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Posts posted by Dzikus

  1. I've found a bug by a mistake. Here is the instruction to recreate this effect:

    1. Be a fieldop.
    2. Find a dead body of a medic from your team.
    3. Throw an ammopack near this body.
    4. Dress as this medic (class switch).
    5. Pickup ammopack.
    6. On button 5 you will have medipacks AND ammopacks.

    Here is the proof:

    UPDATE: It works with every class when switching from fieldop (ammopacks available on button 5). It doesn't work when switching from medic to any other class (no medipacks on button 5).


    It has ET 3.00. Majority of clan run ET 3.0. If !shuffle was an issue then we would have seen reports by now.



    Don't get me wrong but your scenario is not reproducible with configs only. You already had posted the config which you use and even with that config while using ET 3.00 my server doesn't crash.


    For update: Just ask your regulars to remove old installation and install this one:




    It's directly on 2.6b.  No need for patches. Now if they can install 2.55 then can install 2.6b directly. 


    Well, I see your point. However there is another solution for this - a test server based on exact configs I use on the main server.


    Let's face the facts.... some of our regulars were never seen to use chat or voicechat, colored nicks etc. so it will be a major problem to force them to update to 2.60b.... In my opinion we'll lose them while making such a changes.


    Is there any way to make it more simple? Some kind of way around like ingame download. I'd like to make a change which fixes the problem and is also unnoticable by players.


    Can you please do this:


    Upload console logs somewhere and submit the link using contact us? 




    Possible to give your server access to silencer? He can easily debug it for you once he is free.


    I am not able to re-create your issue. Just did !shuffle on my server and it didn't crash at all.

    I admire your nobel idea but our server is too popular to make such a security risk.
    Don't get me wrong of course... imho this is a way too far request. It would be easier to share most of the configs to recreate the scenario.
    Changing subject to logs - I'll upload them soon. There is nothing special in them, trust me, I've already checked.


    I would rather consider this as an ET 3.00 issue.

    I think the same. Found some old thread about identical issue and changing binaries fixed this problem.
    If it's really because of ET 3.00 I need a suggestion about binaries replacement.

    First of all - our server is pretty old and we don't wanna lose players by a mistake. At this time like I've mentioned before, the server runs on ET 3.00 which makes possible to connect players with ET 2.55 and 2.60 (not only 2.60b).
    Practically if I upgrade to ET:Legacy 2.72 or ET 2.60b it will probably fix the issue but many of our veteran players will be kicked because of different version, and trust me - many of them will have a problem with upgrading ET version, even when It's so simple that even a monkey can do it...

    The question is: Which version of ET binaries will be optimal for me (not buggy 3.00 but also giving possibility for players with older versions like 2.55/2.60 to connect without a problem) ? Any ideas?
  4. I have a huge problem on my server. Everytime someone calls a vote for shuffle with no restart and it passes, server crashes and there is a need of doing a server restart. Same thing happens when any of the admins uses !shuffle command (only exception is when it's made at the end of the map). We have temporary fixed this issue by removing shufflenorestart, normal shuffle with restart works fine, also our admins were informed not to do !shuffle while map is running. 

    As I mentioned - this is just a temp fix. I've found some info on the internet, that it's possibly fault of the binaries (and their versions) so at this moment I'm considering switching from ET 3.00 to ET Legacy 2.72. 

    Any help you can give will be appreciated. Here you can see the actual config:


    set sv_maxRate 50000
    set sv_dl_maxRate 42000
    set sv_allowDownload 1
    set sv_wwwDownload 1
    set sv_wwwDlDisconnected 1
    set sv_wwwBaseURL "http://172804.node9.pukawka.pl"
    set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""
    set sv_master1 "etmaster.idsoftware.com"
    set sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"
    set sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"
    set sv_master4 "clanservers.net"
    set sv_master5 "master0.etmaster.net"
    set sv_pure 1
    set sv_minping 0
    set sv_maxping 0

