ET Testing your waypoints

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Waypointing Testing your waypoints

Testing your waypoints

The best way to test your waypoints is to add some bots and see what they do.

Adding bots

To add a random bot use this command:

/bot addbot

If you want to add a bot to a certain team you need to add some parameters to the command:

Axis Player

/bot addbot 1

Allies Player

/bot addbot 2

Stopping the bots shooting

If you want to stop the bots from shooting so you can just see them walking around the map use this command:

/bot dontshoot 1

To enable shooting again use:

/bot dontshoot 0
Note: This only works after the bots have spawned for the 1st time.

Ignore Player

The is another command that you might find useful for you if want the bots to ignore you when your in the game.

/bot ip 1

To turn off use

/bot ip 0

Kicking the bots

When you need to get rid of the bots use:

/bot kickall

If you only want to kick a single bot use:

/bot kickbot fullbotname


"fast forward", time will run faster:

/timescale 5
/g_antiwarp 0

normal speed:

/timescale 1



go through walls:


unlimited sprinting:


all weapons:

/give all

warp to waypoint or goal:

/bot wt <waypoint or goal name>