per team. 

You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up. 

You can also use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Only use integer values like 1 or 2 and NOT 1.0 or 2.5. If you refuse to do this and use a . in your cvar, the client will not display the restriction in the right way and people might not be able to use heavy weapons while they actually are available!

Example: set team_maxMortars "2"

                This will limit each team to 2 flamethrowers, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example: set team_maxMortars "10%"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team with few players (for example, 5) will be able to have 1 flamethrower. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when they have 11 players on the team.

Example: set team_maxMortars "10%-"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team will not be able to have any flamethrowers until there are 10 players in the team. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when there are 20 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits

Type: integer
Default: -1



You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up. 

You can also use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Only use integer values like 1 or 2 and NOT 1.0 or 2.5. If you refuse to do this and use a . in your cvar, the client will not display the restriction in the right way and people might not be able to use heavy weapons while they actually are available!

Example: set team_maxFlamers "2"

                This will limit each team to 2 flamethrowers, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example: set team_maxFlamers "10%"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team with few players (for example, 5) will be able to have 1 flamethrower. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when they have 11 players on the team.

Example: set team_maxFlamers "10%-"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team will not be able to have any flamethrowers until there are 10 players in the team. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when there are 20 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits

Type: integer
Default: -1



You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up. 

You can also use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Only use integer values like 1 or 2 and NOT 1.0 or 2.5. If you refuse to do this and use a . in your cvar, the client will not display the restriction in the right way and people might not be able to use heavy weapons while they actually are available!

Example: set team_maxMG42s "2"

                This will limit each team to 2 flamethrowers, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example: set team_maxMG42s "10%"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team with few players (for example, 5) will be able to have 1 flamethrower. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when they have 11 players on the team.

Example: set team_maxMG42s "10%-"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team will not be able to have any flamethrowers until there are 10 players in the team. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when there are 20 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits

Type: integer
Default: -1



You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up. 

You can also use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Only use integer values like 1 or 2 and NOT 1.0 or 2.5. If you refuse to do this and use a . in your cvar, the client will not display the restriction in the right way and people might not be able to use heavy weapons while they actually are available!

Example: set team_maxGrenLaunchers "2"

                This will limit each team to 2 flamethrowers, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example: set team_maxGrenLaunchers "10%"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team with few players (for example, 5) will be able to have 1 flamethrower. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when they have 11 players on the team.

Example: set team_maxGrenLaunchers "10%-"

                This will limit each team to having only 10% of their players as flamethrowers, and a team will not be able to have any flamethrowers until there are 10 players in the team. They will be able to have their second flamethrower when there are 20 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits

Type: integer
Default: -1



Restricts the number of players that can play a specific class / team. You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up.

You can use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Example: set team_maxMedics "5"

                This will limit each team to 5 medics, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example: set team_maxMedics "15%"

                This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team with few players (for example, 3) will be able to have 1 medic. They will be able to have their second medic when they have 7 players on the team.

Example: set team_maxMedics "15%-"

                This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team will not be able to have medics until there are 7 players in the team. They will be able to have their second medic when there are 14 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits.

Type: string

Default: -1



Restricts the number of players that can play a specific class / team. You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up.

You can use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Example: set team_maxEngineers "5"

                This will limit each team to 5 medics, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example: set team_maxEngineers "15%"

                This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team with few players (for example, 3) will be able to have 1 medic. They will be able to have their second medic when they have 7 players on the team.

Example: set team_maxEngineers "15%-"

                This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team will not be able to have medics until there are 7 players in the team. They will be able to have their second medic when there are 14 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits.

Type: string

Default: -1



Restricts the number of players that can play a specific class / team. You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up.

You can use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Example: set team_maxFieldOps "5"

                This will limit each team to 5 medics, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example: set team_maxFieldOps "15%"

                This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team with few players (for example, 3) will be able to have 1 medic. They will be able to have their second medic when they have 7 players on the team.

Example: set team_maxFieldOps "15%-"

                This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team will not be able to have medics until there are 7 players in the team. They will be able to have their second medic when there are 14 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits.

Type: string

Default: -1



Restricts the number of players that can play a specific class / team. You can either set it to a whole number to set a hard limit, or you can set it to a percentage value using the % symbol to limit based on the number of players on the team. When using percentage values, any partial values are rounded up.

