Thanks for your answer Ray, but i think i've explained it not well. I will explain it with an example wich is more detailed: _____ Setted 15 levels on any server. BoBo gets level 11 because he is active and known. He have for egg.: !setlevel, !finger, !mute, !gib, !admintest, !list, !nextmap,...and some more. BoBo wants to !setlevel RoLL from lvl 7 to lvl 8. But i do not like that. I want to have that BoBo can set only !setlevel members with lvl 1 + 2 to lvl 10. Or, if BoBo wants to mute a lvl 0 player - it should not work. I want to have that BoBo can only mute lvl 5 members. Or, if BoBo wants to ban a lvl 0 player or a lvl 2 member - it should not work. I want to have that BoBo can only ban lvl 6 + 7 members. _____ I want to have that certain lvl's can only use their commands on certain lvl's .I know it's a bit confusing but i hope you know what i mean