SilEnT Mod

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Revision as of 15:03, 17 September 2015 by Hellreturn (talk | contribs)
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SilEnT Mod is a modification for game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory by SplashDamage.

Our goals with the mod are high quality, high performance and high configurability for both, the server and the client side.

Some important features of silEnT mod are:

  • Fixed many small bugs that affected the gameplay. These include fixing the sniper zoom exploit and pmove_fixed bug.
  • Lots of code optimisations in many places.
  • New database system for shrubbot with enhanced commands. Now you can ban players even if they are not on server, search players, edit their greeting text, sound, levels, etc.
  • We have added new weapons PPSh, Tripmines and improvised demolition with carefull consideration that they will not alter the game flow that the Enemy Territory is known of. Admins can also easily configure or disable these weapons on their servers.
  • We improved bandwidth usage by rewriting big part of the data transmissions between the server and client and this way gained big performance improvement resulting in more smoother game and stable FPS.
  • Removed many exploitable cvars including cg_noDamageKick.
  • New User Interface with 3 themes. Themes can be switched with "ui_theme" cvar {1,2,3} (Since 0.4.0)
  • Widescreen support. (Since 0.4.0)
  • New front end user interface for private message system. (Since 0.4.0)
  • 3rd person view for knife throw animations. (Since 0.4.0)
  • Enhanced Hardware Based Identification system. g_identOptions 16. The server will automatically create a new ban for a player that is circumventing old ban and the client identification catches it.
  • Subnet ban feature to replace pb_sv_banmask. (Since 0.4.0)
  • Possiblity to mute only global chat sounds with cg_noVoiceChats 2. Also added into the menu. (Since 0.4.0)
  • silEnT Mod Anti Cheat to help admins against cheaters. (Since 0.8.0) Feel free to send us non detected cheats through Cheat Submission Page.
  • Customized votes. (Since 0.8.1)
  • Screenshots - It takes player screenshot and auto uploads to server FTP. Admin can verify if player is cheating or not through it. Another addition to Anti cheat. (Since 0.9.0)
  • Auto rate adjustment to help new players for best game play. (Since 0.9.0)
  • Server modules - For enhanced statistics and regex for censoring bad words. (Since 0.9.0)
  • New War commands - To support clan game play events and for fun play. (Since 0.9.0)

For full list of features, please follow full documentation.