    // silEnT mod supported cvars
    set g_silentac 2
    set g_recognition 1
    set g_muteRename 1
    set g_enableDemolition 1 
    set g_antilag 1
    set g_antiwarp 1
    set g_maxWarp 2
    set g_skipCorrection 1
    set g_heavyWeaponRestriction 100
    set g_altStopwatchMode 0
    set g_autofireteams 0
    set g_complaintlimit 5
    set g_ipcomplaintlimit 3
    set g_fastres 0
    set g_friendlyFire 0
    set g_disableComplaints 32
    set g_minGameClients 0
    set g_maxlives 0
    set g_alliedmaxlives 0
    set g_axismaxlives 0
    set g_teamforcebalance 1
    set g_noTeamSwitching 0
    set g_doWarmup 0
    set g_warmup 25
    set match_latejoin "1"
    set match_minplayers 0
    set match_mutespecs 0
    set match_readypercent 1
    set match_warmupDamage 2
    set g_dbMaxAliases 20
    set g_defaultHitSounds 2
    set g_speed 320
    set g_gravity 800
    set g_knockback 1000
    set g_inactivity 240
    set g_spectatorInactivity 60
    set g_maxConnsPerIP 4
    set shoutcastPassword "polubo"
    set g_spoofOptions 3
    set g_maxNameChanges 5
    set g_watermark "pu"
    set g_watermarkFadeAfter 0
    set g_watermarkFadeTime 0
    set g_inactivityOptions 7
    set g_ettvFlags 3
    set g_doubleJumpHeight 1.4

    // Votes
    set g_voting 13
    set vote_limit 1
    set vote_percent 70
    set g_noVoteTime 10
    set vote_allow_comp 0
    set vote_allow_gametype 0
    set vote_allow_kick 0
    set vote_allow_map 0
    set vote_allow_matchreset 0
    set vote_allow_mutespecs 0
    set vote_allow_nextmap 0
    set vote_allow_pub 0
    set vote_allow_referee 0
    set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp 1
    set vote_allow_swapteams 0
    set vote_allow_friendlyfire 0
    set vote_allow_timelimit 0
    set vote_allow_warmupdamage 0
    set vote_allow_antilag 0
    set vote_allow_balancedteams 0
    set vote_allow_muting 1
    set vote_allow_surrender 0
    set vote_allow_nextcampaign 0
    set vote_allow_restartcampaign 0
    set vote_allow_poll 1
    set vote_allow_maprestart 1
    set vote_allow_shufflenorestart 0
    set vote_allow_cointoss 0
    set vote_block_nextmap 120
    set vote_block_shufflenorestart 60
    set vote_block_shuffleteamsxp 60
    // Logs
    set g_log "server.log"
    set g_cheatLog "cheat.log"
    set logfile 2
    set g_logOptions 16648
    set g_logAdmin "admin.log"

    // XP Save configuration
    set g_XPSave 21
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "6o"
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge "6o"
    set g_damageXP "1"
    set g_damageXPLevel "50"
    set g_maxXP "-1"
    set g_xpdecay "0"
    set g_xpdecayrate "0"
    set g_xpdecayfloor "1"
    set g_maxXPResetWarn "0"

    // Shrubbot and Database
    set g_dbDirectory "database"
    set g_dbUserMaxAge "90d"
    set g_minConnectLevel 0
    // see documentation about tyranny enabled commands and flags
    set g_tyranny 1
    set g_greetingPos 0
    set g_warningOptions 25
    set g_warningDecay 24
    set g_maxWarnings 4
    set g_autoTempBan 4
    set g_autoTempBanTime 1800
    set g_shuffle_rating 3

    g_censor "huj,szmat"

    g_censorPenalty 32
    g_censorNames 0
    g_censorPenalty 0
    g_censorNeil 1
    g_censorNeilNames 1
    g_censorMuteTime 0
    g_censorXP 0

    // Intermission
    set g_intermissionTime 35
    set g_intermissionReadyPercent 80

    // Skill points needed for level
    set skill_soldier "20 50 90 200"
    set skill_medic "20 50 90 200"
    set skill_engineer "20 50 90 200"
    set skill_fieldops "20 50 90 200"
    set skill_covertops "20 50 90 200"
    set skill_battlesense "20 50 90 200"
    set skill_lightweapons "20 50 90 200"

    set g_serverInfo 1
    set g_killRating 7
    set g_playerRating 3
    set g_playerRating_mapPad 50
    set g_playerRating_minplayers 8
    set g_stats 1

    // Custom configs
    set g_mapScriptDirectory "mapscripts"
    set g_campaignFile "scripts/ubojnia.campaign"
    set g_mapConfigs "mapconfigs"
    set g_banners "banners.cfg"

