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Posts posted by Terifire

  1. The idea behind it is mostly a balancing thing.


    ET does some weird stuff that gives the first player to fire a tremendous advantage over the player that has to react. 

    Ofcourse this is a logical thing, but it's a slippery slope and a bit excessive.


    IIRC there is a 50ms delay between pressing your +attack bind, and the actual shooting event firing, meaning there is pretty much always a 50ms delay on shooting.

    This is independant of both ping and the engine's build in 'lag' due to the fact that the game operates on 20 frames per second on the server (sv_fps 20/snaps 20).

    If you take ping into account as well, you will see that the first player to hit will already have a BIG advantage over the player on the receiving end of said hit.


    On top of this, the view of the player on the receiving end will shake violently making it even harder to react.


    You may think why is this a bad thing that someone should be rewarded for getting the first hit? It's not, if a player gets the first hit he/she should be rewarded for it, but that reward can be a bit too much.


    About the argument of it giving player an unfair advantage, I don't think it's any different from say, blood damage draw, which can obstruct the view about as much.


    Personally I prefer damageKick 0, and I do think it's mostly personal preference as you'll also be at a disadvantage with damageKick disabled; it'll be a lot tougher to tell where the shot that just hit you came from.


    These are just my 2 cents, and for what it's worth, I do agree with that it should either be enforced (be it 0 or 1), or players should be educated about it (put it in the config menu).

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