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I've been wrestling with this now almost all day and can't figure out whats the problem. Maybe someone here could notice the issue, since I don't see it.

So far I got the custom Desp|Chat in quickmenu, but can't get it to open the sub-quickmenu with the sounds.


	#include "ui/menudef.h"

	#define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25



	#define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )																			\
menuDef {																										\
	name		WINDOWNAME																						\
	visible		0																								\
	fullscreen	0																								\
	rect		0 100 640 380																					\
	onOpen		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }																\
	onClose		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }																\
	onEsc		{ closeAll }																					\
    itemDef {																									\
		name		"window"																					\
		rect		0 19 204 142																				\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		style		SUBWINDOW_STYLE_SIL_TITLE_BLACK																			\
		backcolor	0 0 0 .75																					\
		border		WINDOW_BORDER_FULL																			\
		bordercolor	.5 .5 .5 .5																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\
		windowtitle	"MESSAGE"																			\

	#define QM_MENU_END }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 40 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
    execKey KEY { ACTION }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 40 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
	execKey KEY { ACTION }

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessage" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"S. Statements", 	close wm_quickmessage; 		open wm_quickstatements, 	"s", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"R. Requests", 		close wm_quickmessage; 		open wm_quickrequests, 		"r", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"C. Commands", 		close wm_quickmessage; 		open wm_quickcommand, 		"c", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"T. Talk",		 	close wm_quickmessage;	 	open wm_quickmisc, 			"t", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"G. Global",	 	close wm_quickmessage; 		open wm_quickglobal, 		"g", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"F. Function", 		exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; 	close wm_quickmessage,		"f", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"O. Objectives", 	close wm_quickmessage; 		open wm_quickobjectives, 	"o", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"X. Extra", 		close wm_quickmessage; 		open wm_quickextra, 		"x", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"D. Desp|Chat", 	close wm_quickmessage; 		open wm_quickdesp|chat, 	"d", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "P. Path Cleared.", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"p", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "W. Enemy Weak!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak"; 		close wm_quickstatements, 	"w", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. All Clear", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"c", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "I. Incoming", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming"; 			close wm_quickstatements,	"i", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "F. Fire In The Hole!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole";		 close wm_quickstatements,	"f", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. I'm Defending.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"d", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. I'm Attacking.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"a", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "T. Taking Fire!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"t", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Mines Cleared", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements,	"m", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Enemy Disguised", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";	close wm_quickstatements,	"e", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Need Medic!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"m", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. Need Ammo!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"a", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "B. Need Backup!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"b", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Need Engineer!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer"; 	close wm_quickrequests,	"e", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Cover Me!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"c", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "H. Hold Fire!",			exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";	 	close wm_quickrequests, "h", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "W. Where To?", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"w", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Need Covert Ops!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps"; 		close wm_quickrequests,	"o", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "F. Follow Me!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"f", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "G. Let's Go!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo"; 			close wm_quickcommand, 	"g", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Move!", 				exec "VoiceTeamChat Move"; 				close wm_quickcommand, 	"m", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Clear The Path!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"c", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Defend Objective!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"o", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. Disarm Dynamite!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite"; 	close wm_quickcommand, 	"d", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "N. Clear Mines!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines"; 		close wm_quickcommand, 	"n", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "R. Reinforce Offense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"r", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Reinforce Defense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense"; 	close wm_quickcommand,	"e", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "Y. Yes",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickmisc, "y", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "N. No",				exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "n", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "T. Thanks",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "t", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "W. Welcome",		exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "w", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "S. Sorry",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry"; 		close wm_quickmisc, "s", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Oops", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops"; 			close wm_quickmisc, "o", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "Y. Yes",				exec "VoiceChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"y", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "N. No",				exec "VoiceChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"n", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "W. Enemy Weak",		exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";		close wm_quickglobal, 	"w", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "H. Hi",				exec "VoiceChat Hi"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"h", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "B. Bye",				exec "VoiceChat Bye"; 			close wm_quickglobal, 	"b", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "S. Great Shot",		exec "VoiceChat GreatShot"; 	close wm_quickglobal, 	"s", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "C. Cheer",			exec "VoiceChat Cheer"; 		close wm_quickglobal, 	"c", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "G. More Globals",	close wm_quickglobal;			open wm_quickglobal2, 	"g", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "T. Thanks",		exec "VoiceChat Thanks";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"t", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "W. Welcome",		exec "VoiceChat Welcome"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"w", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "O. Oops",		exec "VoiceChat Oops"; 		close wm_quickglobal2, 	"o", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "S. Sorry",		exec "VoiceChat Sorry"; 	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"s", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "H. Hold Fire!",	exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"h", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "G. Good Game",	exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";	close wm_quickglobal2, 	"g", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. Command Acknowledged",		exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged"; 		close wm_quickobjectives,	"a", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. Command