Hello,.. -To limit the number of syringes stamina. currently up to 12. -To limit health-classes. Currently a medic can reach 151hp 100% more than anyone who comes to play without xp. -To change more parameters for weapons such as recoil, spread, maxclip... etc. Currently we can only establish the damage and radius. -Make more staggered board skills, would be nice that could be set to 6, higher skills would be more staggered. Currently 4. -Establish a difference in the model of the syringe to cure and the poison. -Mortar-cam, ...... it's fun. -To establish wide-screen resolutions more. currently only 856x480. Sometimes random without knowing why, are charged the mapscripst bad situations to occur as the disappearance of the target, or tanks or truckscan not be repaired Sorry for the English of google, I hope you will understand ......... Thanks