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  1. Version 1.0


    Along with the 0.9.0 version of the silEnT mod the Extension Modules (aka Server Modules) were added. They allow to extend server mod with additional functionalities via loadable modules. Currently 2 modules are available: Statistics Module, Censor Module. Both can be enabled/disabled and configured in dedicated configuration. Documentation is provided inside the Server Modules zip package or can be found in our wiki.
  2. Version 0.9.0


    Enemy Territory modification. Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client.
  3. This is the first time im attempting to set a gaming server and never anything similar. I got a server for 48 people on gameservers. It runs and goes online without any apparent problems with et legacy 2.75, but then I can't really understand the instructions I have found online to install Silent mod on my ET legacy server. So looks like gameservers support team has been trying to help me loading silent mode with no success, I ask them to change fs_game setting to silent and change the executed config to silent.cfg I also unzipped the silent mod file in my pc and I see 2 folders, etmain and silent folders. I uploaded this 2 folders to my server root folder and this merged the contents of the etmain folder already located in my server and added the silent folder to my server, all this overwriting any existing files with the same name. Is there anything else I need to ask them to do to make it work, perhaps this? * In linux, the fs_homepath is by default a hidden folder at the user home directory. If this path is not set to the server installation, the silEnT will not be able to function fully. This value is usually set to have the same value as the fs_basepath. or I'm missing something else, I tried to follow all instructions but I'm not familiar at all with gaming servers and as i'm researching i'm learning for the first time all the process. but its a bit confusing with 0 background and everybody talks like they been doing this a long time and set paths and command lines i dont even know where to set them and stuff like that. I'm even thinking of making a dumbass illustrative guide to set a server from scratch or a youtube video well thank you for your help!
  4. My server is giving this error below please help me, thanks!! handle 1: etconsole.log ---------------------- 17606 files in pk3 files Sys_LoadDll(/usr/local/games/enemy-territory2/silent/qagame.mp.i386.so)... ok Sys_LoadDll(qagame) found **vmMain** at 0xef5c7800 Sys_LoadDll(qagame) succeeded! ------- Game Initialization ------- gamename: silEnT gamedate: Nov 22 2015 *=====Server Installation Check * Inspecting menu files ERROR: Modified file "ui/main.menu" found! File may not be modified. ** Found 1 errors. Please fix your modifications and try to start again. ----- Server Shutdown ----- Unloading Dynamic Server Modules Dynamic Server Modules Unloaded ShutdownGame: done. ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- Shutdown tty console
  5. silEnT mod version 0.8.0 is out! Information (Oct 06 2013 12:25 PM) Before you read below, we would like to inform you that there's been a 0.8.0 server patch created for 0.8.0 version. Download attachment: silent_0.8.0_server_patch.zip It fixes 1 defect that somehow slept into the release version, that is classes other than soldier could receive Improvised Demolition with the ammo pack. All of you who downloaded 0.8.0 before this information are advised to use this patch or download the full package again - it has been fixed already. We apologize for this small inconvenience. Download Change log: Version 0.8.0 Added: silEnT AntiCheat, this is an old feature existing several versions in the mod, that is now made public. Control the behaviour with g_silentac. Added: New read only cvar, sv_sac. When silEnT AC is set to autoban, this cvar is set. This cvar can be used by external server trackers to enable/disable server anti cheat status on their lists. Added: New Lua hook et_IntermissionStarts( round ). This hook is called right before the intermission. So that any changes to the cvars in the script, will take effect before the actual intermission. Do note that this will not run in the background and the script will need to exit fast just like always during the game. Added: New g_logOptions flag 16384. When this flag is set, the admin log will use new format. Added: minimizer, so far for linux only (minimize via menu or /minimize command). Added: new weapon for Soldier: Improvised Demolition Charge (g_enableDemolition cvar). Added: g_recognition cvar to enable/disable additional recognition notifications for players doing objective. Added: !country command that displays the country of the player. Added: g_muteRename cvar which, if enabled (set to 1), doesn't allow the muted player to change his name. Added: cg_debugBullets. In combination with g_debugBullets, it can be used to visually test the antilag. Improved: UI - items selected by keyboard (TAB, arrows) drawn as hovered, now we know which one has focus. Improved: danger zone marker size based on the map size. Fixed: Distorted player icon in map when in spectator and wide screen aspect ratio. Fixed: Player