Declined",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"d", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Command Completed",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"c", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "P. Destroy Primary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary"; 			close wm_quickobjectives,	"p", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "S. Destroy Secondary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"s", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "X. Destroy Construction",		exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";		close wm_quickobjectives,	"x", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Commencing Construction",	exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";	close wm_quickobjectives, 	"m", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "R. Repair Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"r", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "V. Disable Vehicle",			exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";			close wm_quickobjectives,	"v", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Escort Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives,	"e", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickextra" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Cover Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTCoverMe"; close wm_quickextra, "c", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. Disarm The Dynamite!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTDisarmDynamite"; close wm_quickextra, "d", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "F. Fall Back!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTFallBack"; close wm_quickextra, "f", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "S. Covering Fire!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTCoveringFire"; close wm_quickextra, "s", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Deploy Mortar!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTMortar"; close wm_quickextra, "m", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "H. Heal The Squad!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTHealSquad"; close wm_quickextra, "h", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "I. Heal Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTHealMe"; close wm_quickextra, "i", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "X. More Extras",	close wm_quickextra; open wm_quickextra2, "x", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickextra2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "R. Revive Teammates!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTReviveTeamMate"; close wm_quickextra2, "r", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Revive Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTReviveMe"; close wm_quickextra2, "m", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. Destroy Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTDestroyObjective"; close wm_quickextra2, "d", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "O. Repair Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTRepairObjective"; close wm_quickextra2, "o", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Construct Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTConstructObjective"; close wm_quickextra2, "c", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "L. Deploy Landmines!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTDeployLandmines"; close wm_quickextra2, "l", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "I. Disarm Landmines!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTDisarmLandmines"; close wm_quickextra2, "i", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "X. Even More Extras!", close wm_quickextra2; open wm_quickextra3, "x", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickextra3" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "S. Call Airstrike!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTCallAirStrike"; close wm_quickextra3, "s", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "C. Call Artillery!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTCallArtillery"; close wm_quickextra3, "c", 1 )
	// non-existant?
	//QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "B. Call Mortar Barrage!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTMortarBarrage"; close wm_quickextra3, "b", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "R. Resupply Squad!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTResupplySquad"; close wm_quickextra3, "r", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "M. Resupply Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTResupplyMe"; close wm_quickextra3, "m", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "E. Explore Area!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTExploreArea"; close wm_quickextra3, "e", 5 )
	// non-existant?
	//QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. Explore At Coordinates!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTExploreAtCoordinates"; close wm_quickextra3, "a", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "X. Even More Extra Extras!", close wm_quickextra3; open wm_quickextra4, "x", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickextra4" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "D. Destroy Satchel Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTSatchelObjective"; close wm_quickextra4, "d", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "I. Infiltrate!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTInfiltrate"; close wm_quickextra4, "i", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "G. Go Undercover!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTGoUndercover"; close wm_quickextra4, "g", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "P. Provide Sniper Cover!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTProvideSniperCover"; close wm_quickextra4, "p", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "A. Attack!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTAttack"; close wm_quickextra4, "a", 4 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Desp|One",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp1_alt,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Desp|Two",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp2_alt,	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Desp|Three",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp3_alt,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Desp|Fun",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp4_alt,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Desp|Rofl",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp5_alt,	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Desp|Woot",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp6_alt,	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Desp|Deadly",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp7_alt,	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Desp|Weard",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp8_alt,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Desp|Smoking",	close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp9_alt,	"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Desp|Cool",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp0_alt,	"0", 9 )
QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp1_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Hehehe",				exec "VoiceChat desp1"; 	close wm_desp1_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Hehehe to bad",			exec "VoiceChat desp2";		close wm_desp1_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Good day to die",			exec "VoiceChat desp3";		close wm_desp1_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Everybody dead",			exec "VoiceChat desp4";		close wm_desp1_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. What died up here",		        exec "VoiceChat desp5";		close wm_desp1_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Holy Shit",				exec "VoiceChat desp6";		close wm_desp1_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Holy Dynamite",			exec "VoiceChat desp7";		close wm_desp1_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. You make mistake",		        exec "VoiceChat desp8";		close wm_desp1_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. You coming apart",		        exec "VoiceChat desp9";		close wm_desp1_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Peanuts",				exec "VoiceChat desp0";		close wm_desp1_alt,"0", 9 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp2_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. No Fear Ninja",			exec "VoiceChat desp11"; 	close wm_desp2_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No Mess with Lo Wang",		exec "VoiceChat desp12";	close wm_desp2_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Mr Fix-it",				exec "VoiceChat desp13";	close wm_desp2_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Thats what you get",			exec "VoiceChat desp14"; 	close wm_desp2_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. No Pain, No Game",			exec "VoiceChat desp15";	close wm_desp2_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. I like big weapons",			exec "VoiceChat desp16";	close wm_desp2_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Queer Bunny",				