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Everything posted by xfire

  1. oui jai tester ca marche mais le soucis c'est que ce tout les script lua meme botdetectv3.lua et autopromotion
  2. Setting MOTD...Disabling sv_floodprotectLua API: Loading autopromo.luaLua API: Loading rspree.luaLua API: Loading botdetectv3.luaLua API: Loading kspree.luaAutoPromo v1.1 loadedrspree.lua: running on map 'caen2'Failed to open revivingspree.txt ...rspree.lua: readStats(): 0 msrspree.lua: loaded 0 alltime stats from revivingspree.txtFailed to open rspree-records.txt ...rspree.lua: readRecords(): 0 msrspree.lua: loaded 0 alltime records from rspree-records.txtrspree.lua: startup: 0 msVetinari's rspree.lua version 1.2.3 activated...spree.lua: no killingspree.txtspree.lua: loaded 0 alltime stats from killingspree.txtspree.lua: no Spree Records spree.lua: readRecords(): 0 msspree.lua: loaded 0 alltime records from spree-records.txtkspree.lua: startup: 0 ms 0:16 === ShutdownGame -------------------------------------------0:16 Lua API: Lua module [autopromo.lua] [F92AFD0E52378F14D16645BD0FF4D4689CF4C6BC] unloaded.0:16 Lua API: Lua module [rspree.lua] [428EAB42904FD9D6CAB5507B005B70A270F8A816] unloaded.0:16 Lua API: Lua module [botdetectv3.lua] [95F0FAB6EDE6E60A5068034523058A316B2E0DF6] unloaded.0:16 Lua API: Lua module [kspree.lua] [E3FBECB2AFC92C8A3DD3991E42C825E70FEFF7FB] unloaded.0:16 *=====CLOSING DATABASE0:16 Buffers cleaned.0:16 Big Memory Cache cleaned.0:16 *=====DATABASE IS CLOSED0:16 ShutdownGame: done. Closing log. made in what I mean is that whenever I want to want to use a lua script my server crash
  3. Bonjour me presente xfire 34 ans je vien d installer un serveur silent que je trouve excellent mais le soucis c'est que je n'arrive pas a les faire fonctionner les scripts je l'ai est dll de votre forum voici le log server.log 0:00 Start of warmup. 0:00 Cheat logfile open: cheat.log0:00 Execing default.cfg mapconfig for 10 players.0:00 * Execed total of 19 commands from the config file.0:00 Execing caen2.cfg mapconfig for 10 players.0:00 * Config file "mapconfigs/caen2.cfg" was not found.0:00 *=====INITIALISING USER DATABASE0:00 * Opening user database file userdb.db.0:00 * Opening user database file userxdb.db.0:00 * User database files open. Caching database.0:00 32 players cached from the user database.0:00 No additional user records in the user database.0:00 *=====DATABASE READY FOR USE0:00 Lua API: can not open file autopromo.lua.rspree.lua.botdetectv3.lua j ai placer ses 3 dossier dans mon dossier silent Dans ma cfg serveur // Lua APIset lua_modules "autopromo.lua.rspree.lua.botdetectv3.lua"set lua_allowedModules "" quelqun pourrais m aidez merci d avance
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