scoreboard no longer displays 0.000 to PRW or KR when server doesn't have those enabled but the client cg_scoreboard cvar is set to show those. Fixed: XP save doesn't need to be enabled to save mutes, weapon statistic, KR or PRW. Fixed: Wrong compass grid and map position with widescreen. Fixed: Antilag issue regarding Omni-bots. The Omni-bot hitboxes were not in the place where the players saw the bots while running. Fixed: Last blood message was not printed if the client number of the player who made the last kill was 0. Fixed: MG42 will not make headshots unless enabled. Fixed: Many typos regarding log prints on reading different config files. Fixed: Announcement positions for custom max values. Fixed: osp fight sound not played fully (if the sound is longer). Fixed: Memory leak in Lua et.trap_FS_Read. Fixed: panzerwar bugs: 1) g_maxPanzerScuicides behavior, 2) weapon charge bar behavior, 3) panzerfaust auto switching to nades after couple fires Fixed: giba minor bug (did not gib players that were protected by g_spawnInvul) Fixed: Panzerwar and sniperwar no longer lose original weapon values when map changes. Fixed: Missing head box when g_debugBullets is 3 or higher. Fixed: Fixed no_ammo icon shown for binoculars (g_weapons, flag 8192) Fixed: riflewar bug with animation of grenade being unloaded after each shot. Fixed: Very rare client crash. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  6. silEnT mod version 0.8.0 is out! Information (Oct 06 2013 12:25 PM) Before you read below, we would like to inform you that there's been a 0.8.0 server patch created for 0.8.0 version. silent_0.8.0_server_patch.zip It fixes 1 defect that somehow slept into the release version, that is classes other than soldier could receive Improvised Demolition with the ammo pack. All of you who downloaded 0.8.0 before this information are advised to use this patch or download the full package again - it has been fixed already. We apologize for this small inconvenience. Download Change log: Version 0.8.0 Added: silEnT AntiCheat, this is an old feature existing several versions in the mod, that is now made public. Control the behaviour with g_silentac. Added: New read only cvar, sv_sac. When silEnT AC is set to autoban, this cvar is set. This cvar can be used by external server trackers to enable/disable server anti cheat status on their lists. Added: New Lua hook et_IntermissionStarts( round ). This hook is called right before the intermission. So that any changes to the cvars in the script, will take effect before the actual intermission. Do note that this will not run in the background and the script will need to exit fast just like always during the game. Added: New g_logOptions flag 16384. When this flag is set, the admin log will use new format. Added: minimizer, so far for linux only (minimize via menu or /minimize command). Added: new weapon for Soldier: Improvised Demolition Charge (g_enableDemolition cvar). Added: g_recognition cvar to enable/disable additional recognition notifications for players doing objective. Added: !country command that displays the country of the player. Added: g_muteRename cvar which, if enabled (set to 1), doesn't allow the muted player to change his name. Added: cg_debugBullets. In combination with g_debugBullets, it can be used to visually test the antilag. Improved: UI - items selected by keyboard (TAB, arrows) drawn as hovered, now we know which one has focus. Improved: danger zone marker size based on the map size. Fixed: Distorted player icon in map when in spectator and wide screen aspect ratio. Fixed: Player scoreboard no longer displays 0.000 to PRW or KR when server doesn't have those enabled but the client cg_scoreboard cvar is set to show those. Fixed: XP save doesn't need to be enabled to save mutes, weapon statistic, KR or PRW. Fixed: Wrong compass grid and map position with widescreen. Fixed: Antilag issue regarding Omni-bots. The Omni-bot hitboxes were not in the place where the players saw the bots while running. Fixed: Last blood message was not printed if the client number of the player who made the last kill was 0. Fixed: MG42 will not make headshots unless enabled. Fixed: Many typos regarding log prints on reading different config files. Fixed: Announcement positions for custom max values. Fixed: osp fight sound not played fully (if the sound is longer). Fixed: Memory leak in Lua et.trap_FS_Read. Fixed: panzerwar bugs: 1) g_maxPanzerScuicides behavior, 2) weapon charge bar behavior, 3) panzerfaust auto switching to nades after couple fires Fixed: giba minor bug (did not gib players that were protected by g_spawnInvul) Fixed: Panzerwar and sniperwar no longer lose original weapon values when map changes. Fixed: Missing head box when g_debugBullets is 3 or higher. Fixed: Fixed no_ammo icon shown for binoculars (g_weapons, flag 8192) Fixed: riflewar bug with animation of grenade being unloaded after each shot. Fixed: Very rare client crash. