hmm i want to delete adrenaline from whole server so no1 can use it not medics nor engi neither any other classes how can i? coz my g_mode is 0 and i dont have g_medics 256 flag on :/
hey i wanna put adrenaline off but i dont see how in documentation or iam blind xD my g_skills is 5 and g_misc is 134 how can i please answer i want to remove adrenaline totally from server
hey is there a way to put bots using server.cfg i mean i want server to set maxbots 8 whenever a new map starts so if some guy kicked bots with command and forgot to add them back then after map end they come back automatically how can i do this? Regards, Hitman.
hello guys can you guys tell me how to make a map time limit with our own limit like in mapvotecycle.cfg i did this set d6 "set g_gametype 6 ; map eagles_2ways_b3 ;timelimit 20; set nextmap vstr d7"but not working so any other method?