Client Manual
- cg_drawTime [0|1|2]
- Decides whether to draw the current local time beneath the FPS display. When set to 1, it will display 24 hour clock, when set to 2, :it will display a 12 hour clock, with am/pm
- cg_drawTimeSeconds [0|1]
- When set to 1, will display the seconds as well on the time. Requires cg_drawTime set to either 1 or 2
- cg_hud
- The name of your current hud, which will be loaded upon startup
- cg_panzerhack [0|1]
- Put your SMG in weaponbank 2 (instead of bank 3) when you're a soldier with level 4 Heavy Weapons
- Default: 1
- cg_logConsole [bitmask]
- Log centerprints and/or banners to your console
- 1
- Log centerprints
- 2
- Log banners
- Default: 1
- cg_gun_fovscale [0|1]
- Scale the gun when you use different FOV
- Default: 1
- cg_weapaltReloads [0|1]
- Hitting altfire (usually right mouse button) when holding a weapon that doesn't have an alternative fire will reload the weapon
- Default: 0
- cg_drawRanks [0|1|2]
- When 1 the rank (for example "Private") will be shown in front of the name when you look at a player in your team. When 2 it will only :show the short rank ("Pvt" for exmaple) and when 0 it won't show any rank.
- Default: 1
- cg_fireteamAlpha [0.0 - 1.0]
- Determines the level of transparency of the fireteam window
- Default: 0.6
- cg_lagometerAlpha [0.0 - 1.0]
- Determines the level of transparency of the lagometer
- Default: 1.0
- cg_chatAlpha [0.0 - 1.0]
- Determines the level of transparency of the chat texts at the bottom of your screen
- Default: 0.33
- cg_watermarkAlpha [0.0 - 1.0]
- Determines the level of transparency of the watermark, if the server has one. Note that the server might set a transparency :themselves. In that case the watermark alpha will be the product of these transparency levels
- Default: 1.0
- cg_specAlpha [0.0 - 1.0]
- Determines the level of transparency of the SPECTATOR text
- Default: 1.0
- cg_dynoCounter [0|1]
- Displays a counter in your HUD that will countdown untill a dynamite on an objective explodes. This will not spam the chat/cpm
- 1
- Visual
- 2
- Textual
- Default: 1
- cg_maxTeamDynas [0-8]
- The number of dynamites of your own team that will be displayed in the counter
- Default: 4
- cg_maxEnemyDynas [0-8]
- The number of dynamites of your enemy that will be displayed in the counter
- Default: 4
- cg_drawClassIcons [bitmask]
- Changes Classtexts into ClassIcons
- 1
- In crosshair names
- 2
- In fireteam
- 4
- On scoreboard
- Default: 7
- cg_drawCrosshairHP [0|1]
- Draw textual HP instead of the healthbar when aiming at someone
- Default: 0
- cg_autoSelectFTMembers [0|1]
- Toggles automatic selection of your fireteam members
- Default: 0
- cg_damageKick [0|1|2]
- Changes the way damage kick occurs (the screen shake when a player gets shot).
- 0
- No damagekick.
- 1
- Regular damagekick, variable shake, increases when player is low on health.
- 2
- Simple damagekick, constant shake value.
- Default: 1
- cg_tracers [0|1|2]
- Enables/disables drawing the bullet tracers:
- 0
- No tracers.
- 1
- All tracers.
- 2
- All but your own tracers.
- Default: 1
- cg_countryFlags [bitmask]
- Show the GeoIP country flags
- 1
- On scoreboard
- 2
- In crosshair names
- Default: 3
- cg_gibs [0|1]
- Toggles the display of gib models.
- Default: 1
- cg_followFT [0|1|2]
- Decides how players are picked up to be followed in spec.
- 0
- disables feature (works as usual then)
- 1
- follow Fire Team members first when in spec
- 2
- follow only Fire Team members when in spec.
- Options 1 and 2 work only when the player is in the Fire Team.
- When the player is not in FT then they do not infuence the spec behaviour.
