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Everything posted by wRick

  1. The Maldet is a commonly using malware detector for Linux based server. The installation and usage of maldet is quite simple. Malware Detect is very easy to install on CentOS, regardless of the control panel you utilize (cPanel/WHM, Directadmin, etc). Maldet also known as Linux Malware Detect virus scanner for Linux. There is nothing complicated in installation process, but root access to your server is required. Installation via SSH : To scan a folder, for example /home you should type maldet -a /home. Thank you for reading ! ██ HostDens.com : Enjoy Unlimited Web Hosting | Beyond Your Expectation ██ Reseller Hosting | VPS Servers (Linux) | Shared Hosting ██ $1 Hosting | Affordable Shared Web Hosting Services​
  2. HostDens.Com : PHP Script to check Database Connection from browser It is simple task to check database connectivity from the browser it self and it’s not necessary to logged into server. Yes, but you should be knowing host-name, password and user It’s very simple concept, first the “mysql_connect” argument will check the database hostname, username and password. If the first argument is true, then PHP take the second line to execute else the script will die with an output given in the Die section. Similarly, mysql_select_db check the database on the server. If both of the arguments are true then you will get an output given after the echo command. Example: 1, If all of the input data(db_name, username, password, hostname) are right, then the output is like; 2, If any of the entry in ‘mysql_connect’ section is wrong, then the output is; 3, If the database entry is wrong; Thank you for reading !!! ██ HostDens.com : Enjoy Unlimited Web Hosting | Beyond Your Expectation ██ Reseller Hosting| VPS Servers (Windows, Linux) | Shared Hosting ██ $1 Hosting | Affordable Shared Web Hosting Services
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