LESM Installation

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Lua Enhanced Server Mod Install Guide

This guide will teach you how to install LESM on your server. Please read it carefully. When I refer to the server's mod directory I mean: /etdirectory/mod/ Your qagame.mp.i386.so or qagame.mp.i386.dll will be in this directory. Example: /home/et/silent/ JSON Files can be picky when editing them, you can use jsonformatter to ensure you have valid JSON format, if they are not valid it will cause errors.


The only requirement is that you have lua 5.1 installed on your server. For silent mod, it comes with the mod and you do not need to make any further adjustments. For other mods you will need to follow their instructions on how to install it. Usually it just requires you to download the lua 5.1 library, and using a specific qagame.

Download LuaESMod

Download LuaESMod and extract it to some temporary folder on your computer.


The Files/Folders you need are: LuaESMod.lua and the entire LESM folder. Upload those to your server's mod directory. Next you will need to go into your server config edit your lua_modules cvar to include LuaESMod.lua Will look something like set lua_modules "LuaESMod.lua" or set lua_modules "LuaESMod.lua test.lua testlua2.lua"

First Run

Restart/start your server. You can verify if the script is running by typing: lua_status in rcon If it is running then you can continue on to configuring the server. The configuration file is /LESM/save/Config.json you may edit values there. If your config fails to load for some reason or there are keys that were missing, a ConfigDefaults.json will be created with your old values and new values. This file is just for you to read and copy to Config.json if you wish, it is not actually loaded ever. The most important values are Level.Leader and Level.Admin as this determines the level at which you can use some commands.

Other Config Files

Other specific configuration files:


Colors are saved in /LESM/save/Colors.json If you want to change the color scheme you can that do that in this file. There are 3 keys in here you probably want to change to match your server's theme Primary Is your main message color, white is a safe bet, definitely don't use black as it is hard to see. Secondary Is the color used to highlight important information Tertiary Is used for symbols or brackets surrounding text The capital letter keys like LIGHT_BLUE are currently not used, in the future they may be used. The rest are command colors, used in the help command.


Banners are saved in /LESM/save/Banners.json See related config options here If you want to use banners you will need to edit this file. Each message in a quote is a new banner. When making banner messages you can use <color1> to use your Color.Primary <color2> to use Color.Secondary and <color3> to use Color.Tertiary You can still use normal color codes though if you wish. The beginning of the file must start with a [ and end of the file must end with ] Also every new message must end with , UNLESS it is the last one which ends with nothing In the example will Color.Primary equals ^7 Color.Secondary equals ^5 and Color.Tertiary equals 2 So for example: [ "<color1>Registration <color2>required<color1> for xpsave and admin level<color3>!", "<color1>Autolevel up to level <color2>600", "<color3>/<color2>lua help<color1> to view all your commands<color3>!" ] Means the messages are: ^7Registration ^5required^7 for xpsave and admin level^2! ^7Autolevel up to level ^5600 ^2/^5lua help^7 to view all your commands^5!


Sounds are saved in /LESM/save/Rules.json If you want to use the rules command, or add rules to banners then you will need to edit this file. Same rules apply to Rules that apply to Banners


Rules are saved in /LESM/save/Sounds.json Sounds are kind of complex, and are not meant to be created manually, though they could if you really wanted. I package a python script that will create a Sounds.json from all the sounds in a pk3 named sounds.py If you do not know how to use a python script, post on forums with a link to your sounds pk3 I can easily get you setup. Once you have your generated Sounds.json you are good to go However if you want to edit what level each sound requires to play you can do that before you put it on your server You can also do this ingame with the playsound command !playsound hello level 5 you need to be a leader of authorized to do this


Maps is just a list of your map vote pool and is found in /LESM/save/Maps.json Will look something like this: [ "adlernest", "oasis", "frostbite" ] To get info for this list type in rcon: dir maps bsp You can try manually creating this list. Or post on forums and we will create one for you.


Found in /LESM/save/Grammar.json and /LESM/save/SwearFilter.json Grammar is more of a spellcheck and is used when players have the grammarcheck key. SwearFilter replace swear words with less vulgar words.