exec "VoiceChat desp17";	close wm_desp2_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. You go poopoo",			exec "VoiceChat desp18";	close wm_desp2_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Drop Soap",				exec "VoiceChat desp19";	close wm_desp2_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Desperados",				exec "VoiceChat desp90";	close wm_desp2_alt,"0", 9 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp3_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Pull my Finger",			exec "VoiceChat desp20"; 	close wm_desp3_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Fridge Running",			exec "VoiceChat desp21";	close wm_desp3_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Bombs Away",				exec "VoiceChat desp22";	close wm_desp3_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Come Back Here",			exec "VoiceChat desp23"; 	close wm_desp3_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Burn Baby Burn",			exec "VoiceChat desp24";	close wm_desp3_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Boom boom boom",			exec "VoiceChat desp25";	close wm_desp3_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. I Come For You Soon",			exec "VoiceChat desp26";	close wm_desp3_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. This Is For Real",			exec "VoiceChat desp27"; 	close wm_desp3_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. It Go BOOM",				exec "VoiceChat desp28";	close wm_desp3_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. I Will Be Back",			exec "VoiceChat desp89";	close wm_desp3_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp4_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Fart",				exec "VoiceChat desp29"; 	close wm_desp4_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Who wants some?",				exec "VoiceChat desp30";	close wm_desp4_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Bye Bye Baby",			exec "VoiceChat desp31";	close wm_desp4_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Camper",				exec "VoiceChat desp32"; 	close wm_desp4_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Whats Going On",			exec "VoiceChat desp33";	close wm_desp4_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Boom Headshot",			exec "VoiceChat desp34";	close wm_desp4_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Get Laid",				exec "VoiceChat desp35";	close wm_desp4_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Run Forest Run",			exec "VoiceChat desp36";	close wm_desp4_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Suck Me Sideways",			exec "VoiceChat desp37";	close wm_desp4_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. WTF",					exec "VoiceChat desp38";	close wm_desp4_alt,"0", 9 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp5_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Ai Ai Yoepie",			exec "VoiceChat desp39"; 	close wm_desp5_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Tarzan",				exec "VoiceChat desp40";	close wm_desp5_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Game Over",				exec "VoiceChat desp41";	close wm_desp5_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Goodmorning",				exec "VoiceChat desp42"; 	close wm_desp5_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hallelujah",				exec "VoiceChat desp43";	close wm_desp5_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Hello Baby",				exec "VoiceChat desp44";	close wm_desp5_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. I got High",				exec "VoiceChat desp45";	close wm_desp5_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Take off Pants?",			exec "VoiceChat desp46";	close wm_desp5_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. I Am On Doop",			exec "VoiceChat desp47";	close wm_desp5_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. WoooHoo",				exec "VoiceChat desp48";	close wm_desp5_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp6_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Bond",				exec "VoiceChat desp49"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. I Feel Good",				exec "VoiceChat desp50";	close wm_desp6_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. I'm A Joker",				exec "VoiceChat desp51";	close wm_desp6_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Homies",				exec "VoiceChat desp52"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Ooo Yehh",				exec "VoiceChat desp53"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. OMG",					exec "VoiceChat desp54";	close wm_desp6_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Hello hello HELLO",			exec "VoiceChat desp55";	close wm_desp6_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Payback Time",			exec "VoiceChat desp56"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Camping Tent",			exec "VoiceChat desp57"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Mana Mana",				exec "VoiceChat desp58"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp7_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Handgrenade",				exec "VoiceChat desp59"; 	close wm_desp7_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Holy Jesus",				exec "VoiceChat desp60";	close wm_desp7_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. STFU",				exec "VoiceChat desp61";	close wm_desp7_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Smooki'n",				exec "VoiceChat desp62"; 	close wm_desp7_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Be Happy",				exec "VoiceChat desp63";	close wm_desp7_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Da Power",				exec "VoiceChat desp64";	close wm_desp7_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Ahhh We need an engie",		exec "VoiceChat desp65";	close wm_desp7_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Haha Woohoo",				exec "VoiceChat desp66";	close wm_desp7_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Cut Ya Balls of",			exec "VoiceChat desp67";	close wm_desp7_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. You Can Do It",			exec "VoiceChat desp68";	close wm_desp7_alt,"0", 9 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp8_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thats The Way",			exec "VoiceChat desp69"; 	close wm_desp8_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No Fcking Engie",			exec "VoiceChat desp70";	close wm_desp8_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. BRB",					exec "VoiceChat desp71";	close wm_desp8_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Wiebiebiebiebie Kill",		exec "VoiceChat desp72"; 	close wm_desp8_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. We Suck Again",			exec "VoiceChat desp73";	close wm_desp8_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Hahaha Wunderbra",			exec "VoiceChat desp74";	close wm_desp8_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. You Are Amazing Dude",		exec "VoiceChat desp75";	close wm_desp8_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Smoking Dogshit",			exec "VoiceChat desp76";	close wm_desp8_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. No Smoke Weed",			exec "VoiceChat desp77";	close wm_desp8_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Kill",				exec "VoiceChat desp78";	close wm_desp8_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp9_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Dum Da Dum Dum",			exec "VoiceChat desp79"; 	close wm_desp9_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Baby hahaha",				exec "VoiceChat desp80";	close wm_desp9_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Fagging War",				exec "VoiceChat desp81";	close wm_desp9_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. FU A-hole",				exec "VoiceChat desp82"; 	close wm_desp9_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hamster",				exec "VoiceChat desp83";	close wm_desp9_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Hardon for Marines",			exec "VoiceChat desp84";	close wm_desp9_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. AstaLaVista",				exec "VoiceChat desp85";	close wm_desp9_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. X-Files",				exec "VoiceChat desp86";	close wm_desp9_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. I Suck",				exec "VoiceChat desp87";	close wm_desp9_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Bring out Da Dead",			exec "VoiceChat desp88";	close wm_desp9_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp0_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. I Will Be Back",			exec "VoiceChat desp89"; 	close wm_desp0_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. NumNuts",				exec "VoiceChat desp91";	close wm_desp0_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Wauw Man",				exec "VoiceChat desp92"; 	close wm_desp0_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. I'm Not Dead",			exec "VoiceChat desp93";	close wm_desp0_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. I Like You",				exec "VoiceChat desp94";	close wm_desp0_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Wrong Week",				exec "VoiceChat desp95";	close wm_desp0_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Bleed On Me",				exec "VoiceChat desp96";	close wm_desp0_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Wazzzup",				exec "VoiceChat desp97";	close wm_desp0_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Wasting Good Weed",			exec "VoiceChat desp98";	close wm_desp0_alt,"9", 8 )






