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  1. Welcome to the page on City Life RPG, A communtiy that has been running for 11 years now and is a Mod developed for Arma 3 and was one of the first of its kind. It features constant updates and bug fixes and details are found below. (Minimum age of 14) https://youtu.be/kOCpUC1kL2Q About Us: We started our community back in 2005 with only 3 dev team members and have grown it to what it is today. The Community & Role-Play:What do you want to do in City Life? Find yourself a job offered by the local government from cleaning the streets, operating the public transport, working for one of the emergency services, or better yet create jobs and have people work for you. There's plenty of ways to get by in City Life and the choices are all down to you. Join the community and become part of the story with each player bringing different aspects to the game and new ideas. Grab a few buddies and head up to the local lakes for a fishing trip, or head out to sea for some deep sea fishing! Or why not work within a team and rescue people at sea, helping others whenever possible? Then head over to the Emergency Medical Technicians. Fancy some action? Why not join up with the City Life Police Department (CLPD) Or maybe you'd rather earn that fast and easy cash from a bank robbery or run your very own drug operations? The choices are all down to you! The only thing you need here at City Life is imagination! City Life Shops:Got some extra cash and enjoy treating yourselves? We've got plenty of different shops for you to experience at City Life. Find everything from clothes shops, tool shops, weapons shops, different vehicle shops and much more. That's not all! City Life is all about delivering Role-Play with its own environment, buy the shops, stock the shops, compete with other shop owners to attract your customers. Senator:Think you've got what it takes to run the island? Communicate with the people of City Life? Keep yourself safe from competitors and those who might want their own in power? Maintain taxes and laws, and keep the peace on the island? We hope you've got what it'll take! Start launching that campaign and winning the election and see how the population judges you as City Life Senator. Public speeches and assistance from the City Life emergency services will help you somewhat, but remember it's easy to upset people by making changes and the Police certainly will not like an outbreak of public disorder! Emergency Medical Technicians:Accidents do happen in City Life unfortunately and this could be anything from a head on crash with another driver, mechanical failure on an aircraft and of course the odd shooting or two. Lucky for residents of City Life we have our Emergency Medical technicians (EMT's) who will respond to all medical and rescue related calls. If you're out at sea and find yourself in difficulty or lost up in the mountains then be sure to contact the EMT's! Players are able to join this service and will be trained to operate under the EMT's guidelines and rescues procedures. It's a stressful job and certainly not one for all! Our EMT's will help all parts of the community and therefore take a neutral standing whilst assisting Police and Civilian sides. Further information can be found about the EMT's on the server rule page and on our forums. Police:From minor speeding offences, vandalism and drunks, to serious bank robberies, drug dealers, assaults, City Life Police force are equipped and ready to protect the innocent. Work in a truly unique environment offering a serious element of Role-Play as you carry out the duties of a Police Officer building your way up the different ranks and divisions. City Life provides its Officers with the local DMV information on all residents and a huge database built within the Police Computer to maintain law and order, updating criminal records, crime reports, personal records, and much more! . Further information can be found about the Police on the server rule page and on our forums. Save system:You do not need to be worried about any loss in progression with your character on City Life. Our save system database is regularly backed up to maintain consistent game play to assure no disruption comes to our players. Of course we do our part! But players should frequently save manually at the various save points around the map. Using the save points will not only allow you to spawn back in at that location, but it'll backup all those hard earned skills, licenses, items, vehicles and even your criminal record! Map Location finder:Don't get lost! In City Life we have our own dynamic navigation system that will let you find your destination with a single map click. Find your way around easily and visit all those key destinations, useful for everyday use and also in the workplace for taxi drivers, bus drivers, emergency response, and much more, and a auto taxi service to take you wherever you need to go. DMV:Getting those licenses is not always an easy task! You will have to experience various different tests to obtain that driving license, truck license, boat license, pilot license, weapons license and much more! Each DMV test passed will give you further access to City Life environment with the ability to take on jobs and use shops where licences may be required. Of course, there's always other methods in City Life to get what you want, or drive without that license, but if you want to stay on the good side of the law, get down to your local DMV! Animations:City Life has always thrived on going the extra distances for its players and the community in which we support and love. In order to create that extra detail for those Role-Playing scenarios our animation team has created plenty of different actions that can either be selected by the player themselves or that are part of our scripts and will happen automatically. We can't wait for you to see the different amount of animations available to improve your game-play and Role-Playing experience with us at City Life RPG. Unbanning: The City Life RPG 3 MOD is quite strict on its rules so that we can maintain a healthy server. All none hacking bans can be reviewed once only so if you feel you where wronged and banned for no real reason please send an email to bannedclrpg@gmail.com with the following information: Username: ArmA3 GUID: Reason of your ban: Who banned you: Why you would like to be unbanned:
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