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Opening the console

In ET you open the console with the tilde '~' key (above TAB key, below ESC key) on Windows systems and with ALTGR and '+' on Linux systems.

You can also try combinations ALT+'~' or CTRL+'~' to open large or small console.

Executing a command on local computer

  • In ET, ETF, or other Quake 3 engine based games:
/bot command
  • In Quake4, Fortress Forever, and other Half-life 2 or Doom 3 engine based games, the / isn't required

You'll get a list of all available commands by entering '(/)bot help' into the console.

Executing a command on dedicated server

/rconpassword <your rconpass>
/rcon bot command


You can bind any command to a key. Key bindings are saved to your profile, but you can also add these bindings to your server.cfg.


bind KP_INS "bot addbot"
bind KP_DEL "bot kickall"
bind p "bot show_goals .* p"
bind F12 "bot waypoint_save; echo ^oW^0aypoints ^1saved"

You can use vstr to toggle parameters:

seta BotSetIgnoreOn "bot ip 1;set BotSetIgnore vstr BotSetIgnoreOff"
seta BotSetIgnoreOff "bot ip 0;set BotSetIgnore vstr BotSetIgnoreOn"
set BotSetIgnore "vstr BotSetIgnoreOn"
bind DEL "vstr BotSetIgnore"


In many ET mods it's possible to define custom commands in shrubbot.cfg. You can use it to execute some of your favourite bot commands without bot prefix.


command  = addbot
exec     = bot addbot [1] [2] [3]
desc     = Adds bot to game. Syntax: !addbot <team> <class> <name>. Don't use whitespaces in <name>.
syntax   = 
levels   = 9 10 11 14 15