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    KillerSlovakia got a reaction from Ray_Wolf in Helllo im KillerSlovakia From [DooC]   
    Helllo im KillerSlovakia From [DooC]
    Wolfenstain ET Nickname?: [Dooc]*Killer
    Cat or Dog?: Cat
    What are your hobbies?: Pc Games Wolfenstain ET
    What kind of Sports do you like?: Hockey Golf
    What's your favorite color?: Green
    How about your favorite type of music?: rock, punk
    Favorite Song?: IMT Smile - Nepoznám
    What's your favorite TV show?: Dr.House
    What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc): Action comedy
    Favorite Movie?:Die Hard 3
    Favorite Book?: Harry Potter
    What do you like most about yourself?: things can be learned
    What do you hate most about yourself?: when something goes wrong
    What makes you very happy?: when I get something
    What makes you very sad?: when they didn't give me
    What's your favorite beverage?: Kofola
    What you're favorite food/snack?: risotto
    Favorite actor/Actress?: Igor Chmela
    Favorite season? Why?: I can't say
    Favorite subject in school?: geography
    Favorite thing to learn about?: learn to play a new game
    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Los Angeles, California Reason see Gta 5 places
    What are your top three games of all time?: return to castle wolfenstein dead by daylight Wolfenstain et
    Besides shooters, what is your favorite genre of gaming?: shooter
    Name one game in your collection you'd be embarrassed to tell your friends about: Octodad: Dadliest Catch
    How many games do you own?: 1IN STEAM 142 games 203 dlc and 3ds
    Do you play console?: yes i own 3DS
    What platform do you spend most of your gaming on? (PS, Xbox, Steam, Android etc): pc and Steam and my 3ds
    What's your favorite internet site Youtube Twitch
  2. Like
    KillerSlovakia got a reaction from hellreturn in Helllo im KillerSlovakia From [DooC]   
    Helllo im KillerSlovakia From [DooC]
    Wolfenstain ET Nickname?: [Dooc]*Killer
    Cat or Dog?: Cat
    What are your hobbies?: Pc Games Wolfenstain ET
    What kind of Sports do you like?: Hockey Golf
    What's your favorite color?: Green
    How about your favorite type of music?: rock, punk
    Favorite Song?: IMT Smile - Nepoznám
    What's your favorite TV show?: Dr.House
    What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc): Action comedy
    Favorite Movie?:Die Hard 3
    Favorite Book?: Harry Potter
    What do you like most about yourself?: things can be learned
    What do you hate most about yourself?: when something goes wrong
    What makes you very happy?: when I get something
    What makes you very sad?: when they didn't give me
    What's your favorite beverage?: Kofola
    What you're favorite food/snack?: risotto
    Favorite actor/Actress?: Igor Chmela
    Favorite season? Why?: I can't say
    Favorite subject in school?: geography
    Favorite thing to learn about?: learn to play a new game
    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Los Angeles, California Reason see Gta 5 places
    What are your top three games of all time?: return to castle wolfenstein dead by daylight Wolfenstain et
    Besides shooters, what is your favorite genre of gaming?: shooter
    Name one game in your collection you'd be embarrassed to tell your friends about: Octodad: Dadliest Catch
    How many games do you own?: 1IN STEAM 142 games 203 dlc and 3ds
    Do you play console?: yes i own 3DS
    What platform do you spend most of your gaming on? (PS, Xbox, Steam, Android etc): pc and Steam and my 3ds
    What's your favorite internet site Youtube Twitch
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