You can use a number such as "20%-" for this setting, in which case partial values will be rounded down

Example: set team_maxCovertOps "5"

                This will limit each team to 5 medics, regardless of how many players are on the team

Example: set team_maxCovertOps "15%"

                This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team with few players (for example, 3) will be able to have 1 medic. They will be able to have their second medic when they have 7 players on the team.

Example: set team_maxCovertOps "15%-"

                This will limit each team to having only 15% of their players as medics, and a team will not be able to have medics until there are 7 players in the team. They will be able to have their second medic when there are 14 players on the team.

Set this to -1 to disable limits.

Type: string

Default: -1



When greater than 0, anybody that has this percentage of hits inflicted on a teammate will automatically be kicked. A minimum of g_minhits hits total required before this is calculated. Client can see current stats for themselves by doing a /damage in console. Implemented to mimic shrub behavior as much as is possible, there are other ways to implement this feature, which may be implemented in addition to current manner.

Type: integer

Default: 0



Minimum number of damaging hits required before calculating if player has reached g_teamDamageRestriction threshold. Flamethrower and landmine hits are adjusted similar to shrub. Medics get -2 hits for every revive.

Type: integer

Default: 6



The time (in seconds) that must elapse between airstrikes PER TEAM.

Type: integer

Default: 10



The time (in seconds) that must elapse between airtillery strikes PER TEAM. Attempts to do airstrike before the timeout will get "Insuffient fire support" message.

Type: integer

Default: 10



Sets the maximum number of landmines a team can have planted at any given time. This value should be 0 or greater.

Type: integer

Default: 10



Sets the maximum number of tripmines a team can have planted at any given time. This value should be 0 or greater.

Type: integer

Default: 3



The number of clients needed to start a match.

Type: integer

Default: 0



The maximum allowed amount of active clients.

Type: integer

Default: 0




Last Stand

Map Voting

This gametype allows for the players to decide on the map that is played next. When g_gametype is set to 6 a new screen is introduced during intermission. This screen list, depending on server configuration, a list of up to 32 maps that are loaded on the server, and that all players can vote on. Once intermission ends, the server totals the votes, and plays the next map based upon the vote results

Miscellaneous notes about mapvoting

Total maps allowed is 32. If server admin has more than 32 .bsp files, only the first 32 are used Tie breaker. The default tie-breaker is such that if 2 or more maps are tied with the same number of votes, the map that was played most recently is selected. Bots and connecting players do NOT count for mapvoting, everyone else (including spectators) does. If no maps are voted for, the default "nextmap" cvar is used, so server admins have to specify a default map cycle of sort, usually in the following format:

set d1 "set g_gametype 6 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 6 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "set g_gametype 6 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d1"
vstr d1

This means that the default map, upon server start, will be oasis. From there, map voting will be used. If at any point, no map is voted for, battery will be played, etc


This cvar enables map voting so players can vote for the nextmap during intermission. 
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)

Type: bitmask


1 Changes the tie breaker so that the map not played in the longest wins
2 Intermission doesn't end until g_intermissionReadyPercent people have voted. If there are no players connected to the server, intermission will end at the timeout. (WARNING: This means that if there are spectators connected and not voting, the next map will not load until those spectators either vote, disconnect, or get kicked by the system)
4 Multi vote: Allows everybody to vote for 3 maps instead of one, first choice map gets 3 votes, second choice gets 2, third choice gets one
8 Don't randomize the maps, so they will always appear in the same order
16 A passed nextmap vote (when g_gametype is 6) will start the intermission and lets players vote which map should be played next. NOTE: this makes one of the two teams be displayed as winner

Default: 0


How many maps are available to players for voting upon during intermission.
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)

Type: integer

Default: 6



How long a map is ineligible for voting during intermission, after it is played last time.
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)

Type: integer

Default: 3



How many maps occur before XP is reset. If g_XPSave flag 4 is set, g_resetXPMapCount is ignored. Similarly, if g_resetXPMapCount is set to 0, it is the same as setting g_XPSave flag 4
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)

Type: integer

Default: 0



Used to exclude map that would otherwise be listed in the map voting list. The format is ":map1:map2:map3:", where mapX is the .bsp name. Note that each mapname must be fully surrounded by ":" otherwise the map will not be excluded.
Only valid when g_gametype is 6 (see Map Voting)

Type: string

Default: ""

Team Death Match (TDM)



The type of the played Team Death Match.

