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Posts posted by mo_no

  1. So as I want to have panzer enabled when atleast 8v8 game I should use 

    set team_maxpanzers "8%-"



    Actualy no. 8% will enable panzer for team bigger than 13 players. to enable it for team bigger than 8 you will have to set it to 13% (8*13%=1,04)


    And as Dragonji said - amount of players is checked on map start and it's not updated during game. so settings will be loaded according to amount of players at beginning of map.



    Yea was using that cvar Dragonji, but as I said coudnt get it to work, it make's panzer always avilable no matter how much players in team...Also pretty hard to understand in the wiki, anyone got some more knowledge of it? Thanks


    can you show us whats is in your default.cfg and in server config (i'm interested in team_maxpanzers only)? 

  2. [players 0-6]

    set g_excludedMaps ":oasis:goldrush:fueldump:battery:parisbastille_b3:railgun:radar:industry2_final:" 

    [players 7-13]

    set g_excludedMaps ":oasis:goldrush:fueldump:battery:te_valhalla:parisbastille_b3:railgun:radar:industry2_final:"

    [players 14-17]

    set g_excludedMaps ":oasis:goldrush:fueldump:battery:purefrag:fragmaze_fixed:battery:te_valhalla:railgun:radar:goldrush:"

    [players 18-19]

    set g_excludedMaps ":oasis:goldrush:battery:fueldump:purefrag:fragmaze_fixed:battery:tc_base:te_valhalla:railgun:radar:"  

    set team_maxPanzers 1

    [players 20-*]

    set g_excludedMaps ":oasis:goldrush:battery:fueldump:purefrag:fragmaze_fixed:battery:tc_base:te_valhalla:railgun:radar:"  

    set team_maxPanzers 1


  3. Try this:

    Starting from silEnT version 0.5.2, admins can add settings that are executed for specific player amounts. The commands are enclosed in [players low-high] ... [/players] blocks. The low is the lowest amount of players for those settings and high is the maximum amount of players for those settings. For example:

    [players 0-10]

    set team_maxPanzers 0


  4. Either only your DB files and server.dat file inside your silent mod folder or your full server files so that I can just start the server (Remove u rcon)


    This way i can recreate replica of your server on my machine and see if it lags or not. If it lags on my machine also then we can investigate more and if it doesn't then it's your machine/server issue.

     I sent you a link in pm

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