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  7. silEnT mod version 0.9.0 is out! Important We have found recently that there is a bug in the censoring which disables the functionality completely. We have fixed it and updated the package. Everyone who downloaded the 0.9.0 package before 22.11.2015 is advised to download the updated package and update his/her server binaries. Download Change log: Version 0.9.0 Added: Server customizable menu that is opened in addition to the silEnT mod menu. Added: Possibility for admins to modify the loading screen of their server. As opposed to modifying the loading screen of every server. Added: New client command mem_report. This command prints diagnostics of the client memory pooling. Added: New client cvars: cg_numPopups, cg_popupStayTime and cg_popupFadeTime for controlling popup behaviour. Added: Server checks the setup and refuses to start if problems are found. This includes checks that official menus are not modified. Added: New option g_forceLimboHealth 2, which matches the ETPro gib damage (125).The option 1 remains as the original ETPub gib health (150). Added: Rate setting is incresed automatically step by step if fragmented snapshots are received from the server. This improves the playability and removes the need to force this setting to players. Added: Server extension modules. With this technology, server functionality can be expanded to various tasks without bloating the qagame library or forcing every admin to use same extension. Added: Statistics module. This module collects various game play data into a relational database. Current choices are SQLit3 and PostgreSQL. Added: Censor module. This module can be configured to censor names and chat with real regular expressions. Added: new fun wars: !knifewar, !stenwar, !riflenadewar, !rifleshootwar, !pistolwar (added g_headshot bitmask value 4 to control instagib of headshot for pistolwar). Added: New server cvar: g_incognitoCountryFlag to control the country flag displayed for the incognito admin. Added: If g_dmg is set server side, body hitsounds have different volumes depending of the damage. This can be disabled by the players. Added: Forcing some cvars is now restricted. These include the client side hitsound selection and theme. Added: Player screenshots. Now admins can take player screenshots which works same as PB screenshots. 2.6b clients supported. Screenshot will have Server name, IP, Player Name, silEnT GUID, PB GUID and Player IP in it. Fixed: G_QueryClientCvar/et_CvarValue can no longer be used to query rcon password. Fixed: In silEnT AC a part of the Anti-Cheat was not compiled into the mod in version 0.8.2. This resulted some previously known cheats to not getting detected. Fixed: The arm hit detection was not working correctly from the side shots. Fixed by adding additional temporary box for the torso. Fixed: !rename admin command doesn't allow adding backslashes to names anymore. Fixed: sv_cvar OUT handling. Fixed: Objective carry icon counting spectators too. Fixed: Crashes related to UI_Alloc running out of memory. It does not run out of memory. Fixed: Ties on highest fragger are solved by comparing kill/death difference. I.e. less deaths will win. Fixed: When g_realbody was set to 1. With certain crouch animations the middle box was not high enough to cover shoulders. Fixed: Ties on the most headshots are solved by comparing the amount of shots fired to reach the amount. The player with less shots fired will win. Fixed: et_UpgradeSkill Lua hook was passing invalid client numbers to scripts. Fixed: Allied hand grenades erroneously recorded kills as axis hand grenades. This change should be noted by all log parsers that parse MOD_ values from kills. Fixed: g_headshot bitmask value 2. It used to apply the g_instagibDamage to every hit. Fixed to apply the damage to only headshots. Fixed: tripmine palcement bug leading to exploit (thanks to Beck for the report). Fixed: theme bug regarding small titled windows. Fixed: report bug official menu had bad background definition (with widescreen). Fixed: The g_weapons flag 32768 was treated as always enabled if any of the g_weapons flags was set. Fixed: Missing ETPro icon from the SD credits menu. Fixed: Non-literal characters not allowed in names anymore. Fixed: Omni-bot + tripmine crash when the map script is missing "script_multiplayer". Removed: ui_autoredirect client cvar. This is used to hack player games. Redirecting still works, but players are presented a choice in a popup. Improved: rifle war nade shooting is not influenced by the charge bar anymore. Improved: Menus cleaned. All options can be found under the Options button. Changed: silEnT mod uses now LUA 5.3. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  8. silEnT mod version 0.9.0 is out! Important We have found recently that there is a bug in the censoring which disables the functionality completely. We have fixed it and updated the package. Everyone who downloaded the 0.9.0 package before 22.11.2015 is advised to download the updated package and update his/her server binaries. Download Change log: Version 0.9.0 Added: Server customizable menu that is opened in addition to the silEnT mod menu. Added: Possibility for admins to modify the loading screen of their server. As opposed to modifying the loading screen of every server. Added: New client command mem_report. This command prints diagnostics of the client memory pooling. Added: New client cvars: cg_numPopups, cg_popupStayTime and cg_popupFadeTime for controlling popup behaviour. Added: