We are a Forum Community, Where you discuss about Gaming, Technology, Server Advertising, General Tutorials and plenty of useful debates. We are trying our best to be a great environment to meet people, share thoughts, support and other resources to benefit the community in a whole. Intense Gaming Forum Community is a brand new home for not only gamers but people who wish to discuss about matters without restrictions, that being said it doesn't mean you can post inappropriate materials or speak about things that are irrelevant. We are growing very nice and hope to keep forum status running smoothly. Our staff members are mature and professional they are willing to provide an entertaining atompshere for our members. We have many unique functions and features that can be earned by your activity and cooperation with fellow members. We are very strict and full responsible of our actions unlike other communities that doesn't give their members attention they need. Last and not least, we are hoping to gather a huge number of population. Have a wonderful day! Sincerely Administration Divison