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Everything posted by cziki

  1. Great I think that I will need your help
  2. ok thanks, I will try with this, if there will be some problems can I write to you a message for help?
  3. Ok, so if I'm good thinking there is no option to disable this feature I think there is many servers where some modifications were made. They have only two choices: one - leave 0.8.2 version, second - remove all modifications. For now I use first options but I will be trying to resolve the problem. I hope that you guys will give some advice and help to make 0.9.0 full functional on our servers
  4. Great job guys As always but in my opinion the main problem with this update is "classic" menu in game and checking it. I know that I can create custom menu. But this is additional work now. Can someone explain to me why this feature was included to new version? Thanks anyway
  5. ok, when I will got a time I will try use your way and I will let U know thanx and regards
  6. I checked and I have set g_intermissionReadyPercent to 100 so I don't know why this issue occure.
  7. Hi all, I have the same problem. When nobody votes, map is loading again. And there is also an issue - when is only one player in one team and in second team are only bots and when map ends screen for voting shows for one second and map restart, when in second team shows up a player you can vote, screen for voting is available for normal period of time. This is my mapvotecycle file: set d1 "set g_gametype 6 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "set g_gametype 6 ; map railgun ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "set g_gametype 6 ; map reactor_final ; set nextmap vstr d4" set d4 "set g_gametype 6 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d5" set d5 "set g_gametype 6 ; map oilraid ; set nextmap vstr d6" set d6 "set g_gametype 6 ; map bremen_final ; set nextmap vstr d7" set d7 "set g_gametype 6 ; map sp_delivery_te ; set nextmap vstr d8" set d8 "set g_gametype 6 ; map caen2 ; set nextmap vstr d9" set d9 "set g_gametype 6 ; map capuzzo_b1 ; set nextmap vstr d10" set d10 "set g_gametype 6 ; map italyfp2 ; set nextmap vstr d11" set d11 "set g_gametype 6 ; map fueldump_uv ; set nextmap vstr d12" set d12 "set g_gametype 6 ; map radar_summer ; set nextmap vstr d13" set d13 "set g_gametype 6 ; map trmfght_beta2 ; set nextmap vstr d14" set d14 "set g_gametype 6 ; map venice_ne4 ; set nextmap vstr d15" set d15 "set g_gametype 6 ; map et_beach ; set nextmap vstr d16" set d16 "set g_gametype 6 ; map adlernest ; set nextmap vstr d17" set d17 "set g_gametype 6 ; map Frostbite ; set nextmap vstr d18" set d18 "set g_gametype 6 ; map et_mor2_night_final ; set nextmap vstr d19" set d19 "set g_gametype 6 ; map snatch3 ; set nextmap vstr d20" set d20 "set g_gametype 6 ; map el_kef_final ; set nextmap vstr d21" set d21 "set g_gametype 6 ; map karsiah_te2 ; set nextmap vstr d22" set d22 "set g_gametype 6 ; map school ; set nextmap vstr d23" set d23 "set g_gametype 6 ; map wolfsrudel3_final ; set nextmap vstr d24" set d24 "set g_gametype 6 ; map colosseum_b5 ; set nextmap vstr d25" set d25 "set g_gametype 6 ; map supply_pro ; exec cfg/night-3 ; set nextmap vstr d26" set d26 "set g_gametype 6 ; map pirates_b2 ; set nextmap vstr d27" set d27 "set g_gametype 6 ; map v2base_te ; set nextmap vstr d28" set d28 "set g_gametype 6 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d29" set d29 "set g_gametype 6 ; map dubrovnik_final ; set nextmap vstr d30" set d30 "set g_gametype 6 ; map baserace_desert ; set nextmap vstr d31" set d31 "set g_gametype 6 ; map tc_base ; set nextmap vstr d32" set d32 "set g_gametype 6 ; map industry2; set nextmap vstr d1" vstr d1 additionally I have a objectivecycle file: set d1 "set g_gametype 2 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "set g_gametype 2 ; map railgun ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "set g_gametype 2 ; map reactor_final ; set nextmap vstr d4" set d4 "set g_gametype 2 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d5" set d5 "set g_gametype 2 ; map SuperGoldrush ; set nextmap vstr d6" set d6 "set g_gametype 2 ; map bremen_final ; set nextmap vstr d7" set d7 "set g_gametype 2 ; map sp_delivery_te ; set nextmap vstr d8" set d8 "set g_gametype 2 ; map caen2 ; set nextmap vstr d9" set d9 "set g_gametype 2 ; map capuzzo_b1 ; set nextmap vstr d10" set d10 "set g_gametype 2 ; map italyfp2 ; set nextmap vstr d11" set d11 "set g_gametype 2 ; map fueldump_uv ; set nextmap vstr d12" set d12 "set g_gametype 2 ; map radar_summer ; set nextmap vstr d13" set d13 "set g_gametype 2 ; map return2goldrush_b1 ; set nextmap vstr d14" set d14 "set g_gametype 2 ; map venice ; set nextmap vstr d15" set d15 "set g_gametype 2 ; map et_beach ; set nextmap vstr d16" set d16 "set g_gametype 2 ; map adlernest ; set nextmap vstr d17" set d17 "set g_gametype 2 ; map cathedral_final ; set nextmap vstr d18" set d18 "set g_gametype 2 ; map Frostbite ; set nextmap vstr d19" set d19 "set g_gametype 2 ; map et_mor2_night_final ; set nextmap vstr d20" set d20 "set g_gametype 2 ; map snatch3 ; set nextmap vstr d21" set d21 "set g_gametype 2 ; map el_kef_final ; set nextmap vstr d22" set d22 "set g_gametype 2 ; map goldrush-ga ; set nextmap vstr d23" set d23 "set g_gametype 2 ; map karsiah_te2 ; set nextmap vstr d24" set d24 "set g_gametype 2 ; map school ; set nextmap vstr d25" set d25 "set g_gametype 2 ; map UJE_bridge_sniper ;wait 600 ; exec sniperwaron.cfg ; set nextmap vstr d26" set d26 "set g_gametype 2 ; map wolfsrudel3_final ; wait 600 ; exec sniperwaroff.cfg ; set nextmap vstr d27" set d27 "set g_gametype 2 ; map hindenburg ; set nextmap vstr d28" set d28 "set g_gametype 2 ; map supply_pro ; exec cfg/night-3 ; set nextmap vstr d29" set d29 "set g_gametype 2 ; map pirates_b2 ; set nextmap vstr d30" set d30 "set g_gametype 2 ; map mml_church_et_v1 ; set nextmap vstr d31" set d31 "set g_gametype 2 ; map v2base_te ; set nextmap vstr d32" set d32 "set g_gametype 2 ; map goldendunk_a2 ; set nextmap vstr d33" set d33 "set g_gametype 2 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d34" set d34 "set g_gametype 2 ; map breakout2 ; set nextmap vstr d35" set d35 "set g_gametype 2 ; map dubrovnik_final ; set nextmap vstr d36" set d36 "set g_gametype 2 ; map baserace_desert ; set nextmap vstr d37" set d37 "set g_gametype 2 ; map sw_oasis_b3 ; set nextmap vstr d38" set d38 "set g_gametype 2 ; map voilegarde_b3 ; set nextmap vstr d39" set d39 "set g_gametype 2 ; map tc_base ; set nextmap vstr d40" set d40 "set g_gametype 2 ; map industry2; set nextmap vstr d1" vstr d1 Is this problem can occur when I don't have some maps on server right now (from list above)?? I have this problem from some time and it can't fix itself
  8. cziki


