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Posts posted by GrimReaper

  1. @ gaoesa

    Look here:




    Moves to the next map in campaign or in the objective cycle end game intermission is skipped. With mapvoting gametype it is possible to go to the intermission if g_mapVoteFlags flag 16 is set


    So this still should work with flag 16 but not with flag 12!?


    Version 0.4.0.rc1

    Fixed: !nextmap & callvote nextmap, don't work with g_gametype 6


    Ah ok thank you for the hint with the g_includedmaps, I had a deferent understand of this cvar.

  2. Sry Iam so stressed this week I will try to check that on the weekend in detail.


    Yes now you got me. The reason why I did it like that it because I like it comfortable, so it was easier for me to inclued 10 map then to exclued 50 other maps.


    Thank you for the error detection.


    I tryed to use the !nextmap command, but then I also come to the vote list of the intermission screen.

    Which I find funny because in read in the documentation that I have to use g_mapVoteFlags "16" to come always to the intermission with set g_gametype 6, but I use g_mapVoteFlags "12"!?


    Then I only deleted the maps for the silent folder and started the server again and suddenly it was possible to chose a map as a referee. ;)

    So this problem is solved.



    Maybe I only have to mutch maps in my etmain folder, 80 maps without the standard maps!?


    I will muck out my maps in the etmain folder and I will try to use the g_excludedMaps.

    Also I will try to copy the hole wolfenstein et folder, rename it as etserver and muck out all usless stuff from there.

    Maybe it is running better if I use one directory for the server and one directory for the playing.

  3. Thx for the fast reply.



    I was wanting to use the g_includedMaps to have this 9 maps for sure in the list and for me it doesnt matter which are the other 21 maps are (g_maxMapsVotedFor 30), the can be random

    HTTP mirroring?

    Ok I will try that later to use only the g_excludedMaps


    You are right here are my cfg files.



    It cant be that I am missing the files local. Because Iam hosting the server from the same pc here Iam playing with and also from the same directory.


    Iam doing that because I want to learn more about the cfg, config and server stuff and then I will set up the server for the next Lan Party.



    Here is my mapvotecycle.cfg


    set d1 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sw_oasis_b3 ; set nextmap vstr d2"
    set d2 "set g_gametype 6 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d3"
    set d3 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sw_goldrush_te ; set nextmap vstr d4"
    set d4 "set g_gametype 6 ; map radar ; set nextmap vstr d5"
    set d5 "set g_gametype 6 ; map railgun ; set nextmap vstr d6"
    set d6 "set g_gametype 6 ; map fueldump ; set nextmap vstr d7"
    set d7 "set g_gametype 6 ; map baserace ; set nextmap vstr d8"
    set d8 "set g_gametype 6 ; map 2tanks_171 ; set nextmap vstr d9"
    set d9 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sp_delivery_te ; set nextmap vstr d10"
    set d10 "set g_gametype 6 ; map venice_ne4 ; set nextmap vstr d11"
    vstr d1



    And here is my silent.cfg


    // Generic server cvars //
    set dedicated "1"      //1=LAN, 2=Internet
    set net_ip "localhost"
    set net_port 27960

    //Heartbeat to Master Servers
    //set sv_master1 "etmaster.idsoftware.com"
    //set sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"
    //set sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"
    //set sv_master4 "clanservers.net"
    //set sv_master5 ""

    //Server Name
    set sv_hostname "^2F^8U^3N ^4Game ^9*^1A^7U^1T^9*^7"

    //Message of the Day
    // Max length is "12345678901234567890123456"
    // This doesn’t include color codes
    set server_motd0 "^4Multigaming ^2F^8U^3N ^5Server"
    set server_motd1 "^1NO Spawnkilling!"
    set server_motd2 "^1NO Spawncamping!"
    set server_motd3 "^1Even Teams!"
    set server_motd4 "^1Fair Play!"
    set server_motd5 "^5hosted by ^9Grim^7Reaper"

    set g_password ""
    set sv_maxclients "24"     
    set g_minGameClients "0"    
    set g_maxGameClients "0"     
    set team_maxplayers "0"      
    set sv_privateclients "4"
    set sv_privatepassword "***"
    set sv_fullmsg "Sorry the Server is full! Pls try it later."

    set rconpassword "***"   
    set refereePassword "***"
    set shoutcastPassword "***"

    set sv_maxRate "45000"
    set sv_dl_maxRate "42000"
    set sv_allowDownload "1"
    set sv_wwwDownload "0"
    set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"
    set sv_wwwBaseURL ""
    set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""

    set sv_pure "1"      
    set sv_minping "0"
    set sv_maxping "500"
    set g_truePing "0"

