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Posts posted by ORDER

  1. Exactly the same situation.

    Our server runs ETPub 0.9.1 with damagekick.

    Players do not want to go on silent mod without damagekick.

    Please enable it again.

    Whats the name of your server and when do you guys play? I'll stop by sometime. I have an old video card and love the fact that I get no fps drop in a firefight.


    I've been following this thread for quite some time now, and I am leaning towards the conclusion that there are too many players unaware of what the cg_damagekick cvar really does or they know what it does but they just don't want to loose the advantage over the players which don't know this cvar at all. Sadly the worst thing in this story is that admins who should be responsible for gameplay balance and make it as fair as possible are voting for bringing this cvar back.

    Admins, you should educate the players in this matter and not promote the cheat cvars.


    Cheers :)


    Silencer your missing the point. I wish we had a server full of new people! That would would be so great but we are limited lives with long spawns so we rarely EVER get new players. We are a small group of players who have played together for 7 or more years. I was asking to have it back for my group. Admins can cvar enforce it if they like. There are alot of things in the console that you can change that others don't know about that you can't change in the menu. Its kind of rude to suggest that the only reason I ask for it back is so that I can be the only one that knows about it... Keep in mind the game physics are still there so you get knocked left or right or forwards or backward if you are shot, its just the unrealistic semi circular shaking is gone.




    I just had a great idea while typing this.... I wonder if it can be reduced instead of forced fully on or off.... or even better add it to the menu just like blood is....full blood, medium blood, no blood, etc... wow, add it to the menu that's a great idea why didn't I think of that sooner. No one could complain about it being a secret then.

  2. Also, I don't recall any other mod having damagekick feature either except ETPub 0.9.1

    Just curious how did damagekick get in silEnT mod in the first place? :D


    Moreover, you can try silEnT 0.2.1 where cg_damagekick is still changeable AFAIK.


    I actually was already gonna do that but it defeats the purpose of having a currently developed constantly upgraded mod. Its a good thing to use a mod being currently worked on but we would be like the only server out there running an old silent mod. I wish we never knew about it that way we would not know what we are missing. We enjoy it.


    I think a great fix would be to have a way for server admins to enable it if they prefer. Sadly because of the confrontational nature of man I fear that the stronger I argue for its inclusion that I have sealed its fate to never be added again...

  3. Keep in mind there are some decisions that really do need to be made by server admins. Server admins have responsibilities. We notify everyone of the damagekick. Although it may seem odd at first, after you play with it off you realize it is a huge improvement on the game and makes it far more pleasurable to play besides the helping with cheaters benefit that you may not agree with. When adding features to make the mod better the last thing you should do is remove a feature. I have no data on all the servers that play with this feature but I do know of a few in the top 50 ranking of server population that do not enforce. I'm am fairly certain these servers would not switch to silEntT for this reason. I know our server will not switch because we can't, you could say "we have seen the light."



    With that being said, if I were a silEnT developer I would not put time into the damagekick for a minority of servers that enjoy it unless it is something easy. I'm hoping it was shut off because it somehow benefited you or made it easier to develop because if it was just shut off just because you don't use it yourself and think others shouldn't as well then booooooo! But like a previous poster said, "its your mod to do with what you want." It's just sad cause its such a good mod its just unusable for us.

  4. I am a member of et.tjw.org. TJW is the co-creator of ETPub. In the past most times you downloaded an etpub client it came from us. You might be saying, "why is this guy telling us this"? Reason is that I hope it makes this request be taken a bit more seriously.


    Our server runs ETPub 9 with damagekick being not enforced so players can choose. Most of us play with it set to zero and have gotten very used to it. This feature puts us on more even footing with players that potentially bot as they don't care if their screen shakes or not as it does not effect their aim. I can actually go head to head with someone who is cheating when damagekick is set to 0 and have good results.


    We recently played on a silEnT server and loved it with the exception on one thing: the screen shaked when we were shot. It was so annoying we could not play very long and all of us ended up disconnecting. To understand how we feel imagine if someone forced you to play with blood splashing on your screen when you have always turned it off previously.


    We loved the mod so much but the one and only thing stopping us from implementing it is the damagekick. As far as I know we were one of the first if not the very first ET server so we are not some fly by night group. ETPub is no longer being developed and silEnT has kinda of taken the torch which is great. I read in your forum about this command and that you had issues with server admins not being knowledgeable enough to restrict it and that may have led you to just remove it as well as your personal opinion that it wasn't needed. So... this is just my strong argument for it.

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