    Sorry I misses some posts, are there any chance to change this 150 sound to approx 200?? Why more sounds making problem?
  9. cziki


    I have a question about soundpack, are there any limits for files: wm_allies_chat.voice, wm_axis_chat.voice or wm_quickmessageAlt.menu ? Because if I put too many links in wm_allies(axis)_chat.voice the others sound didn't work. When I delete few links everything working fine. Any solution for this issue?
  10. Maybe in 0.8.3 you can fix this issue Thanx for info
  11. Ok, is there a solution for this?
  12. Yeah, exactly. Can you set nick with this symbol? I can set a correct nick in console and it look like I want but in limbo and in game nick is not correct. On websites also nick is correct.
  13. Hello all, Today I've updated silent on our server to 0.8.2 version. BTW: Big Thanks for this version But after this I have a problem with nick. I can't use this symbol " ^ " in nick. When I choose a color (for example red: ^1 ) and after this I want to use ^ again (as a symbol in nick) it doesn't appear. In earlier version of silent everything was working fine. Have you got the same problem? Please try it in your nicks and write if it's confirmed and what is solution for this issue. Regards
  14. And here is a problem, sometimes new value of damage works, sometimes don't. I have as I write a mapconfig with new values foe panzerwar and it doesn't work. For example now we are playing panzerwar on purefrag and in mapconfig I have set g_panzerdmg 500 and on server is set a g_panzerdmg 1000 and I dont know from where is that value, no one change this value.
  15. Hello, I have a problem with a damage in panzerwar games, damage is too low, can you please change value of damage to 500 or higher ? I've tried change this value in mapconfig but this way sometimes didn't work. If you have some other working solution for this ploblem, please write to this post. Regards.
  16. Thx, this is it, I think Sorry but I never have too much free time and never have motivation to read all silent cvars
  17. Hello all, I need some help with vote map. When the map is end and list to vote shows, I'd like to "hide" map which was played 10 or earlier maps ago. How can I do this? Maybe some script will be good. Can anyone can write .lua or share if have something like that? Regards
  18. cziki

    map voting

    Do you have in serwer config (silent.cfg for example) command: exec mapvotecycle.cfg and do you have this file on serwer? Here you have a example file mapvoting.cfg // silEnT mod - Sample MapVote cycle file // Each map in this map order is executed whenever there are no votes for a map, // otherwise, the map that gets the most votes for is played set d1 "set g_gametype 6 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "set g_gametype 6 ; map battery ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "set g_gametype 6 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d4" set d4 "set g_gametype 6 ; map radar ; set nextmap vstr d5" set d5 "set g_gametype 6 ; map railgun ; set nextmap vstr d6" set d6 "set g_gametype 6 ; map fueldump ; set nextmap vstr d1" vstr d1
  19. I use as I wrote and its work but you must gib all after crazyspeed is on I must try your way
  20. Hi I also had this issue. On the next map after !crazyspeed the value of speed is set to 0. In default map config you must set a default value of speed (300 if I remember) and after map where !crazyspeed was on the speed will be normal, you will be able to move . With !crazygravity is no problem, after it (next map) the default value of gravity is set.
  21. Also you can make a map configs for these "fun" maps, where you can enable !crazygravity. This should be simpler than LUA
  22. I resolved problem with damage. In map config I enable panzerwar (g_dmgPanzer is "133"), then I gib all and after that I set a new value of damage ( in my case "800", you can also change radius in this moment). So if someone need change value of g_dmgPanzer or g_dmgPanzerRadius please do what I wrote. Nice play
  23. I checked and value of g_dmgPanzer in panzerwar mode is "133". Can you set this value in next version of silence for example "800" or maybe you could add option to set this cvar
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