The <IoW> Clan has recently switched to silEnT and would like to invite players of all skill levels to our server for fun games with a set of fun and easy-going people. Our server encourages objective-oriented team-play and is managed by an active group of fair admins and active clan members. IoW has been running ETPUB since 2004 and recently switched to silEnT. IP: Server Location: California, USA Active times: North American evening hours (best on weekends) Clan site: Slots: 16 public Server features: XP Save (60 hours) Spawn killing ALLOWED Spawn camping ALLOWED /kill ALLOWED Friendly Fire ON Map Voting configuration (32 maps) "Anything Goes" philosophy (panzer, mines, arty-whoring w/e) NO BOTS No HACKERS! Team work and objective play is HIGHLY encouraged Players of all skill levels, from seasoned TWL/ETPRO vets to new gamers Hope to see some new faces