Server checks the setup and refuses to start if problems are found. This includes checks that official menus are not modified. Added: New option g_forceLimboHealth 2, which matches the ETPro gib damage (125).The option 1 remains as the original ETPub gib health (150). Added: Rate setting is incresed automatically step by step if fragmented snapshots are received from the server. This improves the playability and removes the need to force this setting to players. Added: Server extension modules. With this technology, server functionality can be expanded to various tasks without bloating the qagame library or forcing every admin to use same extension. Added: Statistics module. This module collects various game play data into a relational database. Current choices are SQLit3 and PostgreSQL. Added: Censor module. This module can be configured to censor names and chat with real regular expressions. Added: new fun wars: !knifewar, !stenwar, !riflenadewar, !rifleshootwar, !pistolwar (added g_headshot bitmask value 4 to control instagib of headshot for pistolwar). Added: New server cvar: g_incognitoCountryFlag to control the country flag displayed for the incognito admin. Added: If g_dmg is set server side, body hitsounds have different volumes depending of the damage. This can be disabled by the players. Added: Forcing some cvars is now restricted. These include the client side hitsound selection and theme. Added: Player screenshots. Now admins can take player screenshots which works same as PB screenshots. 2.6b clients supported. Screenshot will have Server name, IP, Player Name, silEnT GUID, PB GUID and Player IP in it. Fixed: G_QueryClientCvar/et_CvarValue can no longer be used to query rcon password. Fixed: In silEnT AC a part of the Anti-Cheat was not compiled into the mod in version 0.8.2. This resulted some previously known cheats to not getting detected. Fixed: The arm hit detection was not working correctly from the side shots. Fixed by adding additional temporary box for the torso. Fixed: !rename admin command doesn't allow adding backslashes to names anymore. Fixed: sv_cvar OUT handling. Fixed: Objective carry icon counting spectators too. Fixed: Crashes related to UI_Alloc running out of memory. It does not run out of memory. Fixed: Ties on highest fragger are solved by comparing kill/death difference. I.e. less deaths will win. Fixed: When g_realbody was set to 1. With certain crouch animations the middle box was not high enough to cover shoulders. Fixed: Ties on the most headshots are solved by comparing the amount of shots fired to reach the amount. The player with less shots fired will win. Fixed: et_UpgradeSkill Lua hook was passing invalid client numbers to scripts. Fixed: Allied hand grenades erroneously recorded kills as axis hand grenades. This change should be noted by all log parsers that parse MOD_ values from kills. Fixed: g_headshot bitmask value 2. It used to apply the g_instagibDamage to every hit. Fixed to apply the damage to only headshots. Fixed: tripmine palcement bug leading to exploit (thanks to Beck for the report). Fixed: theme bug regarding small titled windows. Fixed: report bug official menu had bad background definition (with widescreen). Fixed: The g_weapons flag 32768 was treated as always enabled if any of the g_weapons flags was set. Fixed: Missing ETPro icon from the SD credits menu. Fixed: Non-literal characters not allowed in names anymore. Fixed: Omni-bot + tripmine crash when the map script is missing "script_multiplayer". Removed: ui_autoredirect client cvar. This is used to hack player games. Redirecting still works, but players are presented a choice in a popup. Improved: rifle war nade shooting is not influenced by the charge bar anymore. Improved: Menus cleaned. All options can be found under the Options button. Changed: silEnT mod uses now LUA 5.3. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  9. http://hastebin.com/kuhofepafa.tex
  10. TheSilencerPL and authors modification: Add the for modification silEnT "New Weapons" for better game. "New Weapons" - between others: - Venom Gun; http://iv.pl/images/47120610135795856780.jpg - Bar; http://iv.pl/images/49557278833138653401.jpg - Shotgun; http://iv.pl/images/03962499425263572481.jpg - Mobile Browning (MG42) - skin allies team; http://iv.pl/images/78528455787395690887.jpg - Sturmgewehr MP44; http://iv.pl/images/38423878991310355868.jpg - MP34; http://iv.pl/images/53970344691573859569.jpg - Bazooka - skin allies team (no panzerfaust);http://iv.pl/images/14179875655686374556.jpg - Tesla Gun; http://iv.pl/images/28423502968391989077.jpg Adding files weapons, sounds, weap and weaponscard03.tga. How something is missing please write. Please consider the idea. Thank you!!! =ZT= http://sendfile.pl/pokaz/464259---rOAh.html
  11. #AxE| clan has reborned again! We have a new silEnT server with 22 slots. We have also gathered many old members back together so you might see many familiar players on our server. See you on the battlefield! http://srvsigs.splatterladder.com/4/759320.jpg Server Info: Server IP: Mod: silEnT 0.8.2 Double Jump: OFF Punkbuster: OFF Server Location: Netherlands FriendlyFire: OFF BalancedTeams: ON Slots: 22 Gametype: Map-voting XPsave: Forever Shotgun: Disabled Adrenaline: Disabled Throwing Knives: Disabled Server Rules: 1. No Swearing 2. No Cheating 3. No SpawnKilling 4. Respect Admins and Players We are recruiting! Our forums: http://axeclan.foorumini.com/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/axeclanet Our youtube frag movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7lkrSM9yrU&feature=youtu.be
