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jaie last won the day on September 10 2015

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  1. If possible, I would like a shrubbot flag - player can target shrubbot commands on higher levels, excluding the highest level & also excluding bots (if ithat would be effected)
  2. jaie


    An antirush feature; lots of servers rely on scripts for individual maps for antirush, and some maps don't have working scripts. what I thnk would be nice is the mod had a setting servers could use to automatically replay a rushed map. if the map ended under <under x seconds>, the map would be replayed. This would happen consecutively for <number of times> before moving onto the next map you should watch out for change map votes / commands & maps where the timelimit changes. Also related would be a vote function that players could use to toggle whether antirush would be on or off
  3. man i'm so bad srry, this should be in feature request
  4. jaie


    oops, I meant cg_panzerhack; can you correct the title please; i've also tried it from the esc menu.
  5. jaie


    g_panzerhack does not work. whether the value is 0 or 1, my smg is always in weaponbank 3
  6. !tkstats A command that shows an ordered list of team killing related stats, so that I can see the worst >> best players on a friendly fire enabled server.
  7. The !finger command currently doesn't have a timestamp. This is important if a player connects at 2 different times with 2 different infos
  8. The server is setup so that players get kicked for 5 minutes after doing 300 team damage. When this happens - they get added to the banlist for 5 minutes. However, upon using !unban <ban number> the ban is removed from the banlist, but the player is still unable to connect to the server for 5 minutes. Even after opening a new client, they still recieve the message you are kicked or temp banned on the server. (or something similar)
  9. I don't know if thi sis possible but: Normally when Player S, shoots Player M with a panzer and they both die from the rocket, Player S gets the kill and a suicide. My idea is when Player S shoots Player M with a panzer and they both die from the rocket, Player S gets the kill, and Player M also gets the kill on Player S. But if player S shoots his panzer and it hits a wall or the ground first, and they both die - player S should get the kill and a suicide. Oh and if Player S dies from the shot to player M, but Player M does not die, player M should still get the kill. And if somehow it hits 2 people, maybe Player M and Player N (i'm not sure if that's possible) but, whoever it hit first should get the kill
  10. Destroying the sensor shouldn't trip it (unless its a clearly visible sensor), as there needs to be some way past it, and I think the tool should just be limited to covert ops because if it's jplaced on the path to an objective, it is literally a dynamite planted warning or an objective about to be stolen, 5 seconds before, so you know where the enemy is going to be /coming from. That is way to powerful for a soldier, heavy weapons would anialate whoevers trying to do the objective, engineers will have an advanced warning to the 30 seconds dynamite planted warning, field ops will be able to put an advanced artillery or airstrike and catch the person out / stall them so they lose the map, medics are OP already, and covert ops will be able to get into a good sniping position and just pick them off as they come out with the objective 1. Perhaps if the area of effect was visible, or 2. the mine was clearly visible and was only tripped when someone moved through it faster than walking speed, so people could walk / crouch ./ prone through it, or 3. it has a delayed alarm effect for like 5 extra seconds, to whoever layed it or, 4. perhaps if it was an alarm that just rang so anyone in near proximity could hear it - until it was defused or rang for like 5-10 seconds and then stops, or 5. perhaps a teamwork need to arm it, so that a soldier would lay it down, but would require an engineer to arm it, or 6. perhaps unlike mines, when the player dies, the sensor dies, or 7. a minimum distance limit away from friendly objectives - like dynamites, but a much larger distance or 8. have it triggered by team mates also, so whoever it alerts wouldn't be able to tell the difference or 9. perhaps a land mine with a larger trigger radius, but does no damage, and starts rininging (or whatever it does) from the moment is triggered to when it is defused, or lasts 5-10 seconds 10. and I think it should be a radial beam rather than a straight line beam, but not reach the other wall - if it was a wall mine
  11. oh and if I was to do "!putteam 4 b" and they were on r, within those 2 minutes, they would be able to change teams again. And also !putteam 4 s 1m, should block the person joining both axis and allies for 1minute. And also it would be useful to add "locked from: s/r/b/none -time - reason" on the finger line, so if I was to finger someone, I could see if they were unable to join a team. And maybe perhaps an optional reason at the end of the !putteam command, so !putteam 4s 1m don't team kill so the finger for 4 would alsos how locked from: r/b -1minutes - don't team kill or something similar
  12. The shuffle command to lock currently shuffled player's teams for a specified amount of time. so if I was to do !shuffle on a server, all the players currently on axis or allies won't be able to change to the opposite team, even if they go spec and try join after. But it should allow players who are in spec, before I do !shuffle, to change however they like. So something like "!shuffle 10m" would result in current players being unable to change to the opposite team for 10 minutes. However, putteam should be able to change a playe'rs team Also something like this for the !Putteam command, so that if I was to !putteam 4 r 2m a player to say axis, they would not be able to join allies for 2 minutes after I used the command. But other players will still be able to change as they like.
  13. I dislike !pants, it puts covert ops at a disadvantage whent he kill
  14. meh you are right, most of my requests are based on my experiences with jaymod and I was being a noob and just read the manual and assumed it was the same, cause I was too lazy to set up a server and test it sorry about this waste of time
  15. Have it to also kick any clients currently connected with the [guid] (like the ban command) I was playing et and I saw the console information that a player had been !userbanned, but they were still on the server and the ban would not have been effective until the player had disconnected. The admin who banned the player had to connect to the server and !kick the player. (bleh, messed up the sub-topic)
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