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Found 1 result

  1. Freelancer Syndicate first started out as a simple clan on guncraft. We were a small close community on there. I created it after our former clan died. Then it was called Project Freelancer, which was inspired from rooster teeth's red vs blue. Since the name was owned by rooster teeth, we had to well change it. http://i.minus.com/ifyXo02aWo2N8.gif We not only trained new players to hold their own, we also single handedly kept the game alive. We won Guncraft's Battle of the Clans. We still have close relations with guncraft and Exato Game Studios'(like i was literally talking to the developers 5 minutes ago). It's time for us to start going forward. We've started spreading out to other games. We are running on a budget of $0, that being said we have a website, steam group, an artist, maybe a couple of popular streamers(if i can work somethings out) and a voip. We are still dragging on the ground a bit, most of our members aren't the most active, but that is changing. More and more are coming to me with game requests for us to try out, either through steam or the website. We usually are on the look out for quick fun indie games, but any will do. If you are interested in join just come by the website sign up, and we'll get you settled in. If you have ANY games you would like us to try out by all means post them. Website freelancersyndicate.enjin.com steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/freelancer-gaming Raidcall (our voip) http://www.raidcall.com/go.php?sid=10033697
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