I like the ability to be able to drop the objective, so I have it enabled on my server. As I am sure you guys already know, people tend to drop it repeatedly witch is very spammy with the repeated voice announcements. I know that g_dropObj was created to help eliminate the constant spam, but I feel that there could be a better method to deal with this problem. My proposal would be to have a slight cooldown period in which the player cannot re-pickup an objective that they dropped. I think a cvar where you could specify the time could be perfect for this. There are situations that come up (especially on maps like baserace), where it could be beneficial to be able to drop an objective an unlimited amount of times. Currently, my server is using g_dropObj set to 5, and people still tend to spam the announcement (up to the limit) while they are running with the objective. There have also been occasions where players ran out of drops when all of the previous drops were used for legit reasons. Being able to set a cooldown of 15 seconds and allow unlimited drops would solve both problems.