	#include "ui/menudef.h"

	#define DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE 0.25



	#define QM_MENU_START( WINDOWNAME )																			\
menuDef {																										\
	name		WINDOWNAME																						\
	visible		0																								\
	fullscreen	0																								\
	rect		0 100 640 380																					\
	onOpen		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "1" }																\
	onClose		{ setCvar cl_bypassMouseInput "0" }																\
	onEsc		{ closeAll }																					\
    itemDef {																									\
		name		"window"																					\
		rect		0 19 204 142																				\
		origin		ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE																			\
		style		SUBWINDOW_STYLE_SIL_TITLE_BLACK																			\
		backcolor	0 0 0 .75																					\
		border		WINDOW_BORDER_FULL																			\
		bordercolor	.5 .5 .5 .5																					\
		visible		1																							\
		decoration																								\
		windowtitle	"MESSAGE"																			\

	#define QM_MENU_END }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 40 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
    execKey KEY { ACTION }

    itemDef {															\
		name			"menuitem"##WINDOWTEXT							\
		rect			6 $evalfloat( 40 + ( 12 * POS )) 128 10			\
		origin			ORIGIN_QUICKMESSAGE								\
		type			ITEM_TYPE_TEXT									\
		text			WINDOWTEXT										\
		textfont		UI_FONT_COURBD_21								\
		textstyle		ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED							\
		textscale		.2												\
		textaligny		8												\
		forecolor		.6 .6 .6 1										\
		visible			1												\
		decoration														\
    }																	\
	execKey KEY { ACTION }

