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Everything posted by carv

  1. carv


    Thanks Gaoesa and Petbark! I uploaded the files and they work. i did see in the manual where it specifies where the files should go but i thought there would be some by default. its all good, i just thought I downloaded some incomplete files but now I know this is the way it is meant to be.
  2. When your playing riflewar there is a weird animation after you shoot a rifle nade. the nade has been shot but the animation shows you unloading a nade so it could shoot bullets. there is no nade but the animation costs you about a sec or two before you can shoot. I do not consider this a major bug but a minor one if there is time to fix it. thanks! and great work on the mod. i am running a 0.5.0 server
  3. carv


    I installed my server a few days but i cannot get the killing spree sounds to work. I can see the text appearing on the client display and the spree cmd shows the right number but no sounds. i opened up the silent-0.5.0.pk3 and in the sounds/announces folder is empty. is it supposed to be? I am going to add some sounds there but should they be empty by default?
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