    // Logs
    set g_logOptions "18956"    
    set logfile "2"       
    set g_logsync "0"
    set g_log "server.log"
    set g_cheatLog "cheat.log"
    set g_logAdmin "admin.log"

    set g_punkbuster "0"
    set g_silentac "1"
    set g_maxNameChanges "3"
    set g_maxConnsPerIP "4"

    // Ban/Kick
    set g_tyranny "1"
    set g_warningOptions "20"    
    set g_maxWarnings "3"
    set g_warningDecay "24"
    set g_autoTempBan "0"
    set g_autoTempBanTime "1800"
    set g_teamDamageRestriction "0"     
    set g_minHits "6"

    // Physics, Lag
    set g_fixedphysics "0"      
    set g_fixedphysicsfps "125"
    set g_antilag "1"
    set g_antilagDelay "0"
    set g_antiwarp "1"
    set g_skipCorrection "0"
    set g_maxWarp "4"

    // Game Play Settings
    set g_speed "350"      
    set g_min_crazyspeed "250"
    set g_max_crazyspeed "750"
    set g_gravity "800"     
    set g_min_crazygravity "10"
    set g_max_crazygravity "1200"
    set g_flushItems "1"
    set g_landminetimeout "0"
    set g_fastres "0"      
    set g_fastResMsec "1000"     

    set g_knockback "1000"      
    set g_realHead "1"
    set g_realBody "0"

    // Server Info / Stats
    set g_serverInfo "1"
    set g_stats "0"
    set g_extraStatistics "4"
    set g_realPlayTime "1"
    set g_playerRating_minplayers "2"
    set g_shuffle_rating "3"
    set g_killRating "7"     
    set g_playerRating "3"     

    // Announcements and Messages
    set g_privateMessages "1"
    set g_maxIgnoresPerMap "3"
    set g_spreeOptions "2791"     
    set g_multikillTime "1000"     
    set g_obituary "3"    
    set g_recognition "1"
    set g_landmineNotifyType "1"

    set g_defaultHitSounds "1"
    set g_hitsounds "1"
    set g_goatSound "1"
    set g_dropMsg "You got kicked or banned! Talk to an admin to undo this decision."
    // Banners
    set g_banners "banners.cfg"
    // Watermark
    set g_watermark "grfun/gr"
    set g_watermarkFadeAfter "-1"     
    set g_watermarkFadeTime "1.5"    
    // Country flags
    set g_countryFlags "1"

    // Flood protection
    set g_floodprotect "1"
    set g_floodthreshold "6"
    set g_floodWait "1000"
    set g_voiceChatsAllowed "5"

    // Censoring
    set g_censor ""
    set g_censorNames ""
    set g_censorPenalty "40"    
    set g_censorNeil "1"
    set g_censorNeilNames "1"
    set g_censorMuteTime "60"
    set g_censorXP "5"

    // Inactivity
    set g_inactivity "300"     
    set g_spectatorInactivity "0"
    set g_inactivityOptions "3"   
    set g_ettvFlags "3"
    set g_spectator "9"      

    // Pause
    set match_timeoutcount "0"     
    set match_timeoutlength "180"     

    // Intermission
    set g_intermissionTime "45"
    set g_intermissionReadyPercent "75"

    // Warm UP
    set g_doWarmup "0"      
    set match_readypercent "75"
    set g_warmup "45"
    set match_warmupDamage "2"
    set match_latejoin "1"
    set match_minplayers "1"     
    set match_mutespecs "1"

    // Spawn Time
    set g_redlimbotime "15"
    set g_useraxisrespawntime "15"
    set g_bluelimbotime "10"
    set g_useralliedrespawntime "10"

    // Spawn Options
    set g_spawnInvul "3"      
    set g_spawnInvulFair "1"     
    set g_teamChangeKills "1"     

    // Max Lives
    set g_maxlives "0"
    set g_alliedmaxlives "0"
    set g_axismaxlives "0"
    set g_maxlivesRespawnPenalty "60"    
    set g_enforcemaxlives "0"     

    // Team Balance
    set g_teamforcebalance "1"
    set g_unevenTeamDiff "2"
    set g_unevenTeamFreq "30"
    set g_noTeamSwitching "0"
    set g_autofireteams "0"
    set team_nocontrols "1"
    set g_filtercams "1"      

    // Friendly fire
    set g_friendlyFire "0"
    set g_friendlyFireOpts "44"     
    set g_reflectFriendlyFire "0"
    set g_reflectFFWeapons "31"

    // Complaint
    set g_complaintlimit "7"     
    set g_ipcomplaintlimit "7"     
    set g_disableComplaints "32"    

    // Map Configs
    set g_mapConfigs "mapconfigs"
    set g_mapScriptDirectory "mapscripts"
    set g_playerCounting "1"

    // Game Typs
    // TDM Only Settings
    set g_TDMType "2"
    set g_TDMOptions "7"      
    set g_TDMScore "100"
    set g_TDMObjBonus "20"