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"1. Statements", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 	open wm_quickstatements_alt, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"2. Requests", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 	open wm_quickrequests_alt, 		"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"3. Commands", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 	open wm_quickcommand_alt, 		"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"4. Talk",		 close wm_quickmessageAlt; 	open wm_quickmisc_alt, 			"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"5. Global",	 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 	open wm_quickglobal_alt, 		"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"6. Function", 		exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; 	close wm_quickmessageAlt,		"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"7. Objectives", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 	open wm_quickobjectives_alt, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( 	"8. Extras", 		close wm_quickmessageAlt; 	open wm_quickextra_alt, 		"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( 		"9. ^4Desp^w|^9Chat", 	close wm_quickmessageAlt; 	open wm_quick^4Desp^w|^9Chat_alt, 	"9", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Path Cleared.", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements_alt,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Enemy Weak!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak"; 		close wm_quickstatements_alt, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. All Clear", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear"; 			close wm_quickstatements_alt,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Incoming", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming"; 			close wm_quickstatements_alt,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Fire In The Hole!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole"; 	close wm_quickstatements_alt,	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. I'm Defending.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense"; 		close wm_quickstatements_alt,	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. I'm Attacking.", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense"; 		close wm_quickstatements_alt,	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Taking Fire!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire"; 		close wm_quickstatements_alt,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Mines Cleared", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared"; 		close wm_quickstatements_alt,	"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Enemy Disguised", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised";	close wm_quickstatements_alt,	"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Need Medic!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic"; 		close wm_quickrequests_alt,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Need Ammo!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo"; 		close wm_quickrequests_alt,	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Need Backup!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup"; 	close wm_quickrequests_alt,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Need Engineer!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer"; 	close wm_quickrequests_alt,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Cover Me!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe"; 		close wm_quickrequests_alt,	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Hold Fire!",			exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire";	 	close wm_quickrequests_alt, "6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Where To?", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo"; 		close wm_quickrequests_alt,	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Need Covert Ops!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps"; 		close wm_quickrequests_alt,	"8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Follow Me!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe"; 			close wm_quickcommand_alt, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Let's Go!", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo"; 			close wm_quickcommand_alt, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Move!", 				exec "VoiceTeamChat Move"; 				close wm_quickcommand_alt, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Clear The Path!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath"; 		close wm_quickcommand_alt, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Defend Objective!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective"; 	close wm_quickcommand_alt, 	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Disarm Dynamite!", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite"; 	close wm_quickcommand_alt, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Clear Mines!", 		exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines"; 		close wm_quickcommand_alt, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Reinforce Offense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense"; 	close wm_quickcommand_alt,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Reinforce Defense", 	exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense"; 	close wm_quickcommand_alt,	"9", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Yes",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickmisc_alt, "1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. No",				exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickmisc_alt, "2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Thanks",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks"; 		close wm_quickmisc_alt, "3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Welcome",		exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome"; 		close wm_quickmisc_alt, "4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Sorry",			exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry"; 		close wm_quickmisc_alt, "5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Oops", 			exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops"; 			close wm_quickmisc_alt, "6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Yes",				exec "VoiceChat Affirmative"; 	close wm_quickglobal_alt, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No",				exec "VoiceChat Negative"; 		close wm_quickglobal_alt, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Enemy Weak",		exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak";		close wm_quickglobal_alt, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Hi",				exec "VoiceChat Hi"; 			close wm_quickglobal_alt, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Bye",				exec "VoiceChat Bye"; 			close wm_quickglobal_alt, 	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Great Shot",		exec "VoiceChat GreatShot"; 	close wm_quickglobal_alt, 	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Cheer",			exec "VoiceChat Cheer"; 		close wm_quickglobal_alt, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Globals",	close wm_quickglobal_alt;		open wm_quickglobal2_alt, 	"8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thanks",		exec "VoiceChat Thanks";	close wm_quickglobal2_alt, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Welcome",		exec "VoiceChat Welcome"; 	close wm_quickglobal2_alt, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Oops",		exec "VoiceChat Oops"; 		close wm_quickglobal2_alt, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Sorry",		exec "VoiceChat Sorry"; 	close wm_quickglobal2_alt, 	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hold Fire!",	exec "VoiceChat HoldFire";	close wm_quickglobal2_alt, 	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Good Game",	exec "VoiceChat GoodGame";	close wm_quickglobal2_alt, 	