Type: [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]


1 Map ends only when timelimit hits

2 Map ends when either the target score is reached or the timelimit hits

3 Map ends only when the target score is reached

Default: 0



Possible options for the played Team Death Match.

Type: bitmask


1 Map voting is enabled during the intermission (i.e. The players vote for the next map to play during the intermission.)

2 Completing the map objective will give the team score bonus that is controlled by the g_TDMObjBonus server cvar

4 Teams get negative points when they do selfkills or teamkills

8 Players cannot selfkill during the TDM. Regardless of other selfkill settings the server has configured

Default: 5



This is the target score the teams attempt to make to win the game in TDM game types 2 and 3.

Type: integer

Default: 100



This is the value that is added to the team score if the team completes the map objective. Adding the bonus does not depend of the TDM type.

Type: integer

Default: 20

Mapconfigs and Mapscripts



On each map load, the silEnT server will execute 2 configs if possible. The default.cfg and after that a map specifig config file [mapname].cfg. For example if you set g_mapConfigs to 'mapcfg', when the map fueldump starts, the server will try to exec 'mapcfg/fueldump.cfg'.

Set this to "" to disable it.

Set this to "." to look for the cfg file in the current directory (fs_homepath).

When in g_gametype 6 mode (Map Voting) and g_resetXPMapCount is set, an additional file named vote_X.cfg is also exec'ed. X indicates the position of the next map in the campaign. For example, vote_2.cfg will exec'ed such that when map 1 ends, any cvars in vote_2.cfg will affect map voting for map 2.

Type: string

Default: ""



Similar to ETPro's b_mapscriptsdirectory. Set it to the name of a directory in your fs_path that contains custom map scripts. For example you can copy the 'etpromapscripts' directory from the ETPro distribution to your 'silent' directory and add: set g_mapScriptDirectory "etpromapscripts" to your cfg. Setting g_mapScriptDirectory to "" disables any use of map .script files.


It is strongly recommended that you use the map scripts distributed with silEnT or ETPub since these updated scripts fix very important bugs in some of the original map scripts.

Type: string

Default: ""



Similar to ETPro's b_campaignFile. If you set this to the name of a file in your fs_path it will be interpreted as a .campaign script and all other .campaign scripts in your pk3 files will be ignored. This is useful for making custom campaigns since you don't need to offer a pk3 file containing a custom .campaign script for all clients to download. However, if the client has not downloaded this .campaign file in a pk3, they will not see information about the campaign.

Such information includes:

  • will not display in the VOTE -> MAP list
  • map locations will not draw on the map of Europe.
  • campaign description will not draw in the right panel
  • total number of maps and current maps order in the campaign
  • will not be shown in the intermission screens.

Also, even though the built-in campaigns cmpgn_centraleurope and cmpgn_northafrica will not be valid, they will still appear in the client's VOTE -> MAP menu. If a vote for one of them passes, nothing will happen.

Setting this to "" disables it.

Type: string

Default: ""




A comma delimited string of words that will be censored from the chat.

Type: string

Default: ""



A comma delimited string of words that will be censored from the player names.

Type: string

Default: ""



This controls the censoring behaviour.

Type: bitmask


1 Kill the player

2 Kick players with names containing words in g_censorNames

4 Kill, but don't gib

8 Auto-mute for g_censorMuteTime [60] seconds

16 Lose the amount of xp specified in g_censorXP

32 Burn

Default: 0


If you use both 1 and 4, it will gib (like shrub did).



Use Neil Toronto's censor filter. It'll catch some symbol and number replacements, and spaces now. It also adds some common words and common words with "swears" in them that should really be OK. For example, it will not censor "assassin" but it will censor "ass".

Type: [0|1]

Default: 0



Use Neil Toronto's censor filter for player names. See g_censorNeil description for details.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 0



The number of seconds to auto-mute as a censor penalty. Only works if bitflag 8 is added to g_censorPenalty.

