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Everything posted by Kynval

  1. what you mean? where to find?
  2. Hello.. I made custom ingame.menu it works on my local and hosted server, but only with few sites... if I made about 15 subpages then server is crashed... not exactly server, cuz bots are playing but players can't join becouse of error: http://s10.postimg.org/3lwx0k011/error.jpg and if i made reconnect then cursor appears and game is crashed... why?
  3. Why don't you make it like in ETPub http://magics-territory.com/et/mods/readme/etpub_docs/obituaries.html ??
  4. But i'm not too good with lua's, so please make a one explain for me ? And where can I find full list of Obituaries ?
  5. It is no problem to creat obituaries for killing myself... but how to add killer name if i'm killed by someone? like in ETPUB 0.9.1: but in silent i want to do it by lua.. can someone explain me?
  6. done from lua kspree for "great shot" and autobalance.lua done too but thx guys
  7. Hello... in etpros lua -> kspree.lua there is mod what add nick of killer in "v56" i 5 secounds after kill. Can you help me add this on my silent [0.8.2]... how to cut it from this file: http://mnwa.bplaced.net/ftpfiles/Lua/kspree.lua and the secound... How to add autobalance, cuz in 0.3.2v of silent you kicked off the !balance command How can I make autobalancing of teams.? ps. sorry for my english
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