  12. silEnT mod version 0.8.2 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.8.2 Added: g_goatSound server cvar to enable/disable goat sounds on knife kills. Added: enemy team objective carry indicator (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/3165-objective-captured-visual-screen-indicator/). Use g_misc flag 1024 to enable it on the server and cg_objcarry client cvar to enable it in the HUD. Fixed: Players carrying objectives are now shown correctly. Fixed: !useredit was not able to set level higher than 99 when executed as rcon. !setlevel was working correctly. Fixed: The name of the disguised covert op was not drawn to spectators. Fixed: The class icon in the crosshair player name to be the current class instead of the latched class. Fixed: wm_sayPlayerClass now announces the latched class correctly, even when using class swithcer. Fixed: If map voting was enabled but g_mapVoteFlags 4 was not enabled. It was possible to issue multiple votes by hand using /mapvote command. Fixed: debriefing screen buttons didn't handle highlight theme parameter properly. Fixed: The output of finger command didn't show warnings if there were more then 2 in total. Fixed: UI crash in menu (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-242-client-game-crashes-in-menu/) Fixed: Minor bug with g_maxPanzerSuicides introduced in 0.8.0. If panzer suicides were disallowed completely, the player was not informed about it. Fixed: g_muteRename allowed to change the name when player used /reconnect (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-248-possible-bug-g-muterename/) Fixed: When unmuting/muting during intermission/warmup, the mute wasn't saved. Fixed: cg_effectDistance was affecting the played sounds. Fixed: g_classWeapons not working for class command (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-252-g-classweapons-not-fully-working/) Fixed: class command not handling secondary weapon parameter properly, it didn't influence the limbo menu, e.g. /class s 3 2 wouldn't select akimbo pistols or SMG as secondary in limbo. Fixed: switching problem with double SMG (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-244-cant-switch-to-primary-when-having-two-smgs/) Improved: If player is completely dead in the game, the scoreboard shows the player's latched class to other team members. Improved: UI tabbing to edit field makes it focused. Improved: limbo weapons menu for soldier class. Improved: sort order of the map vote menu map list. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  13. silEnT mod version 0.8.2 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.8.2 Added: g_goatSound server cvar to enable/disable goat sounds on knife kills. Added: enemy team objective carry indicator (http://mygamingtalk....reen-indicator/). Use g_misc flag 1024 to enable it on the server and cg_objcarry client cvar to enable it in the HUD. Fixed: Players carrying objectives are now shown correctly. Fixed: !useredit was not able to set level higher than 99 when executed as rcon. !setlevel was working correctly. Fixed: The name of the disguised covert op was not drawn to spectators. Fixed: The class icon in the crosshair player name to be the current class instead of the latched class. Fixed: wm_sayPlayerClass now announces the latched class correctly, even when using class swithcer. Fixed: If map voting was enabled but g_mapVoteFlags 4 was not enabled. It was possible to issue multiple votes by hand using /mapvote command. Fixed: debriefing screen buttons didn't handle highlight theme parameter properly. Fixed: The output of finger command didn't show warnings if there were more than 2 in total. Fixed: UI crash in menu (http://mygamingtalk....rashes-in-menu/) Fixed: Minor bug with g_maxPanzerSuicides introduced in 0.8.0. If panzer suicides were disallowed completely, the player was not informed about it. Fixed: g_muteRename allowed to change the name when player used /reconnect (http://mygamingtalk....g-g-muterename/) Fixed: When unmuting/muting during intermission/warmup, the mute wasn't saved. Fixed: cg_effectDistance was affecting the played sounds. Fixed: g_classWeapons not working for class command (http://mygamingtalk....-fully-working/) Fixed: class command not handling secondary weapon parameter properly, it didn't influence the limbo menu, e.g. /class s 3 2 wouldn't select akimbo pistols or SMG as secondary in limbo. Fixed: switching problem with double SMG (http://mygamingtalk....aving-two-smgs/) Improved: If player is completely dead in the game, the scoreboard shows the player's latched class to other team members. Improved: UI tabbing to edit field makes it focused. Improved: limbo weapons menu for soldier class. Improved: sort order of the map vote menu map list. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  14. 102 downloads

    Spree sounds pk3 ready for use with silent mod.