Type: integer

Default: 60



The amount of XP to lose as a censor penalty. Only works if bitflag 16 is added to g_censorPenalty.

Type: integer

Default: 5




Control's voting behaviour.

Type: bitmask


1 Votes will pass on the number of votes cast rather than total eligible voters.

2 Votes that pass do not count against the vote_limit for the caller.

4 " (called by NAME)" is appended to the vote description where NAME is the name of the player that called the vote.

8 Show the number of YES and NO votes after a votes has passed or failed. This also shows if a vote is canceled or passed by an admin.

Default: 0



This value defines how many votes one player can invoke during one map.

Type: integer

Default: 5



The required percentage of yes votes for the vote to pass.

Type: integer

Default: 50



Allows voting for competition settings.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for gametype.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for kicking a player.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for map to be played.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for restarting the match.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for muting spectators.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for starting the next map in the map rotation.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for public game settings.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for making a player a referee.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for shuffling teams based on XP.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for swapping the teams. Allied players go to the axis team and axis players go to the allied team.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for enabling/disabling friendly fire.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for changing the map time.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for enabling/disabling/enemies only warmup damage.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for enabling/disabling antilag.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for enabling/disabling balanced teams enforcing.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for muting/unmuting a player.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for surrendering the played map.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for restarting the campaign.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for changing the campaign to the next one in the campaign rotation.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows making freely written polls using the vote system.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for restarting the played map.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for shuffling teams without restarting the map.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for doing cointoss.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Allows voting for moving a player to the spectators.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for restarting the map allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for restarting the match allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for shuffling the teams allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for shuffling the teams without restarting the map allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for starting the next map in the map rotation allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for swapping the teams allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for surrendering the map allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for played map allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for changing the map time allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for polls allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for next campaign allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds from the beginning of the map is the voting for restarting the campaign allowed.

Type: integer

Default: 300



Defines how many seconds must pass between two votes.

Type: integer

Default: 0



Defines the minimum admin level for the players to see the results of the votes.

Type: integer

Default: -1



Defines the length in seconds of the mute issued by a passed mute vote. You can use modifiers with this value.

Type: integer

Default: 3h

Weapons, Classes and Skills



Gives medics the ability to poison enemies by sticking with their medic syringe. Enemies will be damaged at g_poison/second when g_poison is set to a value more than 0. Setting to 0 will disable poison needles.

Type: integer

Default: 0



Controls the effects of g_poison.

Type: bitmask


1 Poisoned player's screen shakes.

2 Other players see the poisoned player's head shaking.

4 Poisoned player appears to bend over (hurl) every 2 seconds. (poisoned player does not see this happen.)

8 Poisoned player cannot use +attack. NOTE: because of client side prediction, the client may see the gun firing occasionally if they hold down +attack, but no shots are fired.

16 Poisoned player is disoriented (view turned upside down).

Default: 7



Controls various aspects of the medic, to nerf or otherwise change their behavior.

Type: bitmask


1 Medics can't pick up their own health packs to cure themselves of poison needle effects.

2 Medics can't pick up their own health packs at all.

4 A level 4 medic will always be revived to full health (no matter what the level of the reviving medic is).

8 Value is not in use.

16 Medics do not spawn with akimbo pistols, regardless of their light weapons skill.

32 Medics spawn with pistol only, and can't pick up SMG of either team. However, any class can steal a medics uniform, if the g_classChange is set to 1, and receive the medic benefits while retaining their current weapons, including akimbos and SMG.

64 Medics can use syringes to heal living teammates as an alternative to the tk/revive cycle.

128 Level 4 medics can inject other players with their adrenaline. This can be done when holding the revive needle by pressing the alt-fire button, or with the /adrenother client command.

256 Level 4 medics cannot adrenaline self. If this flag is on, Medics will not receive adrenaline upon reaching level 4. (This won't affect flag 128)

Default: 0



The rate at which medics regenerate health (in HP per second). This rate is divided into two parts: The first is from 1 to 110-125 HP (depending on the number of medics per team), and then above that. The system default is 3/2 (3 HP per second, then 2 HP per second).