    // LMS Only Settings
    set g_lms_currentMatch "0"
    set g_lms_followTeamOnly "1"
    set g_lms_lockTeams "1"
    set g_lms_matchlimit "3"     
    set g_lms_roundlimit "3"     
    set g_lms_teamForceBalance "1"

    // Stopwatch Only Settings
    set g_altStopwatchMode "0"     

    set g_campaignFile ""

    // Map voting
    set g_gametype "6"      
    set g_mapVoteFlags "12"      
    set g_maxMapsVotedFor "30"     
    set g_minMapAge "0"      
    set g_resetXPMapCount "0"
    //included Maps müssen im Silent Ordner liegen
    set g_includedMaps ":sw_oasis_b3:sw_goldrush_te:battery:fueldump:railgun:radar:baserace:2tanks_171:supplydepot2:"

    set g_excludedMaps ":oasis:goldrush:"

    // Votes
    set g_voting "14"      
    set vote_limit "5"      
    set vote_percent "51"      
    set g_noVoteTime "60"
    set g_voteResultsMinLevel "-1"
    set g_votedMuteLength "3h"
    set vote_allow_comp "0"
    set vote_allow_gametype "0"
    set vote_allow_kick "0"
    set vote_allow_map "0"
    set vote_allow_matchreset "0"
    set vote_allow_mutespecs "0"
    set vote_allow_nextmap "1"
    set vote_allow_pub "0"
    set vote_allow_referee "0"
    set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp "0"
    set vote_allow_swapteams "1"
    set vote_allow_friendlyfire "0"
    set vote_allow_timelimit "1"
    set vote_allow_warmupdamage "0"
    set vote_allow_antilag "0"
    set vote_allow_balancedteams "0"
    set vote_allow_muting "1"
    set vote_allow_surrender "1"
    set vote_allow_restartcampaign "0"
    set vote_allow_nextcampaign "0"
    set vote_allow_poll "1"
    set vote_allow_maprestart "1"
    set vote_allow_shufflenorestart "1"
    set vote_allow_cointoss "1"
    set vote_allow_putspec "1"
    set vote_block_maprestart "300"
    set vote_block_matchreset "300"
    set vote_block_shuffleteamsxp "5400"
    set vote_block_shufflenorestart "5400"
    set vote_block_nextmap "5400"
    set vote_block_swapteams "180"
    set vote_block_surrender "5400"
    set vote_block_map "300"
    set vote_block_timelimit "5400"
    set vote_block_poll "5400"
    set vote_block_nextcampaign "300"
    set vote_block_restartcampaign "300"

    // XP Save configuration
    set g_XPSave "21"      
    // Only stored XP
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "120o"     
    // Stored XP and all rating values
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge "120o"     
    set g_XPSaveMinXP "-1"
    set g_maxXP "-1"      
    set g_maxXPResetWarn "0"
    set g_damageXP "1"
    set g_damageXPLevel "50"
    set g_xpdecay "0"
    set g_xpdecayrate "0"
    set g_xpdecayfloor "140.0"

    // Shrubbot and Database
    set g_dbDirectory "database"
    set g_dbUserMaxAge "120o"
    set g_dbMaxAliases "0"
    set g_minConnectLevel "0"
    set g_minCommandWaitTime "0"
    set g_greetingPos "0"
    set g_spoofOptions "3"
    set g_identOptions "0"
    set g_adminProtection "7"
    set g_protectMinLevel "-1"    
    set g_clientBinaries "0"
    set g_muteRename "1"

    // Verschiedene Game Settings
    set g_mode "8"
    set g_misc "1028"    
    set g_doubleJumpHeight "1.4"     
    set g_proneDelay "0"
    set g_moverScale "1.0"    
    set g_maxSelfkills "-1"
    set g_fear "3000"    
    set g_slashKill "28"      
    set g_staminaRecharge "1.0"
    set g_dropObj "3"      
    set g_forceLimboHealth "1"     
    set g_dragCorpse "0"      
    set g_spinCorpse "1"    
    set g_playDead "1"     
    set g_classChange "1"    

    set g_shove "80"     
    set g_shoveNoZ "1"      

    set g_ammoCabinetTime "60000"     
    set g_healthCabinetTime "10000"     

    set g_goomba "5"     
    set g_goombaFlags "31"      