  15. silEnT mod version 0.8.1 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.8.1 Added: Flag 32 to g_disableComplaints to disable complaints completely. Added: ETPro style g_proneDelay. Added: Custom, admin defined, votes. Added: 3rd UI theme that resembles the original ET look. Added: MorphOS support. Improved: engineer work progress bar (construct/arm/disarm) and covert ops progress bar (mines spotting, uniform stealing) - added background to display the amount of work to do. Fixed: Some text bugs related to g_recognition cvar. Fixed: ETTV clients were kicked for not having silEnT GUIDs. Fixed: Admin log was missing some data with g_logOption 16384. Also, new format with admin log when using this option. Fixed: Client exploit affecting various mods which caused the server to stall until the engine watchdog triggered. Fixed: The shrubbot.cfg configuration file is cleaned automatically from expired bans and warnings on each map start. Instead of waiting for it to be written as a result of an admin command. Fixed: Memory leak with subnet bans. Fixed: Axis covertop couldn't select pistols through weapon banks. Fixed: UI; tooltip text color theming. Fixed: Improvised Demolition not showing up in final map stats. Fixed: mines spotting progress bar not always displayed. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  16. silEnT mod version 0.8.1 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.8.1 Added: Flag 32 to g_disableComplaints to disable complaints completely. Added: ETPro style g_proneDelay. Added: Custom, admin defined, votes. Added: 3rd UI theme that resembles the original ET look. Added: MorphOS support. Improved: engineer work progress bar (construct/arm/disarm) and covert ops progress bar (mines spotting, uniform stealing) - added background to display the amount of work to do. Fixed: Some text bugs related to g_recognition cvar. Fixed: ETTV clients were kicked for not having silEnT GUIDs. Fixed: Admin log was missing some data with g_logOption 16384. Also, new format with admin log when using this option. Fixed: Client exploit affecting various mods which caused the server to stall until the engine watchdog triggered. Fixed: The shrubbot.cfg configuration file is cleaned automatically from expired bans and warnings on each map start. Instead of waiting for it to be written as a result of an admin command. Fixed: Memory leak with subnet bans. Fixed: Axis covertop couldn't select pistols through weapon banks. Fixed: UI; tooltip text color theming. Fixed: Improvised Demolition not showing up in final map stats. Fixed: mines spotting progress bar not always displayed. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  17. Hello, Wanted to present our Clan here. Saints and Sinners We are quite new Clan and this is my first own Clan and own first server. Here are some details: IP: MOD: silEnT 0.8.1 Protocol:ET 2.60b Gametype:Campaign Bots:Yes (but can be removed) Slots: 27+3 Settings: - Antilag is Enabled - FriendlyFire is Enabled - Heavy Weapons Restrictions are Enabled - Balanced Teams are Enabled - Punkbuster protected - silEnT AC Enabled - g_recognition is Enabled - g_enabledDemolition is Enabled Current map rotation is with 40 maps. More info and rules at: www.saints-sinners.org Everyone is welcomed to play and have fun.
  18. File Name: silEnT File Submitter: TheSilencerPL File Submitted: 05 Oct 2013 File Category: Mods Enemy Territory modification. Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client. Click here to download this file
  19. Hi, I need a link to download ET 3.0.0 so I could install it on my silent. Please make me someone dropped a link to download and a little instruction on how to install. Thank you in advance for your help.
  20. Hi, I have problem with shrubbot system, which crashed. Thus I can't use commands from a file shrubbot.cfg or !ReadConfig. The first time the problem showed up a few days ago, then it effectively terminated my final 20% shrubbot.cfg file and added to the end of [subnetban] a few strange names of the * or %. There is a example code with strange subnetbans - http://wklej.org/id/1028865/. Then it turned off the server for about five minutes I have uploaded a spare shrubbot and turned on and working. But now the problem occurred again, this time not effectively terminated file but added a strange subnets. Update to the new versions of Silent did not help. Our web hosting does not understand the error, and it can not help us. Please help me.