    // Miscellanous
    set g_votedMuteLength 300
    set g_skills 1
    set g_teamDamageRestriction 0
    set g_minHits 6
    set g_weapons 13302
    set g_mg42 2
    set g_goomba 2
    set g_goombaFlags 34
    set g_spinCorpse 0
    set g_teamChangeKills 1
    set g_poison 0
    set g_poisonFlags 0
    set g_slashKill 1
    set g_spectator 2
    set g_medics 320
    set g_medicHealthRegen 4
    set g_coverts 1415
    set g_truePing 1
    set g_dropObj 1
    set g_hitsounds 9
    set g_playDead 1
    set g_shove 75
    set g_shoveNoZ 0
    set g_dragCorpse 1
    set g_classChange 1
    set g_classWeapons 63
    set g_forceLimboHealth 0
    set g_privateMessages 1
    set g_packDistance 6
    set g_dropHealth 3
    set g_dropAmmo 3
    set g_tossDistance 10
    set g_fear 2000
    set g_misc 1061
    set g_obituary 1
    set g_throwableKnives 1
    set g_maxKnives 5
    set g_knifeChargeTime 400
    set g_covertopsChargeTime "30000"
    set g_engineerChargeTime "30000"
    set g_LTChargeTime "40000"
    set g_soldierChargeTime "20000"
    set g_medicChargeTime "45000" 
    set g_constructibleXPSharing 1
    set g_asblock 43
    set g_panzersVulnerable 0
    set g_panzersSpeed 2300
    set g_panzersGravity 1
    set g_realHead 1
    set g_realBody 0
    set g_dyno 28
    set g_canisterKick 140
    set g_canisterKickOwner 0
    set g_spreeOptions 2687
    set g_multikillTime 2200
    set g_medicSelfhealTime 0
    set g_maxPanzerSuicides -1
    set g_panzerPackDistance 0
    set g_maxSelfkills -1
    set g_voteResultsMinLevel -1
    set g_minCommandWaitTime 0
    set g_noSkillUpgrades 0
    set g_flushItems 1
    set g_headshot 0
    set g_instagibDamage 400
    set g_staminaRecharge 1.0
    set g_mineid 1
    set g_tactics 0
    set g_landmineNotifyType 1
    set g_minAirstrikeTime 60
    set g_minArtyTime 45
    set g_mode 8
    set g_smoothClients 1
    set g_spawnInvul 3
    set g_spawnInvulFair 1
    set g_extraStatistics 0
    set g_identOptions 31
    set g_min_crazyspeed 250
    set g_max_crazyspeed 700
    set g_min_crazygravity 100 
    set g_max_crazygravity 300
    set g_maxMarkers 2
    set g_proneDelay 0
    set g_realPlayTime 1
    set g_teamForceBalance 1
    set g_unevenTeamDiff 1 
    set g_unevenTeamFreq 60
    set g_ammoCabinetTime "3000"
    set g_healthCabinetTime "3000"

    // Weapon damages and radius settings
    set g_dmgKnife 25
    set g_dmgSten 19
    set g_dmgFG42 17
    set g_dmgPistol 18
    set g_dmgSMG 18
    set g_dmgPPSh 17
    set g_dmgMG42 20
    set g_dmgMG 20
    set g_dmgFG42Scope 35
    set g_dmgInfRifle 35
    set g_dmgSniper 55
    set g_dmgFlamer 5
    set g_dmgGrenade 250
    set g_dmgGrenadeRadius 250
    set g_dmgGLauncher 250
    set g_dmgGLauncherRadius 250
    set g_dmgLandmine 250
    set g_dmgLandmineRadius 250
    set g_dmgSatchel 250
    set g_dmgSatchelRadius 250
    set g_dmgPanzer 320
    set g_dmgPanzerRadius 320
    set g_dmgMortar 400
    set g_dmgMortarRadius 400
    set g_dmgDynamite 500
    set g_dmgDynamiteRadius 500
    set g_dmgAir 320
    set g_dmgAirRadius 320
    set g_dmgArty 320
    set g_dmgArtyRadius 320
    set g_dmg 0
    set g_dmgHeadShotMin 56
    set g_dmgHeadShotRatio 2.0
    set g_dmgTMine 250
    set g_knifeThrowDamage 100
    set g_dmgDemolition 400
    set g_dmgDemolitionRadius 400
    // Team restrictions
    set team_maxMedics -1
    set team_maxEngineers -1
    set team_maxFieldOps 2
    set team_maxCovertOps 3
    set g_maxTeamLandmines 15
    set g_maxTeamTripmines 6
    set team_maxPanzers 8%-
    set team_maxMortars 1
    set team_maxFlamers 1
    set team_maxMG42s 1
    set team_maxGrenLaunchers 21%-