Type: [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ]


0 3/2

1 2/2

2 2/1

3 2/0

4 1/1

5 1/0

6 0/0

7 0/1

8 0/2

Default: 0



Enable knife throwing. The amount of throwable knives is g_maxKnives - 1. Any non zero value will enable knife throwing.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 0



Maximum number of knives a player can posses. Take note that if g_throvableKnives is enabled, the last knife cannot be thrown.

Type: integer

Default: 5



How long it takes in milliseconds for the "knife" to charge to the maximum throw speed/force.

Type: integer

Default: 800



When multiple engineers help build a constructible, each gets his share of XP once the constructible is build. The share of gained XP is proportional to how much the engineer built.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 0



Airstrike blocking.

Type: bitmask


1 Make an announcement whenever an airstrike is blocked.

2 A player may easily block an airstrike by crouching, standing, or proning over the enemy's canister to block the airstrike.

4 Reserved.

8 Lvl 3 FieldOPs and higher cannot have the airstrikes blocked by players.

16 Disables teammates blocking airstrikes.

32 Give 2 Battle Sense XP to player that blocks the air strike. No XP given for blocking teammates or your own air strike.

Default: 0



Speed of the panzers. Normal panzer speed is 2500.

Type: integer

Default: 2500



If set to 1, panzer trajectory will be affected by gravity.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 0



Dynamite Behaviour.

Type: bitmaks


1 Sudden Death Dynamites enabled. If there is 30 seconds or less on the clock and dynamite is planted on an objective, the clock will continue to run past zero. The match will not end until the dynamite either explodes, or is disarmed. You are not allowed to plant additional dynamite during sudden death.

2 Dynamite chaining enabled. Dynamite will cause other similar dynamites to explode when exploding (only if within blast radius). Dynamites not planted on an objective will blow any other dynamite not on an objective. Dynamite planted on an objective will only blow dynamite on the same objective.

4 Adds a dynamite symbol with the location and the time remaining to all the players on the team of the player who plants the dynamite. This will only happen when dynamite is placed on an objective. The players in the other team will see the dynamite symbol too, but they won't see the time remaining.

8 Dynamite cannot be disarmed by your team (inlcuding yourself), so only the other team can defuse it.

16 Enable dynamite ID. You can see the owner of a dynamite when you point at it.

Default: 0



Canister and grenade kicking.

Allows players to kick smoke, and air strike canisters, along with grendaes. The integer adjust the amount of force put behind the kick. 75 is a good value, anything below 60 is about useless, and above about 125 is probably too much.

Type: integer

Default: 0



Kicked Canister Ownership.

Type: [0|1]


0 Kicker does not take ownership of the canister.

1 Kicker takes ownership of the canister.

Default: 0



Similar to Shrub's g_friendlyfire 2 cvar. A multiplier value that determines how much friendly-fire damage, if any, is reflected back to the player that caused the damage. This setting is independent of g_friendlyfire, so damage can be set to reflect on both FF and non-FF servers.

A value of 1.0 would reflect full damage.

A value of 0.5 would reflect half damage.

Set to 0 to disable reflected friendly fire.

Type: float

Default: 0.0



Selects which category of weapon will reflect when g_reflectFriendlyFire is non-zero.

Type: bitmask


1 Enable reflected damage for Firearms (all types of guns)

2 Enable reflected damage for Grenades and grenade launchers

4 Enable reflected damage for Knives (includes thrown knives)

8 Enable reflected damage for Panzers

16 Enable reflected damage for Flamethrowers

32 Enable reflected damage for Mortars

64 Enable reflected damage for Satchel Charges

128 Enable reflected damage for Artillery and Air Strikes

256 Enable reflected damage for Dynamite and Construction Damage

512 Enable reflected damage for Landmines

Default: 31


Setting this value to zero will override any multiplier set via g_reflectFriendlyFire, effectively disabling reflecting damage.



Allows greater control over friendly fire events.

Type: bitmask


1 Landmines ALWAYS damage teammates regardless of g_friendlyfire setting

2 Allow 'grenade boosting' when friendly fire is off

4 Non-engineer players do not trigger landmines on their own team

8 Players do not trigger trip mines on their own team

Default: 0



Multiplies the rate at which stamina is rebuilt. Setting this value to zero will cause players to not regain any stamina once it is used except through the use of adrenalin.