"6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Command Acknowledged",		exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged"; 		close wm_quickobjectives_alt, 	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Command Declined",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined";			close wm_quickobjectives_alt, 	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Command Completed",			exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted";			close wm_quickobjectives_alt, 	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Destroy Primary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary"; 			close wm_quickobjectives_alt,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Destroy Secondary Objective",	exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary";		close wm_quickobjectives_alt,	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Destroy Construction",		exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction";		close wm_quickobjectives_alt,	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Commencing Construction",	exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing";	close wm_quickobjectives_alt, 	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Repair Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives_alt,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Disable Vehicle",			exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle";			close wm_quickobjectives_alt,	"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Escort Vehicle",				exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle";				close wm_quickobjectives_alt,	"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickextra_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Cover Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTCoverMe"; close wm_quickextra_alt, "1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Disarm The Dynamite!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTDisarmDynamite"; close wm_quickextra_alt, "2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Fall Back!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTFallBack"; close wm_quickextra_alt, "3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Covering Fire!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTCoveringFire"; close wm_quickextra_alt, "4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Deploy Mortar!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTMortar"; close wm_quickextra_alt, "5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Heal The Squad!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTHealSquad"; close wm_quickextra_alt, "6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Heal Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTHealMe"; close wm_quickextra_alt, "7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Extras",	close wm_quickextra_alt; open wm_quickextra_alt2, "8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickextra_alt2" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Revive Teammates!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTReviveTeamMate"; close wm_quickextra_alt2, "1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Revive Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTReviveMe"; close wm_quickextra_alt2, "2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Destroy Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTDestroyObjective"; close wm_quickextra_alt2, "3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Repair Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTRepairObjective"; close wm_quickextra_alt2, "4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Construct Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTConstructObjective"; close wm_quickextra_alt2, "5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Deploy Landmines!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTDeployLandmines"; close wm_quickextra_alt2, "6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Disarm Landmines!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTDisarmLandmines"; close wm_quickextra_alt2, "7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Even More Extras!", close wm_quickextra_alt2; open wm_quickextra_alt3, "8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickextra_alt3" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Call Airstrike!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTCallAirStrike"; close wm_quickextra_alt3, "1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Call Artillery!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTCallArtillery"; close wm_quickextra_alt3, "2", 1 )
	//QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Call Mortar Barrage!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTMortarBarrage"; close wm_quickextra_alt3, "3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Resupply Squad!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTResupplySquad"; close wm_quickextra_alt3, "4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Resupply Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTResupplyMe"; close wm_quickextra_alt3, "5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Explore Area!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTExploreArea"; close wm_quickextra_alt3, "6", 5 )
	//QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Explore At Coordinates!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTExploreAtCoordinates"; close wm_quickextra_alt3, "7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Even More Extra Extras!", close wm_quickextra_alt3; open wm_quickextra_alt4, "8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickextra_alt4" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Destroy Satchel Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTSatchelObjective"; close wm_quickextra_alt4, "1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Infiltrate!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTInfiltrate"; close wm_quickextra_alt4, "2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Go Undercover!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTGoUndercover"; close wm_quickextra_alt4, "3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Provide Sniper Cover!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTProvideSniperCover"; close wm_quickextra_alt4, "4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Attack!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FTAttack"; close wm_quickextra_alt4, "5", 4 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickfun_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Desp|One",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp1_alt,	"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Desp|Two",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp2_alt,	"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Desp|Three",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp3_alt,	"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Desp|Fun",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp4_alt,	"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Desp|Rofl",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp5_alt,	"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Desp|Woot",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp6_alt,	"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Desp|Deadly",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp7_alt,	"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Desp|Weard",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp8_alt,	"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Desp|Smoking",	close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp9_alt,	"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Desp|Cool",		close wm_quickfun_alt;			open wm_desp0_alt,	"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp1_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Hehehe",				exec "VoiceChat