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Posts posted by Peter20ghz

  1. Hi


    I have found that on my server when i log in to play my screen always defaults to old fashion letterbox shape.

    In the silent in game menu i see the button resolution, but instead of pop up the list with resolutions to chose from it just exits back to menu.

    I have experienced this on one or two other silent severs as well. But on most silent servers i visit this function works and i can chose for example my laptops resolution for wide screen.


    Has this anything to do with the servers, that some cfg is incorrect or missing, or where should i start to look for a solution to this?

    I did try to search for topics covering this but couldn't find any.


    Any input will be much appreciated.


    Thank you




  2. OK. now im feeling stupid. I did restart my Cisco gateway (from isp UPC) and it seemed to do an update after that. Now suddenly it seems like that i can connect and my server SVENNES-EThost is vissible in the list. If anyone would like to try to see if they can connect and whatnot that would be much appreciated.


    Thank you all for all the input given.


  3. Done that now. So i know now its on that particular port. For a short moment i could actually see my server from another computers in game server browser, but when i try to connect to it only says "avaiting connection" and counts on to forever. Same goes if i try to connect by type in the IP direct. Then after that my server no longer is visible in the serverlist. I can still log on locally with my local IP address. Its quite confusing :)
  4. Where can i actually force it to use a certain port? Now im not sure which one it uses. and i cant seem to connect to it from outside anymore.

    I moved my install to a dedicated machine, and i can connect to it from within my network (192.168 etc) but when i try to connect to it from my outside ip i can no longer connect. In my cisco gateway i have set up static IP on that machine, and i have forwarded a range of ports (27960 -27969) to that machine on both protocolls. I have even tried to put the machine in DMZ and it did not help, so i guess it could be something in the config files that prevent this? I have even de-activated the PC´s own firewall and its on a freshly installed PC, no other software installed that could interfere.

    Anymore thoughts?


    Thank you


  5. Yeah, i had to do some things so it went down. I will leave it on tomorrow saturday for the whole day starting at 06:00gmt.

    If anyone would like to help me try it out its much appreciated. It will only be bots on most likely, but at least to let me know if it works.

    Seems like the port is changing so i have forwarded a full range to the same machine. IP is


    Thank you


  6. Thanks, very good information.

    I saw you came in, but disapeared again and i saw some error message passing by quite fast.

    I do have some domains that i own and i could probably host the files on one of them.

    Maybe should even consider later on to upload the server to one of my domains, might be smarter since as i have it now is with dynamic ip and it might change over time, can be some headache to keep track on.


    Anyway, as i stated in the beginning, all feedback is very much appreciated. So off topic or on topic, its all usefull to me, so thanks again.




  7. My ip at the moment is

    Weirdest thing, i can suddenly not connect to the server from my own pc (same pc at the moment) by connecting to or localhost, but if i enter my outside IP i can connect.. strange. Anyway, now flags are shoving as they should when i connect from "outside".


    Try if you want, i wont keep it on all evening though, i will need to transfer it to another machine for that.




  8. Thanks again for all input. Im impressed with the quick responses here.

    I will load the pk3 in my silent then and see whats gonna happen, will also add the files manually to the laptops.

    Just wasnt clear about the naming of the .wav files, did they have to follow the names, 5, 10 etc?


    @clan DIABOLIK

    i created a ETserverstart.bat with this line

    etded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game silent +exec silent.cfg

    Im originally from Sweden and there im used to real fibre optic internet 100/100 Mb/s

    Here in Dublin i only have 50/10 but i think it can take some trafic as long as wiffy isnt netflixing at the same time :)




  9. Thanks again


    Just to be sure, (and with the risk of coming of as stupid), I will have to create a new extra pk3 file,e.g. called spreesounds.pk3 which i keep in my silent directory?

    If so, do i have to and where should i add a search string/path to the soundfile. I would imagine the game will look for the sounds in the silent.0.6.1.pk3 and if its not there how would it now that the sounds are to be found in e.g. spreesounds.pk3? (do i make sence?)

    Also, if so, do the soundfiles have to be named as the are called on this site? http://mygamingtalk....p/Silent_Sounds






    Thank you


  10. It sounds like you are playing on your local network and the GeoIP won't work with your local IP. This is likely why it works when you play on other servers but not your own.


    That sounds like a good explanation to it. It might not be able to sence anything if its no outside connection. Maybe if i were to portforward my gateway to my ET server, and then tested from an outide comp or trough some proxy, then maybe it would show. But as i said, its not really needed.




  11. Thanks that helped, now that works.


    Now its just the anounce sounds left. I found the sound files from some website, but when i add them in to the silent-0.6.1.pk3 file my client cant connect anymore, i get error message in my client saying my server runs a pk3 file with invalid checksum, so i guess i cant just add the soundfiles just like i want, it has to be done in a certain way?

  12. Thank you for the answers.


    I have set the spree options to the value 1 but it still does not show anything.

    The sounds or text does not apear when it should.


    In my silent-config i cant find any line "g_extraStatistics", do i have to create it my self?


    Dynamite seems to have been fixed, thanks.


    GeoIP doesnt seem to wanna work. It works when i play on other servers, (shows my irish flag) but as i said, its not really important.


    Thank you


    Best regards


  13. Hi.


    I am a bit new at this Silent/ET hosting and im not sure if I am in the right place for my questions. If so, please let me know where to go. I know a bit or two about servers and managing them, but that usually other types of applications, the game server stuff is kinda new to me.


    I wanted to set up my own local game server for ET at home, mainly so I and my 9 year old daughter can practice before we go out in the real world and shoot at real players. :) And i first started with one of my Linux machines, but i got way to many errors with paths and ownerships of root files so i gave that up and installed it on one of my Win7 machines instead.


    It all now runs kinda smooth, no real problems, i have added omnibot 0.82 aswell so we dont have to play only 1 on 1.


    But i am missing some functions in the game that i dont know where to activate it.


    1. The referee voice and text that declares "Multikill, Doublekill, tripplekill, etc" is not active. If we do a doublekill or tripplekill there is no mentioning about it, we miss that, it is fun to hear. :) Where do i add or activate it?


    2. Stats, usually by the end of the game there is stats shoving in the chatbox of longest spree record, mapspree record etc. Its empty now, nothing shows there. we miss that too. :)


    3. Active dynamite countdown is missing. If a dynamite is activated, usually u see a countdown timer on the left side of the screen, thats also missing. how do i fix that?


    4. Last, not so important and probably totally wrong forum, but i give it a shot. GeoIP, i have activated it in silent.cfg, but it only show ??? on the flag. i have inserted the geoip.csv and dat file in my silent directory, is that not the right place for it? do i need to do anything else for it to function?


    This was a long first post, i thank you for reading it. All input is much apreciated.


    Best regards


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