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Enemy Territory Sound Pack Composer v1.0


Sound Pack Composer v1.0

'Just!ce. has created a very nifty tool for everyone who ever wanted to create his own soundpack.


This user friendly program will help anyone to create an awesome soundpack in no time.

Here's what the creator had to say:

Hello fellows,


I have finished the first release of SoundpackComposer, a application which can be used to generate soundpacks for Enemy Territory. Do note, with a lack of creativity a soundpack might decrease your server's visitors.


I ask you do use this program in a normal way, as I did not spend very much time in managing errors yet. I did my best tracking every possible bug, but I'm pretty sure there might still be a few around.

In order for the application to extract a pk3 archive, you need to place the SharpZipLib DLL file in the same folder as the EXE.


For questions, suggestions or bugs you can either add me on Xfire (antonh1) or go to my little website (http://whilefalse.ucoz.com)


I would be very pleased if some of you would test it for me, as it's the first application I've ever released and I have no idea whether I've built it the right way.


Feel free to provide your feedback in our comment section, our forums or the Splash Damage topic.


Source: Splash Damage forums

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