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mo_no reacted to Dookie in all soldiers during panzerwar
Hi, I was thinking if its maybe possible that when you turn on panzerwar, all players are moved into soldier class? Becuase from what it is now, you can join medic class and play panzer and then u go to 156hp or so and then direct hit doesnt kill you, and also another thing if youve been hit you are healing yourself with that 3hp's every second and so on. So I think it would be cooler that when panzerwar gets turned on we all get moved to soldier class. I hope thats possible. Same goes for sniperwar i guess!
mo_no reacted to Dzikus in make commands shorter/add/change
It would be nice to update Silent Mod with, a feature of detecting shrubbot commands + autosuggestion.
Here is an example how it could work. Example is made of !mute client command.
Look. There is a guy on the server nicknamed "Johnny". He is breaking some voice chat rules, so he must be punished by mute.
Admin types:
!mute Joh
<it works>
!mute John
<it works>
!mute Johnny
<it works>
But he gets unmuted after some time. Meanwhile player called "John123" connects to the server. Player "Johnny" is again breaking voicechat rules and admin needs to deal with him.
Admin types:
!mute Joh
<server displays a list of suggested players>
1- Johnny 2- John123admin again types:
!mute John
<server displays a list of suggested players>
1- Johnny 2- John123And finally types:
!mute Johnn
<a right player is punished>
So imagine right now how nice it would be to have such a feature in silent mod when talking about commands.
<list appears dumped by the console>
Did you mean 1- !unban 2- !unfreeze 3- !unpause 4- !unmute 5- !unlockAnd after this you can run for example !unmute by:
!un 4
(as !unm has NO OTHER command candidates than !unmute)
This is just a my small conception