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Everything posted by TitaN655

  1. Judging from the video provided, the most likely cause is a bug. I'm not dismissing the ban as a bug though which is why, as I said, i'm going to try and replicate it myself to see if it is another cause. Well, i'm sorry for not being the creator of this topic and not knowing about it's existence until it was bought to my attention. This does not steer away from the fact that there may be a bug that needs addressing.
  2. Hello, I just want to clear some things up quickly. Our member was indeed banned by AC, and we came here seeking guidance on if this is a bug or not. I would just like to correct what Prince said in that we caught him using a wallhack in our of our tournaments - we did not 'catch' him, but we do indeed suspect him of using a wallhack after watching a few demos of him. This does not 100% guarantee his use of said wallhack and indeed we do have some people who are still skeptical, so in my opinion it could still be anything that would cause such a bug. I'll carry out some quick investigations to see if I can replicate the issue myself.
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