- Default: 0
- m [partialname] [message]
- Send private message to all players matching the partial name.
- mt [partialname] [message]
- Send private message to all players on your team that match the partial name.
- loadhud
- used to load a custom hud from a .hud file contained in a pk3 file. Also able to "/loadhud ?" to show a list of available huds, :"/loadhud blank" to load a blank hud, or "/loadhud" to load the default ET hud. When loading a hud, the default ET is loaded first, :then the custom HUD overwrites any values specified. So if a HUD element isn't specifically disabled in a custom HUD, it will be in ET :default position.
- edithud
- Used to edit the hud in realtime. Can also be used to script a hud so that server admins don't have to package .hud files into pk3
- format: /edithud elementName [value1] [value2] . . . . [valueX].
- Current elementNames and (values) are as follows:
- ammocount (x, y, scale)
- chargebar (x, y, width)
- compass (x, y, size)
- upperright (y)
- fireteam (x, y, width)
- flagcov (x, y)
- head (x, y, width, height)
- healthbar (x, y, width)
- healthtext (x, y, scale)
- lagometer (x, y)
- overheat (x, y, width, height)
- skillbox1 (x, y, size)
- skillbox2 (x, y, size)
- skillbox3 (x, y, size)
- skillpic1 (x, y, size)
- skillpic2 (x, y, size)
- skillpic3 (x, y, size)
- skilltext1 (x, y, scale)
- skilltext2 (x, y, scale)
- skilltext3 (x, y, scale)
- staminabar (x, y, width)
- weaponcard (x, y, size)
- xptext (x, y, scale)
- cpmtext (x, y, scale)
- chattext (x, y, scale)
- votefttext (x, y)
- livesleft (x, y)
- All items except skilltextX are part of the original ET hud. skillTextX is a textual representation of the xp levels, i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, :4. The skill[box,pic,text] elements correspond as follows, 1 = class specific skills, 2 = battle sense, 3 = light weapons.
- Default scale values, where used, is 25 in the default ET hud.
- upperright represents the spawn counter/game timer, clock, FPS normally displayed on the right side of the screen.
- (x,y) are based on a 640 x 480 scale, regardless of the actual screen resolution that ET is running. Therefore (0,0) is upper left,
- (640,480) is lower right and (320, 240) is crosshairs.<b
- To disable an element entirely, set the first value to -1. Currently votefttext CANNOT be disabled.
- dumphud
- Dumps the current hud settings to the console in format used to create a .hud file.
- dropweapon
- Drops the player's primary weapon.
- sclogin [password]
- Logs the player into shoutcasting mode.
- sclogout
- Removes the player's own shoutcaster status.
- shoutcastlogin [password]
- Logs the player into shoutcasting mode.
- shoutcastlogout
- Removes the player's own shoutcaster status.
- timerSet [1-60]
- Sets enemy spawntimer (shown in red). You need to give the value for the timer. Not giving any value will disable the spawntimer.
- resetTimer
- Resets the enemy spawn timer to the value which was given when timerSet was called. This command will do nothing if timerSet hasn't :been called before.
- lua_status
- Shows information about the scripts currently loaded by the Lua API engine.
- silent_version
- Shows information about the running client and server version.
Autoexec Files
The silEnT client now has the ability to automatically execute certain config (*.cfg) files upon certain events:
- autoexec_allies.cfg, autoexec_axis.cfg, autoexec_spectator.cfg
- Executed when you join a team (or become a spectator)
- autoexec_<mapname>.cfg, autoexec_default.cfg
- Executed when the map switches to <mapname>. autoexec_default.cfg is always executed after the autoexec_<mapname>.cfg file.
- autoexec_soldier.cfg, autoexec_medic.cfg, autoexec_engineer.cfg, autoexec_fieldops.cfg, autoexec_covertops.cfg
- Executed when you switch classes.
- Please note that if any of these files do not exist they simply will not be executed, there will not be any error messages
- Also note that these filenames are casesensitive on linux