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Everything posted by Ironfist

  1. Seven Satraps is an up-and-coming gaming community which puts the players' experiences first. Started in March, 2015 with the creation of the Seven Satraps RP Reign of Kings server, a set of well-enforced rules by mature, ADULT administrators and moderators, and a steadfast community, we began branching into other games. Seven Satraps currently uses a DEDICATED box to run servers for Reign of Kings, ARK: Survival Evolved, and RUST. Sandbox games aside, our community also has groups which regularly play Rocket League, CS:GO, and League of Legends. What we can offer you: FOUR game servers to play on. ( RoK, ARK, RUST, Minecraft) 50 Slot Teamspeak. Well built website and community forums that keep you up to date with all the current server happenings. Instant player base to play with. Administrators who care about their community. http://www.sevensatraps.com http://www.sevensatraps.com/gameservers ts.sevensatraps.com http://i.imgur.com/jqtEBtM.jpg -Seven Satraps staff
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