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Posts posted by Topcat

  1. They have always had two menu system. It s just the main menu modified. They are not hacking 0.9.0, you just joined their 0.8.2 server. Every server is on the same line with 0.9.0. I find it disturbing you rather accuse than check the silent mod version of the server you joined. Even more so because there is literally no way to confuse the two version while keeping your eyes open while loading.


    Sorry was not accusing or anything, I just thought it would have been the same for both versions, also I think you missunderstand me, im not talking about a menu once you are on a server with silent mod 0.9.0 im talking about a menu that shows up in ET when you start it the first time, a menu that lets you connect to whatever server you have added as menu button links, I understand that once you are connected to the silent server there will not be a custom menu within the silent menu, but it should be possible to have on the ET main start page everytime you launch ET. Just like I now have one for FA with different menu links to their servers, if they run silent 0.8.2 or 0.9.0 shouldnt matter when we only talk about a menu button to launch the server.


    There is nothing stopping players having custom menus when they start the game. The only limitation is that servers can't force their modifications to the players. If there is a way to support such modifications in a way that players have a choice, we can implement it. But for now, there is no such way and I don't know how to do it either. While you see the buttons for your server as such a great thing that you feel comfortable breaking client games, I can assure you that a lot of players will not appreciate your actions against them.


    So, if your regulars appreciate the menus, they can install those menus manually and be safe from having the menus altered by any other server they would visit.

    There must be a way to make this, I noticed the other day when I connected to the FA silent server, then after that whenever I start ET I now have this big FA menu on the right side of the screen showing all the FA servers, there must be a way for others to make the same for their servers so that when people join their server this menu will be installed, and then next time they start ET they will have access to this menu from where they can launch the server they want :)
  3. In the silent menu there is a vote where you can vote to have someone put spec from your own team, but we had some who abbused this function, and the guys are being put spec even without anyone voting yes or no. The vote are being auto passed after 1-2 secs.


    Is there a way we can turn this vote option off ?

  4. Here is a list of a few things we need help with.


    1.Make hitboxes better.
    description: People don't like the way hitboxes behave. This setting needs to be tweaked.
    status: Beth is looking into it and is going to make changes on the server

    2.Rnade does too little damage.
    description:the splash damage on the rnade seems to be a little weak.
    status: no actions taken

    3.Knife does too little damage.
    description:the front/side stabbing hp damage needs to be increased by 5-10hp per stab
    status: no actions taken

    4.After cov-op uses satchel primary weapon should show up.
    description: this is a setting that we had in NQ it just never got ported over. Note: g_coverts
    status: no actions taken

  5. Topcat, it would be nice if you can create new topic for each issue/question so when someone else is looking for similar question/answer they can find relevant answer easily rather then going through all posts.


    This way it would help future admins to. You can create 50 different topics regarding 50 different issue and there is no problem in that. Community and other admins are here to help you. ;)


    Okay will do that :)


    About the enable flag 32 + 4 how  can she do that ? She is a little lost about this she tells me.

  6. In the release notes it says only the engie who planted the landmine can trigger it, but for us it still triggers when another team mate engie steps on it, is there a way to fix that ?


    Maybe one of you can change it for us, would be great if you can :)

  7. Yes. Sounds like a client problem. It crashed all the way to the desktop, which makes it sound like an engine issue.



    I will ask one of the others who was on if it crashed to desktop for him aswell or if it only disconnected him.

  8. I should ask from Mcbeth if there is a problem with silent mod where it exits ET? This happened for us today, no error message or anything, just went straight out to windows destop. Was only 2 guys playing at the time, dunno if it closed ET for them also or just disconnected them.


    Beth is away from home for 4 days so I told her on skype about it, it happened on map venice, but was only one time, after that it's been running fine.


    Beth told me that it was not a server crash because the console log had not been restored, so it was a mod problem she said.


    I asked her maybe it was just a server clitch or something but she said it had to be a mod problem.

  9. If you're not a covert ops, you must stand close to the landmines to spot them. Non covert ops players can spot them from the same distance they can see them with trap awareness without binoculars.


    And there is no way to change this ? I don't remember it being like this in previous versions of silent.

  10. I have another question, with this latest version of silent how come you have to stand so close to the land mines before you can spot them ? Don't remember it was like that in previous versions of silent, in NQ that we played before you could spot them from a long distance, now you have to stand so close before you can see them.

  11. A couple more things that I am asking for Beth, we have a problem with the field op arty, there is almost no delay, so as soon as the arty is over you can call again right away, it's almost like constant arty. Beth said she tried to fix it but seems it didnt work, it needs more delay like we had on NQ.


    Here is how she set it:

    //Class Recharge Times set g_covertopsChargetime "11000"


    Is she doing it wrong or ?


    Last question, when you ban someone on silent who has no pb guid, will this effect other players who joins with no pb guid ? On silent we have both pb guid and silent guid, on NQ we always had to make sure not to ban guys without an ET key or everyone one else without a key would also be banned.

  12. It's documented on wiki...





    Allows greater control over friendly fire events.

    Type: bitmask


    1 Landmines ALWAYS damage teammates regardless of g_friendlyfire setting

    2 Allow 'grenade boosting' when friendly fire is off

    4 Non-engineer players do not trigger landmines on their own team

    8 Players do not trigger trip mines on their own team

    16 Tripmines ALWAYS damage teammates regardless of g_friendlyfire setting

    32 Only engineer that planted the landmine can trigger/defuse it (concerns team landmines only). This flag requires that the flag 4 is set.

    Default: 0


    Yes I saw that already but it says: Non-engineer players do not trigger landmines on their own team


    That is the problem on our server, I still trigger them, even when I am not an engineer :(



    I'm not quiet sure what you're wanting but if im correct you're wanting unlimited rifle grenades?


    although you could do something like this in lua, I dont know the weapon# for axis rnade at the moment.

    function et_InitGame( levelTime, randomSeed, restart )
    	et.RegisterModname("Rnade ammo")
    function et_ClientSpawn( clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth )
    	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 42, 30) --allies rnade


    No I dont want unlimited ammo I just want so that every player who wishes can chose rifflenade gun as weapon :) right now there is only 3 slots available for rifflenade gun :)

  14. There is no setting to limit rifle grenade launchers without limiting the rifles.



    Fixed copy paste typos from the wiki. The setting is about grenade launchers.


    So there is not way to set rifflenade gun to unlimited like it is in NQ ? It will always be limited to 3 only ?

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