I have one suggestion regarding each.I have searched the forums, but didn't find any related topics, hence I made this one. !finger Is it possible to add a timestamp to the !fingerinfo like it is on jaymod ? It would be useful to keep the different !fingerinfo apart in a chronological order. Jaymod !finger -PLAYER INFORMATION slot: 123 team: AXIS name changes: 0 -USER INFORMATION name: XXX level: 0 (I Am Nothing http://fearless-assassins.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.png) GUID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (USERID: xxxxxxxx) IP: MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55 timestamp: 02/20/14 07:05:10 greet-text: none greet-audio: none private-ACL: none !ban I am not so sure about this one, but I thought the following: Is it possible and desirable to add autosetlvl 0 to the !ban cmd ? My point was the following: If you ban someone and he has some lvl on the server, that the !ban cmd does both: first set his lvl to 0 and then bans him for the desired time.This would avoid any double work, I think. With regards,