Type: float

Default: 1.0



Turns on identification of your teammates landmines.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 0



The time in milliseconds that a medic cannot heal himself after being hit.

Type: integer

Default: 0



When set, a player can kill himself g_maxPanzerSuicides times with a panzerfaust. The next panzerselfkill will result in a panzer shooting medpacks.

The amount of suicides is reset every map.

Set to -1 to disable, -2 to always enable (no normal panzers anymore)

Type: integer

Default: -1



Set the g_packDistance for the medpacks fired by the panzerfaust when g_maxPanzerSuicides is enabled.

Set to 0 to use default (etmain)

Type: integer

Default: 0



This is meant to match the shrubmod g_weapons cvar.

Type: bitmask


1 Level 0 field ops doesn't get binoculars (unless he has >= level 1 Battle Sense)

2 Syringes work underwater

4 Pliers work underwater

8 Fully restore Field ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted

16 Half restore FIeld ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted

32 Ammo packs restore helmets

64 Drop binoculars if player has them

128 Soldiers with level 4 heavy weapons don't lose their pistols

256 Garands can reload when clip is not empty

512 Balance the clip size between the allies and axis rifles. allied rifles get same clip sizes and max ammo as the k43.

1024 Creates a hitbox for mortar shells. This reduces (or eliminates in some cases) the ability to fire mortars through smaller windows and bunker slits.

2048 Knives will always gib a body (not a player, use g_dmgKnife instead if you want that)

4096 Extra ammo is included with dropped weapons.

Default: 0



This cvar enables certain weapons per class. So far, only PPSH enablement is implemented.

Type: bitmask


1 Enable PPSH for soldiers

2 Enable PPSH for engineers

4 Enable PPSH for fieldops

Default: 7



This cvar controls optional machine gun behaviour.

Type: bitmask


1 Machine Guns can make headshots

2 Machine Guns can reload when clip is not empty

Default: 0



Controls various aspects of the Covert Op class.

Type: bitmask


1 Level 4 Coverts have more accurate scoped weapons.

2 Disguised coverts can only be identified with the "crosshair name" by level 4 Field Ops.

4 After detonating a satchel charge, the primary weapon will be selected instead of satchel again.

8 Coverts in disguise take half the normal combat damage.

16 Coverts in disguise take no splash damage.

32 Coverts do not automatically lose their uniform if an enemy sees them firing a weapon.

64 Coverts do not automatically lose their uniform if they fire a non-silent weapon.

128 Coverts do not automatically lose their uniforms if they attach to an emplaced MG weapon. Note that this flag has nothing to do with firing.

256 Coverts are awarded xp for constructive use of smoke.

512 Coverts will lose their uniform if an enemy sees him using ANY weapon (otherwise knife/satchel/smoke/binoc will never lose uni).

1024 A disguised covert can still steal enemy uniforms.

Default: 0



Disables/enables tripmines. Tripmines are available only for engineers.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 1



Customizes the experience points necessary to go up in soldier ranks. The setting consist of four space-separated integers indicating the number of XP required to reach a rank.

A string such as "3 10 10 10" indicates that 3 points are required to go up the first rank, and the next three ranks are granted when the player has 10 points.

You can also grant levels upon connection by using a value like "0 0 20 100". This would mean that the first two ranks would be granted upon connection, and the third and fourth ranks would be granted at 20 and 100 points, respectively.

Type: string

Default: "20 50 90 140"



Customizes the experience points necessary to go up in medic ranks. The setting consist of four space-separated integers indicating the number of XP required to reach a rank.

A string such as "3 10 10 10" indicates that 3 points are required to go up the first rank, and the next three ranks are granted when the player has 10 points.

You can also grant levels upon connection by using a value like "0 0 20 100". This would mean that the first two ranks would be granted upon connection, and the third and fourth ranks would be granted at 20 and 100 points, respectively.

Type: string

Default: "20 50 90 140"



Customizes the experience points necessary to go up in engineer ranks. The setting consist of four space-separated integers indicating the number of XP required to reach a rank.

A string such as "3 10 10 10" indicates that 3 points are required to go up the first rank, and the next three ranks are granted when the player has 10 points.

