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Everything posted by makavelii

  1. Sorry for being such a noob.. But.. for example i have your hhspreesounds in that pk3"rar" and where do I place them.. Do I put them into the folder i have in my FTP "Silent" or do I unzip it and put it into the silent0.8.1pk3 "rar" ?
  2. Okay I remember downloading some pk3 with wav sounds. Do I just put it into the silent directory the whole lot of it and then my redirect server? But how will my server know that its those sounds he want to load, like do I need to rename my pk3 "rar" to something?
  3. http://scr.hu/163v/3tuoq This is a pk3 i have in my silent directory, it is named silent-0.8.1.pk3 do i need to extract the sound folder from it? Im confused..
  4. Silent directory you mean in ftp just to put it in the folder?
  5. Yeah well its a zip "pk3" and when i download it to my dekstop and open it there are sounds and all silentmod huds etc etc.
  6. you mean on the FTP? ---> http://scr.hu/163v/vajab I have a zip in my FTP with the sounds and everything, do I need to unzip that?
  7. Hey, I have a question. First of all i have enabled all of the commamds in cfg so that the killing sprees and multikills are enabled but unfortunately i get no sound. Could someone tell me why? Additionaly is there anyways to change the multikill writing? Thanks in advance
  8. Name: No Download XPSAVE |>RF<|CLAN. Mod : siLent GameType: Map voting Slots : 25 Bots : 16 IP : Protocol : ET 2.55 / 2.60b (ET 300) New Server, still improving. Hoping to recruit many members. We take any suggestion under consideration as we want to make the server as fun as possible, so if you have any suggestion post them on the forum or chat ingame admin. http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Forum -> www.rfclanet.4umotion.com
  9. Can you not? Like set your custom text when someone gets a double kill? Ahh
  10. Okay that will solve many of the issues thanks And question how to change the killing sprees text or the multi kills texts.?
  11. And for example if i dont want few middle values i just ignore and add the rest yes?
  12. yes but i really need that. for eg. Parameters Type: bitmask 1 Enable double jump. 2 Enable binoc master competition. Requires g_weapons 64 to be set. 4 When a player is killed he can see the HP the killer has left. 8 Disable self damage. 16 Players can not jump if stamina is too low. 32 Enable Jaymod style doublejump. 64 Disable Falling Damage. 128 Announce revives. 256 Setting this flag disables the "First Blood" announcement. 512 Full body predict. This makes it harder to get inside for example walls and stones. Same as ETPub g_misc 32 + 256. Do note that this can cause problems when proning through windows and similar narrow passages Default: 0 like i wouldn't like to turn off firstblood announcements and not to use the 512 thing. But like if i want to use rest of them do i just add them up? Im really confused..
  13. But for example if i dobt want to use one of the options and skip to the next one what do i do?
  14. Ive put some stuff into my cfg but i think its wrong.. and messed everythign uP And for example if you want to use few things on it like from example the killingspree options do u add all these flags together or waht?
  15. Unfortunately not, but your in a contact with admins in the "support' area.
  16. All via ftp i guess.. Ah, i'll ask someone from their support maybe they will be able to help. Thanks anywyas
  17. I did but it doesnt work.. I don't really know how to use it :/
  18. I have the FTP server, and redirect FTP server. Hosting from dediserverhosting.
  19. Eh, okay so I guess i will just enable the Map Voting system at the end. That will be the best thing to do.. Thanks anyways. A question, how can I add new maps to the server? I mean those that supposed to be downlaoded for example.
  20. I did change it now. But still, when It comes to the last map in the campaign and i do !nextmap nothing happens. Only yellow writing ***Loading nextcampaign*** but after that nothing happens.
  21. I have set d1 "campaign cmpgn_northafrica ; set nextcampaign vstr d2" set d2 "campaign cmpgn_centraleurope ; set nextcampaign vstr d1" // server doesn't recognise the campaign command when the gamecode isn't running yet. set d_initial "set g_gametype 4 ; map oasis ; set nextcampaign vstr d1" vstr d_initial Will the spreerecord not reset everytime? I really would like to avoid that.
  22. Hey, I've got a question.. I'd like to enable my killing sprees and all and the sounds to them aswell but have no idea how, they worked before (the writing) but then i changed something and now I only have revive sprees on the chat line. Additionally, I'd like to add doublejumps but they dont seem to work.. Another prob is that i've changed something so that the energy for engi when he uses dynamite or if he is constructing charges quicker unfortunately now it charges immediately like nothing really happens the bar is always full, same to Medic, FOPS.. Can someone please help me? I'll be greatful..
  23. Hey, Recently im strugglin with all the map rotation, it rotates the first 3 maps and then the next campaign isnt loaded.. Can somebody help me?
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