
From MyGamingTalk
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g_privateMessages g_spreeOptions in voluptate velit
test blabla unz unz.


g_privateMessages [0|1]
If set to 1, players can send private messages to one another with the m command. Example:
/m tjw you totally suck!
Clients can reject private message from other individual clients with the /ignore client command.
Default is 0


g_spreeOptions [bitmask]
A few options to control the display of killingsprees. Note that the flags 1, 2 and 4 are just made for fast enabling / disabling and :still require a g_settings file.
Enable killingsprees ([spree] blocks)
Enable killingspree ends ([end] blocks)
Enable multikills ([kill] blocks)
When set, a top 3 current killing sprees message will be printed every minute, similar to binoc masters, and a map's longest killing :spree will be printed every two minutes
At the beginning of the intermission the highest spree and the 3 highest sprees which are still active will be shown
/kill will end a spree
Teamswitching will end a spree
Multikill messages will be delayed g_multikillTime milliseconds, to prevent the doublekill -> multikill -> megakill -> etc. flooding
Killing bots doesn't count for multikills or killingsprees (Note: they DO count for ending kill/deathsprees)
Display the map and overall spree record when entering intmission
Summary: don't enable this flag if you don't have enabled g_spreeOptions flag 512 OR g_XPSave flag 16 or Shrubbot flag t
Spree records are automatically saved into XPSave file when a map ends. By enabling this flag, you also store the spreerecord at the :points where g_XPSave flag 16 would store XP. When you don't have set XPSave flag 16 and g_spreeOptions flag 512 and not allow users :to use !spreerecord you should NOT set this flag as it takes some extra resources. When XPSave flag 16 is set this doesn't matter (it :actually takes much less resources then). When only g_spreeOptions flag 512 or shrubbot flag t is set it won't do much harm anyway
(your server won't explode)
Enable revivesprees ([revive] blocks)
Default is 0