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Everything posted by Twin_Future

  1. Hey! I played enemy territory years ago and suddenly decided to play again and also set up another server for enemy territory. I like it, its kind of fun modding this game and brings back old time memories lol. I have some questions and they are probably really dumb, but I am going to ask them anyway lol, and hopefully come to some conclusion of what I can do and how I will go about it. Basically, I want to add more guns to the game, can you add more guns to the siLEnT mod? I have had a little play around and tried to add a totally new gun on top of the existing guns, then came to the conclusion that I need to edit the ".dll" and ".so" files as information about team, class and weapons are stored in here. I understand that these are compiled, there is no way to de-compile them and there is no access to any source code for this mod. Is there a way to add another weapon? have I missed something out? I managed to change the existing weapons completely using other weapon mods I downloaded and edited. Its a great mod and I have been a previous user of Jaymod, this is my 1st time trying this mod out.. Funny enough I only installed ET again yesterday and already created a server, having fun modding more than playing lol. Thanks for reading and be nice.. I ask simple questions a lot, its easier to get a straight answer lol.
  2. Hi everyone! I would like to say HII to everyone and the website design here is very nice and easy great work! My name is Alec and I am 29 years old from England. I have excellent knowledge on computing specifically webdesign, networking and visualization also many programming languages and fields in IT. I have been a gamer and editor for some time.. So let me say hihi to the community and I hope to enjoy my stay here!.
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