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Everything posted by cinco

  1. I knew that Google was going to play a trick ... I think the fewer steps you have in obtaining Levels, but differences exist in the game between the players. Nq for example has 9 .......... seems excessive, but always has the possibility of eliminating some level setting it to -1 In short, the request would be to have the ability to configure the Levels within a larger range. sorry again and thanks
  2. Hello,.. -To limit the number of syringes stamina. currently up to 12. -To limit health-classes. Currently a medic can reach 151hp 100% more than anyone who comes to play without xp. -To change more parameters for weapons such as recoil, spread, maxclip... etc. Currently we can only establish the damage and radius. -Make more staggered board skills, would be nice that could be set to 6, higher skills would be more staggered. Currently 4. -Establish a difference in the model of the syringe to cure and the poison. -Mortar-cam, ...... it's fun. -To establish wide-screen resolutions more. currently only 856x480. Sometimes random without knowing why, are charged the mapscripst bad situations to occur as the disappearance of the target, or tanks or truckscan not be repaired Sorry for the English of google, I hope you will understand ......... Thanks
  3. Should have put this post in feature requests Think add to version 0.5.2 Thanks.
  4. Hello, Is there any way to set the number of syringes of stamina for each class? - 12 syringes are many syringes our games look like a drug addiction center. Is there any way to set the maximum HP for each class? -A Meidc can reach up to 151hp, is a 100% but a poor engineer who has just begun. Our games seem the Red Cross, and if we limit the class, it seems that people just likes to play medics and if they can not leave. There a way to establish the characteristics of each weapon beyond the damage and the radio? - To change the values ​​for maxclip, reloadtime, recoil .....etc. Sorry for my English,........................ thanks
  5. These are the limits on the shrubbot file: Maximum number of admin-defined commands: 63 http://mygamingtalk....r.html#shrubbot
  6. His objection is correct must with draw the post on !finmap to avoid confusion. Is my guilt not to have read something that was already written, always there may be some that I escape even though it has read more than 100 times I am sorry, it add 16 flag to my config and delete command !findmap Sorry
  7. It tells me that it is not true what I say, and I am not going to argue with you, I guess there will be proven that! nextmap leads him to intermission, I however! nextmap directly load me the next map in the order of mapvotecycle.cfg and I not added in [mapvoteinfo] It is possible to have a somewhat crazy Server Sorry
  8. The problem of! nextmap is that not added in times_played in mapvoteinfo.cfg, so if you have configured g_minMapAge this fail to function properly and will return to appear in the map_voting map and it can lead to a repetition of the same to alter the behavior of mapvotecycle.cfg. Since the use! finmap these problems disappeared. Best regards PD. to see if you can pass by the server so you can see about the g_doubleJumpHeight
  9. We create a command for the same function Shrubbot .... [command] command = finmap exec = timelimit .05 desc = Ends the map by removing the time remaining in game Levels = 5 So mapvotecycle runs its normal course .....
  10. will have to create a command to reload the mapvotecycle.cfg but map loaded with rcon restart indefinitely sorry but I could not edit my own post....
  11. Game type 6 is not an option added. In its menu in paragraph MISC Ref you could change the GAME TYPE which will appear to Custom, you choose any other, for example Single_Map Objective, then go to menu appear MAP and maps. Obviously if you change Game Type, Map_voting disappear Shrubbot could create a command for each map with their level of admin .... I have not tried, but I guess it would work. I tell my own experience to alter the course of Map_Voting will make a repeat of the maps. Hope this helps.
  12. http://mygamingtalk....ver_Cvar#g_misc g_misc Description Miscallenous options. Parameters Type: bitmask 1 Enable double jump. 2 Enable binoc master competition. Requires g_weapons 64 to be set. 4 When a player is killed he can see the HP the killer has left. 8 Disable self damage. 16 Players can not jump if stamina is too low. 32 Enable Jaymod style doublejump. 64 Disable Falling Damage. 128 Announce revives. our test server Pass: tnt2, remains open so they can see the effect. I would have liked to replace our current NQ mod for Silent earlier this year. Thank you Happy New Year,.....................
  13. Run on your server rcon xxxx pb_sv_ver This will give you console output like this: PunkBusterServer:PunkBusterServer for ET (v1.809|A1382C2.254)Enabled Look at the PB version that runs on your server is the latest v1.809|A1382C2.254 For get punkbuster orders of other configuration files in the configuration file of your server should only be pb_sv_enable orin any case where the command line to boot your server. Type in your console: rcon xxxxx pb_sv_writecfg This will create a file pbsv.cfg in your folder PB on your server,this configuration file is generated with variables with the valuecurrently have on your server,edit it and can find the variables: pb_sv_GuidRelax/ / put a value of 7 pb_sv_NoGuidGrace/ / put a value of 0 pb_sv_Restrictions/ / put a value of 0 You can try to establish pb_sv_UpdateGrace 0 (default 300 max 4800)for the pb not kick customers with a lower version. If you need to load any other configuration file, add the load of your file: pb_sv_banload/ /to add the prohibited list of players pb_sv_load "name.cfg" / /for any other Pb config file(eg. MD5Tools) Save and upload your file to the server pbsv.cfg, make sure you have removed any command or order of pb in the server configuration file. You can restart the server or run on the console: rcon xxxxx (this is your rcon, of course) pb_sv_restart This restarts the punkbuster without shutting down the server. on pagehttp://etkey.org/pag...nstallation.phphas all the necessary files to install punkbuster manual This has become quite a lecture on the PB,jajajjajajajajajajjaj Good luck..
  14. You can work with punkbuster enabled, giving that if violations of the same. No GUID players within your server saved the XP within a NO_GUID record, It will be the same for all. You can continue to use the tools of the PB, but disable the restrictions will be read more logs. pb_sv_Restrictions 0 pb_sv_GuidRelax 7 pb_sv_noguidgrace 0 //don't kick player with no guid Advise on your server and its web facilities distributed for example in "http://etkey.org/pages/enemy-territory-full-install-windows.php", will avoid you many problems. Sorry for my English, I hope to understand well, greetings.
  15. The problem liesin the cvarg_doubleJumpHeight, defaults to a value1.4,when we try to limit below that value, so that the second jump is not so high, it produces this effect. In NQ g_doubleJumpHeight have limited the cvar to 1 and not have this effect. You can see the effect on your server: set g_misc33 setg_doubleJumpHeight 1 / /always less than 1.4 ................and try to climb the hill of goldrush Bug may be a processing this cvar? Sorry for my English, saludosss desde Spain
  16. Hi Silent team, I have a problem,......... I have double jump enabled Jaymod style, but I noticed that in certain areas (the higherthe slope of Goldrush for example), the jump makes me a very nasty correction, it's like I stopped abruptly. I hope to explain it. This happens for a server configuration? I've tried everything but I can not remove it. O occurs at the client, to have a cvar with an incorrect value? thanks
  17. cinco


    Hello, I've tried using the cvars forced ......... While the command is working correctly for Forcecvar cvar absolute values​​. Example "forcecvar r_ambientScale 0.5" working properly But I can not get work for command values ​​sv_cvar IN, EQ, INCLUDE, and OUT For example, "sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 40 125" does not work correctly. In the log I can read: mapconfigs execing / default.cfg Info string length exceeded What is the correct syntax for sv_cvar? Thank you, and congratulations for his work on Silent mod
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