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Everything posted by Quovadis

  1. Rather than using r_shownormals , why not impletementing a total new function linked to shoutcaster function ( which is already protected enough ) . Could add some new code that would create a red or blue silhouette to let you spot wallhackers. Jaymod implemented a (shity) glow function so in theory it would be possible.
  2. F|A Silent and Hardcore. since new 0.6.3 update Players keep getting kicked for "class weapon 0 is disabled" as soon as they click a flag. The best way out I found was to use my class selector prior choosing a team. I'm not sure if this is related to the update or mod settings but I'm still reporting to make sure. http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/44077-error-on-hc/
  3. I mean cutting the hitbox in 2 part and making the highest part only sensitive to needle actions. Don't know if it doable btw. Oh and this is mostly because of players using it to take cover when reloading , I see alot of new players wasting whole clips or tking the proned teamate .
  4. Ah ok , Would there be a way to make 2 seperate hitbox , a bigger ond hitable only by needle and another one for other weapons? Just wondering must lots of work for little.
  5. Just wondering if it would be possible to make the hitbox when a player is down ( asking for medic ) = of the animation . It is impossible to hit an enemy behind it , it feels like the hitbox is 1 meter high , probably because in the animation the player gets his upper body up once every few seconds. I guess they made it so the hitbox is the size of the whole animation? Is there a fix for this or hitboxes cant be dynamic? Of could it be possible to lower the hitbox size so it doesn't affect gameplay? Thanks guys
  6. Quovadis


    Seemed to be fixed when I played today. there was less players on the server tough . oh and there is also a really little delay when aiming at an ally to see his name. It is probably caused by the changes you mentioned above and it is only a little issue but I was wondering if something could be done about it. Before 0.6 , there was bigger delay for the name appear when you we're aiming at a disguised covert ops . I was using this delay to spot covert ops but pershaps you made it so it is harder to spot covert ops? Anyways awesome work on the mod. Literally my favorite mod , thanks for keeping ET alive.
  7. Quovadis


    Whole 2 maps , will check tonight and update.
  8. Quovadis


    The game was 30/40 , was it longer because there was 30 players?
  9. Quovadis


    Nope only using tab while beign spec . Both =F|A= silent #1 and HC were like that . Lagometer was perfect and everything looked find , I will ask other users if they also get that .
  10. Quovadis


    Not sure if it is related but since 0.6.0 there is a lag when doing +scores , takes a while to see names . Oh and ping was 49 and was taking about 3-4sec to see them.
  11. hey guys , saw alot of players getting D/Ced for enforcing name for X playername. When I look in that ban info and I compare it to the player that tried connecting , I get completely differant results. The player that got disconnected can connect after like 2 min. Could it be a bug? Can't share !fingers or whatever but might want to talk to hellreturn for further info (happening on =F|A= Servers) edit: didn't see it from my own eyes but alot of people have been reporting these kicks so I've looked info infos.
  12. Another question : could it cause security issues? Like could it make possible to someone to get shownormals while playing?
  13. =F|A=Annibal had this idea and I tough it would be good to share. Would it be possible to enable r_shownormals when logged as a shoutcaster ? Of course shoutcaster is only usable as spec so it wouldn't give advantage to anyone. IMO it is not a so important feature but it could help finding cheaters. The best way to get a final opinion is always a demo but it could help when specing players randomly. I don't know how much time it would need but I'm still suggesting. r_shownormals is already an integrated feature so pershap it is easier to do? Like only triggering the cvar when logged as shoutcaster? ty guys
  14. For players using higher resolutions , it is really hard to see what slot is associated to a player in !listplayers . This may end with the wrong player beign harm if the admin is not carefull enough to !finger before. It might help alot if pair number lines we're associated to a blue color and odd numbers to a red color. Thanks!
  15. In =F|A= silent mod servers , we use alot KR to even teams. I think this is a great feature and it helps admins alot with evening teams. The problem is there is alot of players that are.boosting their KR. Most of time , they use panzer only , take a few kills from long distance and then /kill themself. The worst cases end up with 10+ KRs . The fact is that since !shuffle is KR bases , we end up with stacked teams because KR aren't significiant for them. For exemple we end up with that 12KR guy and a few 1+ KRs against 3-4 3+ KRs and a few 1+. . The first team get's destroyed because that guy is only camping with his panzer and he doesn't represents his 12 KR. I think if you could incorporate /kill in KR rating it would help alot. Thanks for your time , keep up the good work ( best mod ever). =F|A=QuoVadiS'
  16. Would it be possible to keep players stats for the whole game even after a discon ect? Would be very usefull for players who gets connection interruptions or whatever.
  17. Quovadis


    I wanted to know if it was possible of having ppm ( points per minute) in the hud. There is already spree , kill and death so I guess it can be possible since its only xp/minutes played . Thanks for your answer and awesome job on silent mod, its by far the best mod ever.
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