    // Klassen und Waffen Settings
    set g_packDistance "8"     
    set g_dropHealth "3"      
    set g_dropAmmo "2"    
    set g_tossDistance "0"   

    set g_weapons "39790"      
    set g_classWeapons "63"      

    set g_throwableKnives "1"
    set g_maxKnives "7"      
    set g_knifeChargeTime "100"     

    set g_mg42 "3"       
    set g_panzersVulnerable "1"
    set g_panzersSpeed "2500"
    set g_panzersGravity "0"
    set g_maxPanzerSuicides "-1"
    set g_panzerPackDistance "11"     
    set g_enableDemolition "1"

    set g_poison "1"
    set g_poison/second "5"
    set g_poisonFlags "7"
    set g_medics "705"      
    set g_adrenDmgReduction "50"
    set g_medicHealthRegen "4"     
    set g_medicSelfhealTime "1000"     

    set g_constructibleXPSharing "1"   
    set g_dyno "29"    
    set g_enableTMines "1"
    set g_mineid "1"      

    set g_asblock "58"      
    set g_canisterKick "0"
    set g_canisterKickOwner "1"

    set g_coverts "1481"     
    set g_maxMarkers "2"

    // Fun War
    set g_headshot "0"
    set g_instagibDamage "400"
    set g_knifeonly "0"
    set g_panzerwar "0"
    set g_sniperwar "0"
    set g_riflewar "0"

    // Skill point options
    set g_skills "4"       
    set g_noSkillUpgrades "0"
    set skill_battlesense "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_lightweapons "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_soldier "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_medic "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_engineer "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_fieldops "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_covertops "20 50 90 140"

    // Energie charge time
    set g_soldierChargeTime "20000"     
    set g_medicChargeTime "25000"    
    set g_engineerChargeTime "25000"    
    set g_LTChargeTime "25000"    
    set g_covertopsChargeTime "25000"    

    // Weapon damages and radius settings
    set g_dmg "0"
    set g_dmgHeadShotMin "50"
    set g_dmgHeadShotRatio "2.0"

    set g_knifeThrowDamage "50"
    set g_dmgKnife "25"      
    set g_dmgPistol "18"
    set g_dmgGrenade "250"
    set g_dmgGrenadeRadius "250"

    set g_dmgSMG "18"
    set g_dmgPPSh "19"

    set g_dmgMG "20"      

    set g_dmgMG42 "18"     
    set g_dmgFlamer "5"
    set g_dmgPanzer "400"
    set g_dmgPanzerRadius "300"
    set g_dmgMortar "400"
    set g_dmgMortarRadius "400"
    set g_dmgDemolition "1100"
    set g_dmgDemolitionRadius "350"     

    set g_dmgGLauncher "250"
    set g_dmgGLauncherRadius "250"
    set g_dmgLandmine "250"
    set g_dmgLandmineRadius "250"
    set g_dmgTMine "260"
    set g_dmgDynamite "400"
    set g_dmgDynamiteRadius "400"

    set g_dmgAir "400"
    set g_dmgAirRadius "400"
    set g_dmgArty "400"
    set g_dmgArtyRadius "400"

    set g_dmgSten "14"
    set g_dmgFG42 "15"
    set g_dmgFG42Scope "35"    
    set g_dmgInfRifle "34"      
    set g_dmgSniper "55"      
    set g_dmgSatchel "250"
    set g_dmgSatchelRadius "250"

    // Team restrictions
    set g_heavyWeaponRestriction "100"
    set team_maxPanzers "10%"
    set team_maxMortars "10%"
    set team_maxFlamers "10%"
    set team_maxMG42s "10%"
    set team_maxGrenLaunchers "-1"
    set team_maxMedics "-1"
    set team_maxEngineers "-1"
    set team_maxFieldOps "-1"
    set team_maxCovertOps "-1"
    set g_minAirstrikeTime "60"     
    set g_minArtyTime "30"      
    set g_maxTeamLandmines "20"     
    set g_maxTeamTripmines "3"

    // Omni-bots
    set omnibot_enable "1"
    set omnibot_path ""      
    set g_bot_maxXP "-1"      
    set omnibot_flags "393264"     

    // Lua API
    set lua_modules ""
    set lua_allowedModules ""

    // Watchdog (falls ein Error oder Server ohne Map ist)
    set com_watchdog 30      
    set com_watchdog_cmd "exec mapvotecycle.cfg"

    exec mapvotecycle.cfg

  4. Hello Guys,

    First of all thank you for that great mod, I only can say it is awesome!


    I hope that Iam not to annoying with my noob questions and I will be glad for every help.



    My first problem is that I can not include the standard maps with the g_includedMaps cvar.


    this is what I have in my silent.cfg file

    set g_includedMaps ":sw_oasis_b3:sw_goldrush_te:battery:fueldump:railgun:radar:baserace:2tanks_171:supplydepot2:"


    It is working fine with all other maps because I had to copy all maps which I want to included from the etmain folder to the silent folder.

    If I dont do that the will not show up in the map vote list.

    But how can I include then the standard maps?



    My second problem is when I log my self in as a referee on the running server and want to do a map change over ESC and vote next map, the list of maps is empty! ?

    But when I select next campaign I see a list full with the available campaigns.

    What do I have to do to see all maps on the server there?



    Thank you in advance for your help.


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