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Everything posted by cziki

  1. How can I check this? Can you give a command?
  2. Ok. What about checking the actual setting of cvars dmgPanzer and dmgPanzerRadius? Is it possible to check it in console?
  3. Hi, I'd like to know if something changed in panzerwar. When I turn on this fun war, I have to change damage and radius from rcon because mapconfig don't change value of this 2 cvars. Why? And one more thing, can someone tells me how can I check in console what is the actual value of damage and radius?
  4. Ok, I changed this block and it seems to be good but still, when on serwer is for example 5 players, this part: set g_excludedMaps ":radar:fueldump:1944_overlord:rabenhorst:" don't work. These maps shows up in vote table.
  5. Hi, I'd like to hide some maps when on serwer is too many players. Also I want to shows 2 maps only when the number of players is 30 and more. My default.cfg looks: forcecvar snaps 20sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 120forcecvar r_ambientScale 0.5forcecvar r_colorMipLevels 0forcecvar r_lightmap 0sv_cvar r_depthbits IN 24 32forcecvar cl_freelook 1forcecvar cl_pitchspeed 0sv_cvar cl_yawspeed IN 0 140forcecvar cl_timenudge 0forcecvar r_zfar 0sv_cvar cl_maxpackets IN 60 100sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 43 125sv_cvar rate IN 25000 45000sv_cvar r_rmse EQ 0forcecvar r_softwareGL 0sv_cvar r_clamptoedge EQ 1sv_cvar cl_nodelta EQ 0sv_cvar cl_packetdup IN 0 1 wait 50!gibaset g_sniperwar 0set g_riflewar 0set g_panzerwar 0set g_speed 320set g_dmgPanzer 400set g_dmgPanzerRadius 300 [players 0-14]set team_maxPanzers 1set team_maxFlamers 1set g_excludedMaps ":radar:fueldump:1944_overlord:rabenhorst:"[/players] [players 15-36]set team_maxPanzers 0set team_maxFlamers 0set g_excludedMaps ":fueldump:radar:"[/players] [players 28-36]set g_excludedMaps ":bremen_final:adlernest:el_kef_final:"[/players] [players 30-36]set g_excludedMaps ":goldendunk_a2:snatch3:goldrush:"set g_includedMaps ":castleattack_b5:marketgarden_et_r2:"[/players] This cfg don't work. I see castleattack_b5 and marketgarden_et_r2 maps when the number of players is below 30. Also excluded maps, when number of players is between 28-36 and 30-36, still shows up on mapvote windows. What's wrong with this cfg?
  6. cziki

    unknown guid

    Ok, I need PBGUID. Topic closed.
  7. Hello I have a problem with add guid to refguids.dat. When I use command addguid (slot number from /players), in refguids.dat I see "GUID" unknown successfully added". Where is the problem? Please help.
  8. It works, thanks for help.
  9. Ok, thanks for explain. Today I will try put on the serwer my own .pk3 with custom sounds.
  10. Hello I've got a question about adding sounds to player with !useredit command. Where I can find a path for sounds in .pk3 file for this command? Is it in some file or where? I want to make a second .pk3 files with another sounds for player and I don't know if I must write a path for this new file. Regards
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