You can also grant levels upon connection by using a value like "0 0 20 100". This would mean that the first two ranks would be granted upon connection, and the third and fourth ranks would be granted at 20 and 100 points, respectively.

Type: string

Default: "20 50 90 140"



Customizes the experience points necessary to go up in fieldop ranks. The setting consist of four space-separated integers indicating the number of XP required to reach a rank.

A string such as "3 10 10 10" indicates that 3 points are required to go up the first rank, and the next three ranks are granted when the player has 10 points.

You can also grant levels upon connection by using a value like "0 0 20 100". This would mean that the first two ranks would be granted upon connection, and the third and fourth ranks would be granted at 20 and 100 points, respectively.

Type: string

Default: "20 50 90 140"



Customizes the experience points necessary to go up in covert op ranks. The setting consist of four space-separated integers indicating the number of XP required to reach a rank.

A string such as "3 10 10 10" indicates that 3 points are required to go up the first rank, and the next three ranks are granted when the player has 10 points.

You can also grant levels upon connection by using a value like "0 0 20 100". This would mean that the first two ranks would be granted upon connection, and the third and fourth ranks would be granted at 20 and 100 points, respectively.

Type: string

Default: "20 50 90 140"



Customizes the experience points necessary to go up in battle sense ranks. The setting consist of four space-separated integers indicating the number of XP required to reach a rank.

A string such as "3 10 10 10" indicates that 3 points are required to go up the first rank, and the next three ranks are granted when the player has 10 points.

You can also grant levels upon connection by using a value like "0 0 20 100". This would mean that the first two ranks would be granted upon connection, and the third and fourth ranks would be granted at 20 and 100 points, respectively.

Type: string

Default: "20 50 90 140"



Customizes the experience points necessary to go up in light weapon ranks. The setting consist of four space-separated integers indicating the number of XP required to reach a rank.

A string such as "3 10 10 10" indicates that 3 points are required to go up the first rank, and the next three ranks are granted when the player has 10 points.

You can also grant levels upon connection by using a value like "0 0 20 100". This would mean that the first two ranks would be granted upon connection, and the third and fourth ranks would be granted at 20 and 100 points, respectively.

Type: string

Default: "20 50 90 140"



If set to 1, panzers that are shot in mid-air will explode.

Type: [0|1]

Default: 0

Weapon Damage and Radius Settings



Amount of damage done by the knife.

Type: integer

Default: 10



Amount of damage done by the sten.

Type: integer

Default: 14



Amount of damage done by the FG-42.

Type: integer

Default: 15



Amount of damage done by the pistol weapons.

Type: integer

Default: 18



Amount of damage done by the SMG weapons (Thompson and MP-40).

Type: integer

Default: 18



Amount of damage done by the MG42.

Type: integer

Default: 18



Amount of damage done by an emplaced MG.

Type: integer

Default: 20



Amount of damage done by the FG-42 when scoped.

Type: integer

Default: 30



Amount of damage done by unscoped rifles (K43 and Garand).

Type: integer

Default: 34



Amount of damage done by a scoped Garand or K43.

Type: integer

Default: 50



Amount of damage done by the a flamethrower. Also controls the per-tick damage done to a player who has been set on fire by a flamethrower and is still burning.

Type: integer

Default: 5



Amount of damage done by a grenade.

Type: integer

Default: 250



Blast radius of a grenade.

Type: integer

Default: 250



Amount of damage done by an engineer's grenade-launcher grenades.

Type: integer

Default: 250



Blas radius of an engineer's grenade-launcher grenades.

Type: integer

Default: 250



Amount of damage done by a tripmine.

Type: integer

Default: 260



Amount of damage done by a landmine.

Type: integer

Default: 250



Blast radius of a landmine.

Type: integer

Default: 250



Amount of damage done by a satchel.

Type: integer

Default: 250
















Hitboxes, Physics & Anti Lag Settings


















Miscallenous options.


Type: bitmask

1 Enable double jump.

2 Enable binoc master competition. Requires g_weapons 64 to be set.

4 When a player is killed he can see the HP the killer has left.

8 Disable self damage.

16 Players can not jump if stamina is too low.

32 Enable Jaymod style doublejump.

64 Disable Falling Damage.

128 Announce revives.

Default: 0

























