    // Friendly fire
    set g_reflectFriendlyFire 0
    set g_reflectFFWeapons 31
    set g_friendlyFireOpts 44

    // Flood protection
    set g_floodprotect 1
    set g_floodthreshold 1
    set g_floodWait 1700
    set g_voiceChatsAllowed 2

    // Map voting
    set g_mapVoteFlags 1
    set g_maxMapsVotedFor 25
    set g_minMapAge 18
    set g_resetXPMapCount 0
    set g_excludedMaps ":goldrush:"

    // Omni-bots
    set omnibot_enable 1
    set omnibot_path "/data/cabanos/172804.et255/omni-bot"
    set g_bot_maxXP 1000
    set g_bot_minPlayers -1
    set omnibot_flags 262212

    // Fun wars
    //set g_sniperwar 0
    //set g_panzerwar 0
    //set g_riflewar 0

    // Country flags, You need to have GeoIP database installed to use this.
    set g_countryFlags 1

    // ETPub experimental, not advised to use
    set g_fixedphysics 1
    set g_fixedphysicsfps 125

    // Lua API
    set lua_modules "autopromo.lua"
    set lua_allowedModules ""

    exec voting.cfg
    set com_watchdog 60
    set com_watchdog_cmd "exec voting.cfg"
  5. Could this be done by setting the number of slots to 0, then utilizing these server cvars:

    set sv_fullmsg "Server has moved to xx.xx.xx.xx"

    or maybe?

    set sv_fullmsg "ET://host.to.redirect.to:port"



    If you have 2.55 client it simply displays a message, but with 2.60b it will try to redirect you.


    Try to set your slots to 0 and put this to your server.cfg on your old server


    set sv_fullMSG "et://x.x.x.x.:27960"


    (X.X.X.X and 27960 are IP/Port of your new server)


    If this doesn't work try setting your old server slots to 1 or 2 and fill it with omni-bots to make it full.


    Ofc clients need to have set ui_autoredirect 1 in their config.


    It should work I guess, if not you should try to contact any of the administrators using redirection (maybe someone will share his script?).



    This is so specialized command that probably a Lua script would be a better way to implement. I can imagine admins could want to use a lot of different kind of variations that would fit best for their servers and players. E.g. disabling vsays, disabling global chat, disabling all chat, disabling unmute votes for these players and so on. A lot of different cases and Lua can be used to implement all of these.

    Simply put - You just want to say two things: This idea wont be used in Silent Mod but I can make my own lua script?
    I guess this is not what I expected, since my request is really reasonable and useful.


    Would need a chatunban I would think.  Assign this to higher level admins.  There would need to be a way to reverse this.

    You are right. Admins are also people and they make mistakes like everyone else. Reverse command is a must.
    Both !chatban and !chatunban should be on the same high admin level with the same permission flag.

    Let's see what SM Team will say about this idea.
  8. Every server has it's own rules and in many situations maximum punishment is to !mute player (for example spamming voice chat, swearing, offensive language to other players etc.)

    Problem is: muted player can be easily unmuted by unmute vote or in some cases by non-admin high level regular player by !unmute command like it is on our server.

    What if someone is breaking voicechat rules often? What if admin wants to mute this player for 3 days but not to ban him cause it has nothing to do with his gameplay (which is not "abusive")?

    Idea is to create a specific command, for example !chatban <nick/slot> [time] [reason].  This command should be immune to !unmute and vote unmute. Also a list of chatbanned players would be nice.

    Do you agree?

  9. Have you ever considered to split Silent Mod with Silent Anti-Cheat, to make SAC standalone?

    I mean in the way that it wont be in conflict with any mod... like ACPro for ETPro (http://wolfwiki.anime.net/index.php/User:Luk4ward#About).

    Possibility of installation with no dependency would be nice for many server admins running non SM servers, on the other hand SAC standalone should attract very much people to SM.

