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Posts posted by pat30724

  1. Hi,


    Today i have set silentmod on my server. But i have the following problem, the server is crashing the moment i activate !panzerwar.


    The Server is running Windows Server 2012 R2. And ET3.0 but it also happens on 2.60b. Server does not get logs about it. 

  2. Hi,


    Some of my users noticed a little bug.


    They have set in there config to get the resolution like the normal way. But the game does not load the config like it should be. 


    Like for me i have a resolution of 1600x900 pixels. But it does load the game at a much lower resolution. Do you guys notice this too?

  3. Executing the panzwar on and crazygravity on in the config is not working.


    So i have set g_panzerwar 1 in the map config and set g_panzerwar 0 in the default config. Its working that way.

  4. Hello,


    I would like to have a cvar for g_crazygravity to put in the map configs for fun maps.


    Its because i don't want to give every member access to !crazygravity and all. 



  5. Hi,


    I have noticed a little bug.


    When your throwing med or ammopacks and keep throwing untill your charge bar. When your charge bar is empty and you click the fire button then the animation show you throwing a pack but it does not appear.

  6. New servers need the bots at first! Without bots players do not connect. (you don't connect to an empty server). After players keep connecting then you can remove the bots.


    I just started my own server. With bots now. But planning on removing the bots when there are enough players connecting all the time.

  7. Hi,



    I was trying to change the fight sound in silent mod. I have made my own pk3 file z_phreakz_mob_b2.pk3 and set sound/silent/osp_fight.wav into the file. But the file i made does not play :(.


    Edit: After loading a few maps. Now the fight sound is loading. But it does not play the full sound. It does give the serve a connection interrupted for a few secs. Break off the sound and then the normal round starts.

  8. Hi,


    I was wondering if it is possible to add somekind of silent guid. For example if a new player (just downloaded ET) wants to join a server he/she gets the error that there is no etkey found. I know there are mods that have a guid for the mod only that is generated when the player joins a server with that mod for the first time.

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