desp1"; 	close wm_desp1_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Hehehe to bad",			exec "VoiceChat desp2";		close wm_desp1_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Good day to die",			exec "VoiceChat desp3";		close wm_desp1_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Everybody dead",			exec "VoiceChat desp4";		close wm_desp1_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. What died up here",		        exec "VoiceChat desp5";		close wm_desp1_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Holy Shit",				exec "VoiceChat desp6";		close wm_desp1_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Holy Dynamite",			exec "VoiceChat desp7";		close wm_desp1_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. You make mistake",		        exec "VoiceChat desp8";		close wm_desp1_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. You coming apart",		        exec "VoiceChat desp9";		close wm_desp1_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Peanuts",				exec "VoiceChat desp0";		close wm_desp1_alt,"0", 9 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp2_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. No Fear Ninja",			exec "VoiceChat desp11"; 	close wm_desp2_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No Mess with Lo Wang",		exec "VoiceChat desp12";	close wm_desp2_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Mr Fix-it",				exec "VoiceChat desp13";	close wm_desp2_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Thats what you get",			exec "VoiceChat desp14"; 	close wm_desp2_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. No Pain, No Game",			exec "VoiceChat desp15";	close wm_desp2_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. I like big weapons",			exec "VoiceChat desp16";	close wm_desp2_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Queer Bunny",				exec "VoiceChat desp17";	close wm_desp2_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. You go poopoo",			exec "VoiceChat desp18";	close wm_desp2_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Drop Soap",				exec "VoiceChat desp19";	close wm_desp2_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Desperados",				exec "VoiceChat desp90";	close wm_desp2_alt,"0", 9 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp3_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Pull my Finger",			exec "VoiceChat desp20"; 	close wm_desp3_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Fridge Running",			exec "VoiceChat desp21";	close wm_desp3_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Bombs Away",				exec "VoiceChat desp22";	close wm_desp3_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Come Back Here",			exec "VoiceChat desp23"; 	close wm_desp3_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Burn Baby Burn",			exec "VoiceChat desp24";	close wm_desp3_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Boom boom boom",			exec "VoiceChat desp25";	close wm_desp3_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. I Come For You Soon",			exec "VoiceChat desp26";	close wm_desp3_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. This Is For Real",			exec "VoiceChat desp27"; 	close wm_desp3_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. It Go BOOM",				exec "VoiceChat desp28";	close wm_desp3_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. I Will Be Back",			exec "VoiceChat desp89";	close wm_desp3_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp4_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Fart",				exec "VoiceChat desp29"; 	close wm_desp4_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Who wants some?",				exec "VoiceChat desp30";	close wm_desp4_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Bye Bye Baby",			exec "VoiceChat desp31";	close wm_desp4_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Camper",				exec "VoiceChat desp32"; 	close wm_desp4_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Whats Going On",			exec "VoiceChat desp33";	close wm_desp4_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Boom Headshot",			exec "VoiceChat desp34";	close wm_desp4_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Get Laid",				exec "VoiceChat desp35";	close wm_desp4_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Run Forest Run",			exec "VoiceChat desp36";	close wm_desp4_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Suck Me Sideways",			exec "VoiceChat desp37";	close wm_desp4_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. WTF",					exec "VoiceChat desp38";	close wm_desp4_alt,"0", 9 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp5_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Ai Ai Yoepie",			exec "VoiceChat desp39"; 	close wm_desp5_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Tarzan",				exec "VoiceChat desp40";	close wm_desp5_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Game Over",				exec "VoiceChat desp41";	close wm_desp5_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Goodmorning",				exec "VoiceChat desp42"; 	close wm_desp5_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hallelujah",				exec "VoiceChat desp43";	close wm_desp5_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Hello Baby",				exec "VoiceChat desp44";	close wm_desp5_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. I got High",				exec "VoiceChat desp45";	close wm_desp5_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Take off Pants?",			exec "VoiceChat desp46";	close wm_desp5_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. I Am On Doop",			exec "VoiceChat desp47";	close wm_desp5_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. WoooHoo",				exec "VoiceChat desp48";	close wm_desp5_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp6_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Bond",				exec "VoiceChat desp49"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. I Feel Good",				exec "VoiceChat desp50";	close wm_desp6_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. I'm A Joker",				exec "VoiceChat desp51";	close wm_desp6_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Homies",				exec "VoiceChat desp52"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Ooo Yehh",				exec "VoiceChat desp53"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. OMG",					exec "VoiceChat desp54";	close wm_desp6_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Hello hello HELLO",			exec "VoiceChat desp55";	close wm_desp6_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Payback Time",			exec "VoiceChat desp56"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Camping Tent",			exec "VoiceChat desp57"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Mana Mana",				exec "VoiceChat desp58"; 	close wm_desp6_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp7_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Handgrenade",				exec "VoiceChat desp59"; 	close wm_desp7_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Holy Jesus",				exec "VoiceChat desp60";	close wm_desp7_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. STFU",				exec "VoiceChat desp61";	close wm_desp7_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Smooki'n",				exec "VoiceChat desp62"; 	close wm_desp7_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Be Happy",				exec "VoiceChat desp63";	close wm_desp7_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Da Power",				exec "VoiceChat desp64";	close wm_desp7_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Ahhh We need an engie",		exec "VoiceChat desp65";	close wm_desp7_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Haha Woohoo",				exec "VoiceChat desp66";	close wm_desp7_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Cut Ya Balls of",			exec "VoiceChat desp67";	close wm_desp7_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. You Can Do It",			exec "VoiceChat desp68";	close wm_desp7_alt,"0", 9 )

QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp8_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thats The Way",			exec "VoiceChat desp69"; 	close wm_desp8_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No Fcking Engie",			exec "VoiceChat desp70";	close wm_desp8_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. BRB",					exec "VoiceChat desp71";	close wm_desp8_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Wiebiebiebiebie Kill",		exec "VoiceChat desp72"; 	close wm_desp8_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. We Suck Again",			exec "VoiceChat desp73";	close wm_desp8_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Hahaha Wunderbra",			exec "VoiceChat desp74";	close wm_desp8_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. You Are Amazing Dude",		exec "VoiceChat desp75";	close wm_desp8_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Smoking Dogshit",			exec "VoiceChat desp76";	close wm_desp8_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. No Smoke Weed",			exec "VoiceChat desp77";	close wm_desp8_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Kill",				exec "VoiceChat desp78";	close wm_desp8_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp9_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Dum Da Dum Dum",			exec "VoiceChat desp79"; 	close wm_desp9_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Baby hahaha",				exec "VoiceChat desp80";	close wm_desp9_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Fagging War",				exec "VoiceChat desp81";	close wm_desp9_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. FU A-hole",				exec "VoiceChat desp82"; 	close wm_desp9_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hamster",				exec "VoiceChat desp83";	close wm_desp9_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Hardon for Marines",			exec "VoiceChat desp84";	close wm_desp9_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. AstaLaVista",				exec "VoiceChat desp85";	close wm_desp9_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. X-Files",				exec "VoiceChat desp86";	close wm_desp9_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. I Suck",				exec "VoiceChat desp87";	close wm_desp9_alt,"9", 8 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Bring out Da Dead",			exec "VoiceChat desp88";	close wm_desp9_alt,"0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_desp0_alt" )

	QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. I Will Be Back",			exec "VoiceChat desp89"; 	close wm_desp0_alt,"1", 0 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. NumNuts",				exec "VoiceChat desp91";	close wm_desp0_alt,"2", 1 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Wauw Man",				exec "VoiceChat desp92"; 	close wm_desp0_alt,"3", 2 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. I'm Not Dead",			exec "VoiceChat desp93";	close wm_desp0_alt,"4", 3 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. I Like You",				exec "VoiceChat desp94";	close wm_desp0_alt,"5", 4 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Wrong Week",				exec "VoiceChat desp95";	close wm_desp0_alt,"6", 5 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Bleed On Me",				exec "VoiceChat desp96";	close wm_desp0_alt,"7", 6 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Wazzzup",				exec "VoiceChat desp97";	close wm_desp0_alt,"8", 7 )
	QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Wasting Good Weed",			exec "VoiceChat desp98";	close wm_desp0_alt,"9", 8 )


Any help would be appriciated. :)

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