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Found 6 results

  1. Call of Duty: Warzone launched to massive success. In an age where battle royale is the trendy genre and Call of Duty remains one of the most recognized video game IPs in the world, combining the two was bound to be a success - especially when made accessible by being free-to-play for everyone. Read Full Article >>> https://www.downsights.com/call-of-duty-warzone-mobile-possible/
  2. Version 4.180.2483


    OpenWarfare is a multi-purpose open source mod for the Call of Duty series. The project started on May 7th, 2008 and quickly grew to become one of the leading mods for the Call of Duty series. The mod supports new gameplay features to make the game more fun as well as league competition features like ready-up, strategy time, checksums, variable changes detection, rulesets, etc. Features in the OpenWarfare mod are not forced at all and can be enabled/disabled based on what the server owners like. This is the latest source code of the mod, at revision 2483, last update was done on 19 June 2011. You can compile any parts of the mod by just executing the file makeMod.bat (a menu will guide you through the process).
  3. Dragonji


    Version 4.180.2482


    OpenWarfare is a multi-purpose open source mod for the Call of Duty series. The project started on May 7th, 2008 and quickly grew to become one of the leading mods for the Call of Duty series. The mod supports new gameplay features to make the game more fun as well as league competition features like ready-up, strategy time, checksums, variable changes detection, rulesets, etc. Features in the OpenWarfare mod are not forced at all and can be enabled/disabled based on what the server owners like. Read more at http://openwarfaremod.com
  4. Dragonji

    Manu Admin Mod

    Version 1.0.0-beta+7


    The Manu-Admin-Mod is a convenient way to administrate your Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty: World at War game servers. With it you can run all the important functions directly in the game through the chat, rather than through rcon. Important admin commands are available (such as kicking, banning, map change), as well as commands that can help benefit all of the players on your server. The bot has other functions, it can automatically kick teamkillers, ban weapons (such as martyrdom and grenade launchers, or anything else that you might want to ban), generate a random mapcycle to keep a good mix, or just send simple chat messages. In addition to this, the mod can be extended easily with plugins. Because this is not a normal mod, the server can stay ranked. It is not a game mod, but is a surveillance program, responding to the server using the gameserver logs, reading from the log lines, processing and reacting to events via rcon. The mod features a stats system. Using the !stats command, you can see your Kills, Deaths, K/D ratio, and even more in game. The stats are not deleted after a round, they are saved forever, which is a big bonus for using the mod. License Terms: This software is released under the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Additional permissions can be granted individually on request. This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind. Installation Requirements: Operating System: Linux, Unix or Windows PHP Hypertext Preprocessor: Version 5.4.0 or higher PHP-Extensions: pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, sockets, mbstring Permissions for execution and installation of software are required. Additionally, access to the RCON interface and logfiles is required. Visit manuadminmod.de to find detailed documentation.
  5. Edominations is a game based on real life political, economy and military structure. You, as a player, have the chance to compare your skills of economic, strategic and diplomatic thinking, defending and building your own homeland in a vast community of over 78 countries and thousands of players. You can be the next world market monopolist, next country dictator or democratic ruler. You can decide the fate of the planet with your brothers in arms. Everything is up to you and your way to DOMINATE! JOIN NOW!
  6. File Name: Manu Admin Mod File Submitter: Dragonji File Submitted: 14 Jul 2012 File Category: Mods The Manu-Admin-Mod is a convenient way to administrate your Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty: World at War game servers. With it you can run all the important functions directly in the game through the chat, rather than through rcon. Important admin commands are available (such as kicking, banning, map change), as well as commands that can help benefit all of the players on your server. The bot has other functions, it can automatically kick teamkillers, ban weapons (such as martyrdom and grenade launchers, or anything else that you might want to ban), generate a random mapcycle to keep a good mix, or just send simple chat messages. In addition to this, the mod can be extended easily with plugins. Because this is not a normal mod, the server can stay ranked. It is not a game mod, but is a surveillance program, responding to the server using the gameserver logs, reading from the log lines, processing and reacting to events via rcon. The mod features a stats system. Using the !stats command, you can see your Kills, Deaths, K/D ratio, and even more in game. The stats are not deleted after a round, they are saved forever, which is a big bonus for using the mod. License Terms: This software is released under the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Additional permissions can be granted individually on request. This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind. Installation Requirements: Operating System: Linux, Unix or Windows PHP Hypertext Preprocessor: Version 5.4.0 or higher PHP-Extensions: pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, sockets, mbstring Permissions for execution and installation of software are required. Additionally, access to the RCON interface and logfiles is required. Visit manuadminmod.de to find detailed documentation. Click here to download this file
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