  21. silEnT mod version 0.7.2 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.7.2 Added: Lua can access sess.rating, sess.rating_variance, sess.overall_killrating and sess.overall_killvariance with gentity_get function. These values are read only. Fixed: Tapping new weapon while reloading the old weapon, could result changing to a new weapon after reloading but when switching back, the old weapon was empty (http://mygamingtalk....-184-reload-bug) Fixed: Class restriction bug introduced in 0.7.0. Fixed: Limbo panel displays the latched class. Always. Introduced in 0.7.1. Fixed: !givexp performs proper skill upgrade for the player. Fixed: panzerwar mode: shooting panzerfaust (in regard to chargebar) and run speed. Fixed: Omni-bots stealing restricted weapons from other players. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  22. silEnT mod version 0.7.2 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.7.2 Added: Lua can access sess.rating, sess.rating_variance, sess.overall_killrating and sess.overall_killvariance with gentity_get function. These values are read only. Fixed: Tapping new weapon while reloading the old weapon, could result changing to a new weapon after reloading but when switching back, the old weapon was empty (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-184-reload-bug) Fixed: Class restriction bug introduced in 0.7.0. Fixed: Limbo panel displays the latched class. Always. Introduced in 0.7.1. Fixed: !givexp performs proper skill upgrade for the player. Fixed: panzerwar mode: shooting panzerfaust (in regard to chargebar) and run speed. Fixed: Omni-bots stealing restricted weapons from other players. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  23. silEnT mod version 0.7.1 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.7.1 Fixed: Spawning with non selected class bug introduced in 0.7.0. Fixed: Enemy player positions seen by covert ops in the compass. Version 0.7.0 Added: New rcon command dbcleanup that can be used to clean up the database records. The command includes removing duplicated or unusable records and GUID checks. Added: New shrubbot command !teamstats that can be used to see the player kill and ratings statistics from one team. Added: Shrubbot flags 6(does not need to specify a reason) and 8(does not need to specify a duration) now work with the !mute command. Added: g_maxIgnoresPerMap server cvar. This controls how many times one player can ignore another player during one map and stops players from spamming others with the ignore command. Added: g_killRating flag 8. With this flag admins can disable kill rating from the scoreboards. This does not have effect on the flag 2. Added: Full body prediction from ETPub. g_misc flag 512. Same as ETPub g_misc 32+256. This makes it harder to get inside walls etc, but can also cause problems when proning through windows etc. Added: Danger zones - new covert ops function/ability (read more in the documentation or here: http://mygamingtalk....silent-mod-r105) Added: icons for popup messages (ammo, medpacks, danger zones). Added: new flag 32768 to g_weapons cvar - causes the player that shot the tripmine (and by this killed other player) to score the kill Improved: timerset and resettimer commands can be used during warmup Improved: some improvements to the screen resolutions chooser. Improved: !finger command now also displays warnings issued to the player if there are any. Improved: compass command map drawing. Improved: crazygravity and crazyspeed commands can be tuned by additional cvars if default values are not enough (g_min_crazyspeed, g_max_crazyspeed, g_min_crazygravity, g_max_crazygravity). Fixed: When banning from team damage, only using shrubbot bans without specifying the kick time. Fixed: Some command map icons were missing when in spectator team. Fixed: When switching from rifle to another weapon too fast after firing the grenade and switching back to the rifle, the weapon was in the alternate mode but without loaded grenade. Fixed: Many prediction errors. Including double dropping the panzer shell after shot. Fixed: Players can no longer select classes that are not available in the limbo menu. Fixed: Only real characters allowed in names. Fixed: If the selected weapon is not available for next spawn, the class command will not change the class. Fixed: The condition with g_classWeapons settings and weapon limitations that caused players to get kicked from the server when clicking the team button. Fixed: Bug in the handling of g_spectator flag 1. Players were able to enter opponent players after all teammates were dead. Fixed: Client crashes related to cg_gun_frame being set. Fixed: !subnets command was printing itself as showsbans instead of subnets. Fixed: Reading subnet bans with full octets and treating them as partial. Also writing them as partial on next shrubbot write. Fixed: g_classWeapons too restrictive, couldn't pick up enemy SMGs from the ground. Fixed: g_classWeapons with g_mode. When g_mode was set to 8 Thompson and MP40 couldn't be picked up by coverts. Fixed: command map entities were not removed on team switch/disconnect. Concerned: landmines, trip mines, danger zone markers. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team Click here to view the article