    Am I correct?

  10. N!tmod's got working SS system. The only downside of this is that the player might notice the screenshot of him has been taken because the game can lag for him during SS sending.

    If you are right, I guess there is a possibility to set upload transfer to a smaller amount, so It wont be noticed by players but I'll require some more time for the upload.


    @twiti: nice finding. Hope that Silend Mod team will respond this time accepting/rejecting this idea... even if we talk about close future.

  11. Like I was able to in jaymod say like Listplayer would be !li    instead of !userlist, !putteam = !put   !banli,   change !gib command to splat etc instead of typig out thewhole command.

    It would be nice to update Silent Mod with, a feature of detecting shrubbot commands + autosuggestion.

    Here is an example how it could work. Example is made of !mute client command.


    Look. There is a guy on the server nicknamed "Johnny". He is breaking some voice chat rules, so he must be punished by mute.

    Admin types:


    !mute Joh

    <it works>




    !mute John

    <it works>




    !mute Johnny

    <it works>


    But he gets unmuted after some time. Meanwhile player called "John123" connects to the server. Player "Johnny" is again breaking voicechat rules and admin needs to deal with him.


    Admin types:


    !mute Joh

    <server displays a list of suggested players>

    1- Johnny
    2- John123

    admin again types:


    !mute John

    <server displays a list of suggested players>

    1- Johnny
    2- John123

    And finally types:


    !mute Johnn

    <a right player is punished>


    So imagine right now how nice it would be to have such a feature in silent mod when talking about commands.





    <list appears dumped by the console>

    Did you mean
    1- !unban
    2- !unfreeze
    3- !unpause
    4- !unmute
    5- !unlock

    And after this you can run for example !unmute by:

    !un 4



    (as !unm has NO OTHER command candidates than !unmute)


    This is just a my small conception :)

  12. Also I distinctly remember having lag spikes on servers that had pbss enabled. I could tell every time a SS was taken just by the spikes on my lagometer.

    As we all know - Punkbuster wasted a way too much resources in its many major functions. I guess it's not impossible to do it better with using some other ideas.

    Also consider it as a fact how server hardware looked years ago and how it looks now. Probably this problem will not exist in such a scale when we talk about quality of hosting companies (and their offer) + chance of making something PBSSlike a bit better.


    I think a good followup question would be, who would be willing to donate to keep a database server running full time to keep this viable.

    IMHO you have a different vision of this than I do. Global screen database would be nice to increase detection on Silent Mod servers (also automated AC bans could be stored globally) but let's take some smaller steps. For the beginning I'd rather see something like shrubbot command !capture <silent_ID> which would do a screenshot of selected player containing some additional information (like guid, ip and of course his nickname). Using this command would result in screenshot stored on the server (specific folder), and they would be named in some order like date+guid.PNG. It's easy to make some sort of a Screen Viewer which could have some basic options to manage them (sorting by days/date, button of delete, maybe a button of BAN with some simple script of adding bans to the server).


    If this is doable at a reasonable cost of time and money, it would be a fantastic thing to have.

    I agree. However global database mentioned by you should be considered as a different request. Silent AC is a bit too fresh to do it right now imo, but it's not said it's impossible.


    PS. Forgive me my english, I hope it's not that bad after few years of not using it.

  13. I was wondering... is it possible to implement such a thing to Silent Mod. Guess you remember the times of PBSS popularity.
    Here is a small example.

    I know this request is a big one, but as long as cheats used in ET are mostly abandoned by their creators, and those few working in Silent Mod aren't immune to new detection techniques you should give it a try. Silent AC detection is getting better in every next mod release but this feature would be a killer one :D

  14. The current implementation is equivalent to ETPro's b_goatsound 1. We can add the option to disable the sound. I.e. make the feature enabled by a cvar.

    It would be very nice.



    We have different sounds available on our servers to set as we want.

    There is no reason why you cannot change the sound to one more acceptable to you.

    There should be at least CVAR for turning this on/off. For example - I want to absolutelly remove goat kinfe sound on my server because there is no realism in it. Stabbed people make this goat sound and everyone around is warned about assasin. That makes no sense at all, and 4th level of CVOps is less valuable in this configuration.

    The only method I know for changing this option is manual replacement of proper wav file responsible for the goat sound. Putting wav without a sound is a bit unprofessional solution, don't you think?

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