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Posts posted by JvIasterMind

  1. I'm thinking it would be nice to have revives with g_medics set to 64 (heal living teammates as an alternative to the tk/revive cycle) count towards revive sprees. Also, if this type of revive is treated differently than the "proper" revive in other areas, I feel it should behave the same there as well. Currently, it kind of feels like you are being punished for reviving before your teammate dies.
  2. This was their reply

    "The server you are on is Win 2003 x64, all other mods work on our set up but not this one, sorry im at a loss?"


    Guess I won't be doing silent mod


    That was the setup of our host as well. We tried everything and couldn't get silEnT to work. Hopefully building LUA into qagame will fix it. I waisted way too many hours on that problem! Sounds like the 64-bit Windows Server 2003 is a fairly common setup for ET hosts.

  3. That was the exact same error that I was getting when I tried to install silEnT on Windows Server 2003 (64-bit). I worked with the server host for hours trying to figure out what was wrong. The issue had something to do with Windows being unable to load one of the 32-bit dll files included with silent. It seems that the newer Windows have better compatibility libraries for 32-bit applications.


    We ended up having to relocate our installation to a server running Windows Server 2008 (64-bit) to get it to work.



    Through my testing, I had no issues running a silEnT server on either Windows 7 Professional 64-bit or Debian Linux 64-bit.

  4. That cvar sounds familiar, so it may have also been available in ETPub.



    I don't think our server would ever use this, but why not instead create a new cvar instead that allows server admins to pick a firing rate for all weapons. That seems quite a bit more useful than a variable that just toggles between two different values.


    Maybe use something like g_fireRate with a default value of 1.0. That way server admins could adjust it either faster or slower to suit their needs (e.g. 1.2 would be 20% faster or 0.8 would be 20% slower).

  5. I would have guessed that g_dmgHeadShotMin would have been calculated before the damage reduction. I never noticed that headshots did their normal damage when shooting someone using adren. Very interesting that it's not set up this way.


    That seems like a tough question because it could make sense either way depending on how you interpret the cvar. I guess I would lean towards adren reducing the headshot damage along with the other damage.

  6. I get the warmup banner on my server (silEnT 0.5.0).



    When I first installed silEnT, I thought the same thing that there was no warmup message. It turns out that I had banners that were just displaying over the normal message.


    Check to see if you have the following in your banners.cfg file...

    position = bp


    I used bp because I just followed the example in the server manual. I ended up switching the position of all of our banners to chat and I could see the message again.


    Note: The available banner positions are chat, cpm (popup), cp (center), bp (banner) or print (console)

  7. Did a little bit of testing and it seems to be working for 2 minutes. When I tested it before, I didn't do the !nextmap command.


    I'll let you know if it is working at 60 hours.

  8. I like the ability to be able to drop the objective, so I have it enabled on my server. As I am sure you guys already know, people tend to drop it repeatedly witch is very spammy with the repeated voice announcements. I know that g_dropObj was created to help eliminate the constant spam, but I feel that there could be a better method to deal with this problem.


    My proposal would be to have a slight cooldown period in which the player cannot re-pickup an objective that they dropped. I think a cvar where you could specify the time could be perfect for this. There are situations that come up (especially on maps like baserace), where it could be beneficial to be able to drop an objective an unlimited amount of times.



    Currently, my server is using g_dropObj set to 5, and people still tend to spam the announcement (up to the limit) while they are running with the objective. There have also been occasions where players ran out of drops when all of the previous drops were used for legit reasons. Being able to set a cooldown of 15 seconds and allow unlimited drops would solve both problems.

  9. I am having a slight problem getting xpsave to work how I want it. I am trying to make it reset after 60 hours, but currently the xp seems to be ignoring the XPSaveMaxAge variables.


    Here are the settings that I am using...

    set g_dbUserMaxAge "12o"
    set g_XPSave "27"
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "60h"
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge "60h"
    set g_XPSaveMinXP "0"
    set g_maxXP "-1"
    set g_maxXPResetWarn "0"
    set g_XPDecay "0"


    I also tried setting both g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp and g_XPSaveMaxAge to 2m, with the same result. Note: I had the same problem in all of the versions of silEnT that I tested (0.3.3, 0.4.0, and 0.5.0). I have tried a bunch of different setting combinations without luck.

  10. I have the hitsounds working on my server. Basically, you just add your hitsounds to the sound/hitsounds/ folder inside of a custom pk3 for your server. You just need to make sure that you name them the same as they are names in silent-0.5.0.pk3. The three hitsounds are body.wav, head.wav, and team.wav. So, in your case, you just need to rename your sound file to body.wav and put it in the sound/hitsounds/ folder.


    One last thing to note is that your custom pk3 must load after the official one or else they will just get overridden by the default sounds again.

  11. Just tried troubleshooting the server installation with our server host and we encountered this same problem. The server is running windows server 2003 64 bit and we are getting the same bg_ error message. We tried both silEnT 0.4.0 and 0.5.0.


    Switching the server OS probably won't happen for some time, so any chance this issue can be looked into again? Any other information that could be helpful?

  12. OK, this might not be a bug, but it's not consistant with how most applications work.


    When you are on the map voting screen and you click (and hold) the mouse on the scrollbar, it is locked onto it. Where this feels really unnatural is when there is not enough votes to require a second page. When you click and try to to move your mouse, the cursor becomes locked at that position.

  13. There was no shooting down ideas yet :P Just collecting every idea there is to get and hopefully simple and intuitive functionalities for the players. I do think the adrenaline might be too strong even when earned.

    Glad to hear this!




    But you are right. I hijacked your feature proposition thread.

    It's cool! I am really enjoying this discussion!

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