  24. silEnT mod version 0.7.1 is out! Download Change log: Version 0.7.1 Fixed: Spawning with non selected class bug introduced in 0.7.0. Fixed: Enemy player positions seen by covert ops in the compass. Version 0.7.0 Added: New rcon command dbcleanup that can be used to clean up the database records. The command includes removing duplicated or unusable records and GUID checks. Added: New shrubbot command !teamstats that can be used to see the player kill and ratings statistics from one team. Added: Shrubbot flags 6(does not need to specify a reason) and 8(does not need to specify a duration) now work with the !mute command. Added: g_maxIgnoresPerMap server cvar. This controls how many times one player can ignore another player during one map and stops players from spamming others with the ignore command. Added: g_killRating flag 8. With this flag admins can disable kill rating from the scoreboards. This does not have effect on the flag 2. Added: Full body prediction from ETPub. g_misc flag 512. Same as ETPub g_misc 32+256. This makes it harder to get inside walls etc, but can also cause problems when proning through windows etc. Added: Danger zones - new covert ops function/ability (read more in the documentation or here: http://mygamingtalk.com/_/news/pcgames/danger-zones-in-silent-mod-r105) Added: icons for popup messages (ammo, medpacks, danger zones). Added: new flag 32768 to g_weapons cvar - causes the player that shot the tripmine (and by this killed other player) to score the kill Improved: timerset and resettimer commands can be used during warmup Improved: some improvements to the screen resolutions chooser. Improved: !finger command now also displays warnings issued to the player if there are any. Improved: compass command map drawing. Improved: crazygravity and crazyspeed commands can be tuned by additional cvars if default values are not enough (g_min_crazyspeed, g_max_crazyspeed, g_min_crazygravity, g_max_crazygravity). Fixed: When banning from team damage, only using shrubbot bans without specifying the kick time. Fixed: Some command map icons were missing when in spectator team. Fixed: When switching from rifle to another weapon too fast after firing the grenade and switching back to the rifle, the weapon was in the alternate mode but without loaded grenade. Fixed: Many prediction errors. Including double dropping the panzer shell after shot. Fixed: Players can no longer select classes that are not available in the limbo menu. Fixed: Only real characters allowed in names. Fixed: If the selected weapon is not available for next spawn, the class command will not change the class. Fixed: The condition with g_classWeapons settings and weapon limitations that caused players to get kicked from the server when clicking the team button. Fixed: Bug in the handling of g_spectator flag 1. Players were able to enter opponent players after all teammates were dead. Fixed: Client crashes related to cg_gun_frame being set. Fixed: !subnets command was printing itself as showsbans instead of subnets. Fixed: Reading subnet bans with full octets and treating them as partial. Also writing them as partial on next shrubbot write. Fixed: g_classWeapons too restrictive, couldn't pick up enemy SMGs from the ground. Fixed: g_classWeapons with g_mode. When g_mode was set to 8 Thompson and MP40 couldn't be picked up by coverts. Fixed: command map entities were not removed on team switch/disconnect. Concerned: landmines, trip mines, danger zone markers. Download Enjoy! silEnT mod team
  25. Danger Zones With version 0.7.0 silEnT mod introduced new covert ops class ability. This is the short introduction of this feature. Danger zones are areas on the map that covert ops can mark on the command map and by this means notify his team members about some special (in general) danger in those places. It can be of any type, like: arty, heavy defense fire, MG camper, or whatever players find dangerous for their team at that particular moment of game play. To mark the danger zone look through binoculars and press left mouse button (attack key - whatever it is). Danger zone is now marked: Once the danger zone is marked by Covert Ops it starts to be visible on the compass and command map and lasts for 30 seconds. By default each team can mark up to 2 danger zones. Admins can control this number by g_maxMarkers cvar. In addition, if the command map is built, players are notified about entering and leaving the danger zones by sound, text notifications and Danger Zone HUD element. Danger zone enter notification: Danger zone leave notification: Danger zone HUD element is visible while player is inside the danger zone. Danger Zones notifications, sound and leave notification can be controlled in the silEnT HUD UI menu. Danger zones configuration menu: Different locations: Danger zone notification sound: Danger zone leave notification: Click here to view the article
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